"Jalapenos" Storage Page
The visitors side grandstands were wery small, but full of Jal people who had come to the game. We were welcomed warmly by everybody: Jack and Minnie Hedgpeth, John and Audrey Cooper, especially.
They even shared their blankets with us. The "glue" of the bond between all of us Jalites (Jalapenos) wraps around you like a hug and draws you back into the fold, no matter how long you've been gone. For me, it's a wondrous thing.
It's a feeling of always belonging, of always having roots. Jal people really do stick together, and it's because of the "glue" of our shared memories, unspoken (or spoken) feelings of kinship, and love of each other.
---Mary Grayce
You're right about the 'glue' and the strong bond between Jal folks. Your mention of the game at Loving caused me to experience a flashback. I was in the 7th grade, you would have been in the 8th, and the Jal band, under the direction of George Hill, had gone to Loving to give a concert and clinic. We sat in on a rehearsal with the Loving band and played along on some pieces of music they were working on.
There are two things that I remember very clearly: one of the numbers we rehearsed was a Disney medley from 'Peter Pan'.... and during a break, as I walked across the school playground, someone's pet raven tried to light on my head. I think I outran him. Hitchcock's movie 'The Birds' hadn't been made yet, or I might have really panicked.
Just wondered if you or any of the other band members of that era remember that particular trip or have any stories of their own to tell about it?
This is fun, Jerry Phillips
Thank you very, very much for creating the "Jalapeno" message board! I just know it will be wonderful for I have enjoyed your snail mail messages updating me on the "Jalapenos" for two years now. I have always very much looked forward to your letters and appreciated you for taking the time to write them just as I appreciate you now for taking the time to do this for all of the rest of us.
Love, Dana
I don't have a computer set up yet, but am working on it.
J.R. Galle, Darlyne and I will be waiting to hear from you.!!
Mary Grayce 212 North Ash Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220 (505) 887-1243 home phone (505) 887-5501 work (Carlsbad Current Argus Newspaper)
We moved to Jal when I was 3 years old and my sister Linda was about 6 months. I can remember the road between Jal and Carlsbad being a dirt road. My brothers, my sister and I each attended all 12 years of school in Jal, and this was before kindergarten was there. All of my growing-up years were in Jal, and it was a great place for a kid to be. When we were teenagers, we griped and complained that there was nothing to do and Jal was the oldest town in the United States, but I have come to realize that was a big part of its charm. In my heart of hearts, Jal always was, and always will be, my hometown. When I am asked where I'm from, I always say Jal. To me, Jal is the glue that holds us together. It doesn't matter where I've been, I always seem to run into someone who has lived there, or has kin there, or knows somebody else from there, etc. I can't say if this is true for all small towns, but it sure is for mine. I know that not everybody feels like I do, and that's OK for them. But for me, I'm grateful for my roots and for the people and events that make up the tapestry of my life. A couple of years ago here in Carlsbad, I met Carol Elliott Shanks. She had grown up in Jal and lived in General Camp, but is several years younger than me so I didn't know her. We got acquainted and have become very good friends. That might have been true no matter when or where we met, but it was the fact that we both came from Jal that interested us in each other. Since than, we have discovered so many memories and feelings that we have in common. Jal glue again. P.S. This was written by Mary Grayce and forwarded to me to post to JHS Homepage
Hi to everyone from Exeter, NH...
The first time I noticed the logo of "Jalapenos", I instantly experienced the "JAL EXPERIENCE" identification process that us folks associate with the application of the now famous "JAL GLUE"
Speaking of jalapenos, I still love to eat any type of chili regardless if it is breakfast, lunch or dinner. It still raises an eybrow or two up here in the north country, but that in itself is another fun experience.
Amazingly, it doesn't take much more than an overnighter for one to be in touch with Jal's wondourous gift of bonding. I do know that Jal has been in a corner of my heart ever since I left and it will remain so till my departure for the Happy Hunting Ground.
Thanks again to Jerry Phillips and all of the new and old friends I am now in touch with.
Sid Starnes 20 Beech Hill Rd., L-12 Exeter, NH 03833 (603 778-1587
One trip to Myer's Print Shop in Carlsbad, NM in 1996 immediately cast a special character into my life, Mary Grayce Wright. As our friendship grew and we began sharing our life's journey, the parallelisms began unfolding, extending back into our early childhood days in Jal. A kindred friendship has developed between us and many new adventures have been shared. I sense we have been friends forever. What is it about "Jal People"? We are a unique tribe and I feel very fortunate and lucky to have had that opportunity to be raised with that wonderful group.
One of our recent ventures included a trip to Loving, NM to watch the Jal Panthers play the Loving Wildcats. We arrived just before the kick-off and found the stadium seats packed with a feisty and spirited crowd of Jal Panther fans. It was not difficult finding a place to sit as we were warmly greeted, seated and embraced by our Jal family. Jal has decreased in number since the days Mary Grayce and I were in school but the spirit and loyalty remain intact. Jal will always be #1.
One of the basketball games I remember was when the the Globetrotters came and played at Jal. I remember one of them pulling underwear out. They were so funny.
I also remember the football games. The were my favorite. Dreaming of being a cheerleader or twirler in the band, Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, cheer, my first pair of fishnet panty hose and my new wool dress that itched like craze for homecoming. Watching the guys make Jal proud by going to State. Those were such days.
I remember being able to ride my bike anywhere I wanted to go and I was at the most 12 years old. We felt safe. We knew where not to go. The milky way, the dairy king, the swimming pool, the oilfires that lit the night skies and most of Jal would drive and watch. Oh and let's not forget the drivin movie. Remember Flipper. That was the largest crowd I can ever remember. The best part was being able to go, and have coke and popcorn.
Vacation Bible School at FBC will always be in my memories too. I happend to win the girls bike decorating contest and got to lead the VBS parade down Main street with Jerry Boyd (I think) who won the boys division.
Ah and yes, remember the street dances. At least I remember one. THOSE WERE THE DAYS, THE GREAT DAYS.
Yes, there is something about Jal that binds us all together. And I am grateful for the few years I lived there. It was the best time of my childhood.
A glue that "sticks us together" - that's a very good analogy. I spent the better part of twenty-eight years in Jal (off and on) and, even though I witnessed many changes in the town, the spirit of the people is still as strong as ever. My son, Jim, graduated from Jal, but my daughter, Mandy, came to Midland the middle of her Junior year and graduated from Lea High School. She never really felt a part of her school and purchased a Jal High School ring instead of a Lea High School ring and claims Jal as her Alma Mater. So, it's not just the early classes that feel the way we do - the younger set feels that way, too.
People I work with at Mobil have taken a look at our website and are amazed at the activity it generates. They covet the warm feelings we all have for each other. We have something very few people ever have - a network of friends that has been able to come together and share some really good memories.
Ain't it grand...
Wow! what a great place to grow up! I tell my kids stories over and over, but ya know what? They keep asking to hear them again.
I remember Mr. Walker placing his hand over his head and moving in around in "lasso" style, and without having to say a word, we knew he meant to go back to class from the assembly. I remember running to Ikie's in order to get a seat; usually there were six or seven in the booth! I would pay a huge sum to have an Ikie's chili-deal today. Do ya'll remember checking out of study hall with our honor roll badges? I teach English now, and my kids are amazed at that little tidbit! Can you imagine doing that today?
Remember the carnivals that came to town? Can you believe that my parents were confident enough in our "hometown" that they actually let me go without them ...TO A CARNIVAL! C'mon now that is pretty remarkable!
How about those Labor Day celebrations in Jal? Does anybody remember those? The culminated in the coveted crowning of Miss Jal!
Homecoming...oh my how wonderful those were! We dressed to the hilt, and were so excited about those bronze mums (REAL ONES!) I can smell them still...oh those were the days...
I'm from Jal and I couldn't be prouder! Nelda Wood McConnell
I remember very little of my childhood in Jal because I was so ill but I do remember that while I was sick how great the people were to help and make me feel better. I remember the Hodges, Sylvia and Mr. Hodge. That's all I ever called him. Sylvia worked at Ikie Drug and brought me an ice cream sundae very often. As a little kid, that was the ultimate. I also remember, the Cohn's welcoming me into their home to play games with my friend Shelley. I couldn't be very roudy and Shelley always had the most fun games to play like "Cootie" and "Mr. Potatoe Head". Freddie Kohlman, Joe and Pam were also some of the people that gave my family support as I was recovering from my illness. There were many, many others, The Crutchfields, Marlars, Bickleys, Ronneys, Wrights, Cronenburgs, Cutrights, and a lot more I can remember faces on but not names.
This trend continued through out the years that we lived in Jal. Even on Lynn's side of the family. When the Knight's home burned and later the back garage burned, almost to the ground, the entire community gave them a fire shower that really helped them get back into their home. "The Company", El Paso Natural Gas, let John and some of the other employees work on their home for two weeks and continued to pay them their salaries as if they were reporting to work every day.
In our later years at Jal, when John was ill, once again the Jal people came to our aid. Many pints of blood were given to assist John in his recovery. I thank God every day that I was raised in Jal. There is no place on earth, that I know of, where the people were all so loving and kind. Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Since Hal -&- I lived in Jal sooo many years, our memories are from way back to almost the present. I started to school in Jal in 1939 and retired from Jal Schools in 1988. Not only do I remember wonderful times in school there, I also have such wonderful memories of practically every kid and parent in Jal from 1966 to 1988. I started to school in Jal in 1938 - I worked for Mr. Burke as his secry. for over 2 years, then as Burke Jr. High Secry. for 7 - then Jal High Secry. for 10 years. Hal always called me the perpetual "cheerleader" because of my love for every kid and every teacher. They were wonderful, happy years - I loved school and I loved going to work every morning. Just before I retired in '88, I told my little granddaughter, who was visiting me at the Adm. office - "Krystal, I've been on this hill for almost 37 years". She said, "Gosh, Mimi, did you fail? I saw Mary Grayce in Las Cruces not long ago, before I heard about this website. It is such fun. Thanks to all of you who have made it possible.
Recently we had a mini Jal reunion her in Carlsbad at Lucy's Mexicali Restraunt.
Fred F. Flemming, Caroll Elliot, Mary Grayce, Kate Null Asbil, J.R. and Darlyne Galle had supper together on a Wednesday very close to Kate's Birthday! A lot of old storys were given a new twist and some of them were probably even true. A good time was had by all.
For the record, the waitress asked Mary Grayce five (read 'em , 5) times if she really wanted the HOT chili on her plate. Yep. Some kinda really HOT STUFF! M.G. didn't even break out in a sweat. (she is not really writing this, you know)
M.G. also recently had lunch with somebody called Scotty Smith who claimed to have graduated from Jal. (aka Jenkins we found out).
We do like to meet up with the JALAPENOs when they come to town.
M.G. will has ordered her own mega-blaster and will be on line shortly.
Hope to hear from you all.
Messages Deleted After 60 Days... Jerry Phillips 3:23 pm Friday June 5, 1998 Hi,
This is just a reminder to everyone that the messages here at the Jalapeno page are automatically deleted after 60 days....the messages with an April date are disappearing one by one as the corresponding June date arrives. This is something we have no control over, but it's not altogether a bad thing; if messages were never deleted, the messageboard would get bogged-down, and respond very slowly or not at all.
Not to worry...the past messages may be out of sight, but they are not gone for good, and certainly not lost in cyberspace. We are saving All the old messages on the JALAPENOS STORAGE PAGE.
Be sure to check the JALAPENOS STORAGE PAGE so that you don't miss anything.
Thanks, Jerry Phillips
I'm Finally Here! Mary Grayce Weathers 9:21 pm Sunday June 7, 1998 At last! I finally got my computer last week and I'm eager to hear from everybody. Please use this page as much as you want to. It's for all of us. And we have had so much fun reading the messages that some of you have posted. Keep it up! It's great to be from Jal!
re: I'm Finally Here! Gina Brewer 10:48 am Monday June 8, 1998 M.G.
So glad you're finally online! Since Denny retired, I have to fight him to get on the computer at home, so I usually spend lunch breaks here at work to see what's new on the website.
E-mail me soon and I'll do the same.
Water balloon fights Adel Miller Morris 9:37 pm Sunday June 21, 1998 I need a little help with this. It seems like after ball games, a bunch of the boys and girls would go to general camp to the fish pond and armed only with water ballons use each other as targets. Little did I know we were participating in wet T shirt contest. For some reason I was always on the boy's side. Does anyone have any memories of this time? Bert Madera, Johnny Oldham, Jackie Brummett, Mary Grayce says she wasn't there, but I think she bought the balloons. Sue Blocker and Elaine Martin took part in this game. Marta Cope, Helen Bickley, Myrna Floy Young, Ted Sparling, Hampy Kerby. This always took place at night at General Camp. I don't remember why we all didn't get grounded for coming home wet.
Jal Sex Club James R. Johnson 7:17 pm Sunday July 5, 1998 In the mid '50's, the newspapers came out with a report about a sex club uncovered somewhere in the Northeast. Considering the repressed attitude of the day, that was titillating reading!! A few weeks after this report, my father cornered me when I went home for lunch and asked me what I knew about a sex club at school. "Nothing!! But I'll find out.!!" I couldn't wait to get back to school where it appeared that everyone who went home for lunch had also been asked by their parents about the sex club. Well, since we didn't have one, we organized one! The only rule was--All members of the sex club must wear a red shirt to school on Friday!!
The next day, the department store was sold out of red shirts and a lot of people I knew had to go to Kermit to get a red shirt. On Friday, 75% of the students (and a lot of the teachers) had on red shirts!!!!! So much for the sex club!
We found out later that on Monday afternoon, the town gossip was sitting in a booth at the drug store listening to a group of girls in the next booth. Apparently one of the girls had had a passionate date over the weekend and was telling her friends (and indirectly, the whole town) about it. Well, by the time Mrs. McG.... got home, there was a sex club at school. Well, there was, for one Friday at least!!
James Johnsons' note Gina Brewer 3:17 pm Monday July 6, 1998 I loved James Johnson's note! What a hoot! I wonder if everyone who had on a red shirt knew why they were wearing one? I always found it interesting how kids followed trends - and they still do.
I work near a local high school and am always amazed at the attire of the entire school. At best, they all look like homeless derelicts. I was reminded recently about the attire of the 60's and 70's. Bell bottoms, hip huggers (that put the local plumbers to shame!), headbands, 4-inch platform shoes...and the list goes on. I guess we sometimes need to step back and remember our own youth, huh?
Good story, James!
Sex Club Mary Grayce Weathers 10:02 pm Tuesday July 7, 1998 When I was in junior high, Mother told me about a sex club in high school a few years earlier. I was very intrigued, but never could figure out how one joined. What about meetings, and who were the officers? Can anyone clear up this mystery?
Nicely Done! John (aka) Johnny Br 10:33 pm Thursday July 9, 1998 This is really wonderful folks! My sister Annette just gave me the address and I really enjoy reading the messages here.
It's been an awfully long while since I've spent any time in Jal. And even longer since I've seen some of the faces that go with the names that appear throughout the site. At least this way I can cheat and look in a year book, instead of standing on a street with my usual blank look on my face when I meet someone I should know, but can't remember their name. Of course, that's when I usually get the elbow in the ribs for not introducing .. ole what's her face; short, about 5 foot, auburn hair; you know - my wife.
Anyway, I can see I'm going to be a regular visitor. Ya'll take care!!
Just wanted to say hey Eddie Womack 8:48 pm Sunday January 24, 1999 I know you have not heard from me for many years. However I think about my Jal class mates of 1963 ever so often. I guess I've been too busy chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to correspond with anyone other than Scotty and Rick and those visits are far and few between. My brother turned me on to this web site about 6 months ago. So I've kept track of some of our buddies. Plus I recieved your questionaire or should I say planned reunion for the Y2K. I really can't plan that far in advance, but I would like to come and see if anyone else has gotten as fat and sassy as I have. As for what I've done these past 35+ years since Jal, I guess I could start with four years in the Army as a helocopter pilot where I spent one year participating in Uncle Sam's war games in Vietnam. Having successfully passed to the next level, I went back to school in Soccoro where I graduated as a petroleum engineer and met and married my present wife, Ellena. The last 26 years we've been busy traveling around the various oil fields from NM to LA to TX to OK. We managed to have one child, my son Robin who graduated from Tulsa University this past spring with a business degree and is now attending Tulsa U for his MBA. We live in the western part of OK where the wind blows worse than in Jal. In fact about one month after we moved here, my wife was checking out at the local food store and asked the guy carring out the gro. sacks if the wind blew like this all the time. He replied "Oh no it changes directions every once in a while". And he wasn't kidding. Do you hear from any of our friends? Maybe now that I'm on the net I'll keep in better touch. I'll catch you later. Eddie AKA Ed
re: Just wanted to say hey Mary Grayce 7:47 am Friday January 29, 1999
Hey, Eddie! I hope you get this. It was great to hear from you. I'm so glad you wrote. Email me sometime...and send me your email address, too.
I hope you guys can make it to the reunion. It's going to be so much fun. We're planning on around 1000 people.
I have lived in Carlsbad for 10 years. I have two grown sons and three grandkids...one more coming in April. I've done a variety of things since high school, but have stayed pretty much in this area.
There are some other old Jal kids in Elk City...Danny and Karole Hunt. Danny looked you up in the phone book and verified your address for me. He's on the JHS chatroom on Sunday nights. If you can, join us any Sunday night a 7 Jal time.
I still keep up with all my old friends...Milly is in Houston, Adel is in Florida, Sue is in South Dakota, Elaine is in Denver. In fact, I keep up with a lot of people through this reunion thing. I got email from Ron Abendschan, Linda Ann Todd, and now you. Please write again. It's been too long.
Drama Club '75 Sherri Simmons Ewing 5:15 pm Tuesday March 2, 1999 When I recently read about Mr. -&- Mrs. B. on the message board I remembered the fun the drama club, under the direction of Mrs. Buffington, had putting together the production imitating our beloved staff. Age has done it's number on me so I don't recall all the participants but what I do remember is Wayland Steele's portrayal of Coach Gage.(hope I spelled his name correctly) I was laughing so hard I could barely get down the aisle as Thelma, our beloved english teacher. And remember the dreaded one minute monologues...anyway it is nice to have a place to go where we are reminded of where
Faculty skit Nelda McConnell 9:14 am Wednesday March 3, 1999 I,too remember doing a faculty skit under the direction of Molly Buffington! What fun it was to become those wonderful people. I remember that I portrayed Bee Shiplet. Now that I am a teacher of English, I have had great fun directing my own students in similar productions. It has created a rapport that can not be explained. Some of the students portryed the same teachers for two years. Everytime my kids do the skit, I am flooded with memories of JHS...sometimes I can even smell it! Thank God for such pleasant memories of excellent facilities, extreme pride, and, most important, excellent educators!
Speech class Lynda Walls 7:56 pm Friday March 19, 1999 Does any body remember, " You have to take the bitter with the soup." ?
bragging on kids Don Crutchfield 6:02 pm Saturday March 20, 1999 If I may brag about one of my daughters?
Carolyn Crutchfield (15) won a gold medal for the United States in the figure skating competition, The French Cup, in Rouen, France on February 7, 1999. DC
re: bragging on kids Sherri Simmons Ewing 9:57 pm Sunday March 21, 1999 FANTASTIC!!! THANKS FOR SHARING...AND I BELIEVE BEING A PARENT OR GRANDPARENT GIVES YOU BRAGGING RIGHTS...