New Mexico Board Votes Against Creationism
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Thanks, Everyone


This was the headline I came across this morning while perusing the San Francisco Examiner Online. To read the article CLICK HERE. Here is another well-written, comprehensive article from the Albuquerque Journal.

I must say, given the recent events in Kansas and Kentucky of state school boards succumbing to fundamentalist religious pressure, I was elated by the announcement. I felt extremely proud, knowing that my home state, my beloved New Mexico had turned the tide and was willing to stand up for science education in the public schools.

I realize that my public support of this courageous decision by our State Board of Education might garner a little criticism ...so be it. Anyone so inclined is welcome to send me a Letter to the Website Editor by CLICKING HERE.

It's been my policy in the past to at least TRY to not start things by voicing my opinions, though I haven't always been successful. However, the issue of separation of church and state, and upholding the intellectual integrity of our educational institutions is one which is very dear to my heart.

Compared with the recent actions in Kansas and Kentucky, the New Mexico State Board of Education has held up a beacon to light our way out of the dark ages and into the new millennium. I'm very proud of their action, and I've very proud to be a New Mexican!

---Jerry Phillips, website editor (Sorry...feeling a little like John Hancock at the moment)

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