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Panther Tracks #11 Date: 21 May 2000
Hey Panthers,
Lots of news items this time, so let's get right to them...
1. This from Roxie---"Jerry, when you have time would you mind sending out Panther Tracks asking if anyone knows the whereabouts and addresses of any teachers." If you have any teacher's addresses, you may send that information to Roxie at <> or to me at <>
2. An interesting item from Kate Null---HOW TO SURVIVE A HEART ATTACK WHEN ALONE: Many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, what can you do? Without help a person whose heart stops beating properly begins to feel faint and has about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken beforeeach cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keeps the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a phone and, between breaths, call for help. You'll be giving yourself CPR with this technique. Tell as many other people as possible about this, it could save their life! The above was taken from Health Cares, Rochester General Hospital via Chapter 240's newsletter AND THE BEAT GOES ON... (reprintfrom The Mended Hearts, Inc. publication, Heart Response)
3. Thank you to all you nice folks who have contributed to the Mrs. Marshall "Memories" page thus far. Waiting to hear from more of you. The next page I'll be setting up will be for Mr. K.B. Walker, so be collecting your thoughts on him.
4. From Karen Lee---Just want to let my friends know, I'll see them at homecoming!! Can't wait to see everybody from the class of ' 70! Also looking forward to seeing friends from other classes! "See you in September" !! Karen Lee Stevens email
Jal High School Y2K Reunion meeting was held Sunday, May 7, 2000 at Jal Woolworth Library.
Eighteen attended the meeting and those were: Pat Sinclair ‘56, Billie Jean Beckham ‘61, Micki Jones ‘58, Stean Kemp ‘61, Milton Tharp ‘67, Glena Tharp ‘69, Teresa Bentle ‘74, Brian Norwood ‘75, Betty Kemper ‘50, Minnie Hedgpeth, Fay Palmer ‘73, Melba Ellison ‘61, Johnny Brooks ‘68, Mary Grayce Weathers ‘63, Sandra Tuten ‘58, Stephen Aldridge ‘72, Roxie Swain ‘67.
Pat Sinclair reported that there was a total of $11,717.82 in the account. Expenses are $570.49. 224 exes have registered, a total of 374 people have registered. Three people said they are bringing arts and crafts and 8 people are staying in the gym so far.
Milton and Glena said that they are getting an average of about 15 tee shirt orders a week.
Sandra has sold three “class” ads for the directory; Willard Lewis, Otis Pharr, and Betty Wink Kemper. The class of ‘74 reserved the Elementary school band room for their class gathering. Micki Jones volunteered to help Sandra with the ads as Sandra will be out of town for an extended period of time this summer.
Roxie reported for Harold Swain that the Saturday afternoon golf scramble was nearly filled up. There is a lot of room for Saturday and Sunday mornings. Very few Jal people have signed up and they need to if they are going to play.
If a representative receives a combined registration for their own classmate and their spouse who might be in another class be sure and let the proper class rep. know so they can count them with their respective class, get name tags made for them, etc. It is imperative to do this because when people get to the reunion and sign in there will be packets with individual names and class years on them. EX: Harold Swain will have a packet with his information and name tag made by his class rep. in the 1963 stack and Roxie McMahan Swain will have a packet with her information and name tag made by her class rep. in the 1967 stack.
Everyone was reminded to notify Jerry when they receive registrations so he can post it on the “Who’s A Comin?” page on the website.
As of May 1, Bert Cooper had entered 1,971 names into the database for the directories. He still lacks the following classes: 40,45,61,70,72,73,75,76,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,88,89,90,91,92,93, 94,95,96,97,98,99 If the classes don’t get their address lists in they will not be included in the directory. If you snail mail him information please send him a stamped self addressed envelope so he can snail mail you a copy of your class list to proof.
Suggestions made for class ads were: Class motto, song, flower, play; claim to fame - ex: first/last class at Burke Jr. High; first class at new elementary; won state in whatever; last class to have senior trip; largest/smallest graduating class; in memory of deceased class mates. Question of who pays for class ads - suggested that the person who calls and says “what can I do to help since I don’t live close enough to do anything?” Tell them they can contribute $15-$25 for a class ad or have several people go together to pay for one.
Johnny and Mary Grayce volunteered to make various posters that will be used during the reunion. Fay Palmer said she would check on providing doughnuts for the Sunday morning continental breakfast. Fay owns a doughnut shop in Kermit.
It was decided it would be a good idea to run an article in the Jal Record listing the class representatives so if people haven’t received information they can contact their respective rep.
It was decided that the amount of donations to various groups, churches, organizations or individuals, who help during the reunion, would be determined after the work has been done.
Claydean said city employees would take care of emptying the polycart trash receptacles.
We need to get permission from the City for placement of the tents.
Rick Ferguson needs to be contacted about allowing more time for the pep rally.
Brian reported that Jerry wanted to put a page on the website giving information about ordering homecoming corsages from Kelly’s Flowers.
Debbie Cervantes who is in charge of Jal’s 4-H club said they would like to do something to help during the reunion. Her group is 13 and under.
Johnny Brooks said that he thought Kwik Kopy had better prices on their printing than Kinkos so Roxie is going to check that out.
It was suggested in the next mail out to include a copy of the “Who’s A Comin” list on the website. This might encourage someone to attend who hadn’t planned on it.
Roxie said she would talk with Helen Shelton about helping with the teachers. No correspondence has been sent to teachers at this time. If anyone knows the whereabouts or addresses of any teachers please contact Roxie.
Roxie said she would check with Coca Cola, Pepsi, etc. about buying ads for the directory.
Roxie is going to check on having a Y2K reunion quilt made to be raffled.
It was decided that the two food wagons, one from Hobbs and one from Odessa would be enough combined with the food booths that various organizations will have. It was also mentioned that the new state food inspector from Hobbs was really strict.
Roxie is going to contact Terry Savoie about being the MC for the general assembly.
Here is a challenge for you creative people - come up with a design for a Y2K Reunion quilt - and pretty quickly. Also do you know of any really good quilters with some spare time? If you have any wonderful ideas or not so wonderful ideas about colors, patterns, etc. let me know. We thought it would be neat to have one commemorating the occasion. What do you think? Something that was overlooked in the meeting was information from Brian Norwood about the possibility of his sculpture being featured in September's issue of New Mexico magazine.He will know more about it by the July meeting but that would be perfect if it came right before the reunion. I know Jerry will send a Panther Tracks when it happens........all the more reason to sign up. In every mail out be sure and tell your group about the website and encourage them to sign up for Panther Tracks so they can be IN THE KNOW.
6. From JP---I'd like to present two ideas to all the Panthers planning to attend the reunion. (I can't claim these ideas as my own...they were suggested to me by multiple people at about the same time---seems some sort of telepathy was going around...Ha!) A while back, I mentioned these ideas to several of you in order to get some feedback. The feedback I received was very positive, so I now am presenting them to all of you for your consideration. 1. Having a 'costume event' in conjunction with the Friday night football game with Cloudcroft. Come as the cheerleader you once were, or as the cheerleader you never were, but always wanted to be. Wear your old school sweaters, etc. (if you can...I'd have to wear mine on my head, since it wouldn't fit anywhere else) Suggestions---poodle skirts, bobby sox, pony tails, saddle oxfords, leather jackets, duck-tails, turned-up collars, and on and on... Come dressed in the era which meant the most to you...the '40s, '50s, '60s, '70s, etc.Come as a sports stud, a twirler, a cheerleader, use your imagination and have fun! Let's give the Cloudcroft folks something to talk about when they go home (defeated). 2. Putting together an Exes Band for the game. It might be a hodge-podge group, but it would mean a lot to everyone to have some sort of group playing at least 'On Jal Panthers' and 'The Jal Blue and Gold.' If you still have your instrument, bring it. If not, beg, borrow, or rent for the occasion. Perhaps school instruments (if they are still around) could be made available for the occasion. Anyway, lots of folks want to do this and think it could be a real 'blast'... no pun intended. Someone will need to volunteer to head-up this project and take care of details. It was suggested that I do so, but I really must decline the offer, as this website is just about all I have time for.
7. I've restructured the "Current Reunion Plans" page with it's old, unused message board...I've placed the link to that messageboard at the top of that page...PLEASE USE IT TO SHARE YOUR COMMENTS AND IDEAS CONCERNING THE EXES BAND AND COSTUME EVENT FOR THE BIG FRIDAY GAME !!! Also, those of you with teacher's addresses (see #1.) could also post the addresses on this messageboard instead of just sending to Roxie and me, as I'm sure lots of others might like the information. Thanks, JP
8. A request from JP---Between now and the reunion I'd like to ask that those of you who feel the urge to FORWARD things to me please try to control that urge, or at least forward the item to my other email address <> ... Some of the things I receive from you (especially large graphic files or animations) sometimes hang-up my email server for up to thirty minutes. Twice in the past that server crashed due to such things. My <> email server is much too important to me, especially now with the upcoming reunion, to chance a crash because of some humourous, silly, moralistic, or religious item which you feel you just have to FORWARD to me. Many times I do enjoy them, but most of the time they just clog my email...and I get a LOT of email! Again, send such things to my aol address, not my netcom address. Thank you, Jerry.
9. As always, if you'd like to reach the 346 people on this list with any information, just email it to me and designate that you'd like for it to go out in the next Panther Tracks Newsletter.
Three months, ten days till the reunion...
See you there, JP
Panther Tracks #9 April 15th
Hey Panthers,
There are several items of interest covered in this newsletter #9. The last twenty or so Panther Tracks have consisted of short notes or special announcements. It's only when I have a mailout which includes multiple items that I decide to give it a number for future reference. There is an archive of past Panther Tracks at the ListBot site which I believe you can access. If not, I can access it, so if you ever need any info from the past mailouts let me know.
TEE-SHIRTS: This from Milton and Glena...
ACCOMMODATIONS: This from Roxie Swain...
Jerry, I just talked with a man today from Odessa who rents motor homes. I thought you might add this to the list. Mayhew Motor Home Rentals, 915-530-2780 Odessa, TX 3 days minimum - $279 + $.14 a mile--have generators, water, etc. They could park at Stephenson's RV and Trailer Park.
Thanks, Roxie ------
CURRENT REUNION PLANS UPDATE: I've simply posted Roxie's letter which was sent out to class representatives at "Current Reunion Plans". This letter details plans and changes which evolved from the last reunion planning committee meeting.
This should answer all questions about fees for the reunion. You may print this and mail it, along with your fees, to your class representative. You will find this form listed in the table of contents...Reunion Registration Form.
If you plan to participate in the reunion golf tournaments, print this form and send it, with your fees, to Harold Swain, P.O. Box 287, Jal, NM 88252 505-395-3383 / 505-390-3383 email: You will find this form in the table of contents, right next to the Jal Country Club listing. ------
Check out Aubrey Hobson's new CD, "Too Many Tomorrows" at Great Job, Aubrey ! ------
THINGS ARE REALLY 'SNOWBALLING' at the ol' panther website...
Several new people register each day, and many of you request address changes. In the past, I have notified you after making your address change, etc.; but in an effort to cut back on the number of emails I have to answer, I will no longer be doing this. >From now on, when you request an address change, etc., please allow about a week and keep checking to see that I have done it. If after a week you don't see the change, request it again, just to be on the safe side. I won't be contacting you to notify you that the change was made. Okay? Thanks, JP ------
I think that's it for this newsletter. If I've forgotten something I'll send out a short note later on. I apologize if I have been crowding your INBOX of late, but it's probably only going to get worse as the reunion date approaches.
As always...everyone, please email me with anything that you would like to have sent out to the 332 subscribers to this mailing list.
Also, we have 702 people in the address book; and the website at this moment has received a total of 23,158 hits...not bad for a small town, huh?
Today is April 15th...hope you've filed your taxes.
See ya there, JP
Panther Tracks Note...Feb. 20th
Dear Panthers,
It is with mixed emotions that I send you this note. This is a quasi-celebratory note, indicative of the fact that our website counter has just passed the 20,000 hits mark.
On a sadder note, we have lost several Jalites lately, and our condolences go out to their families. They are: Hubert Johnson, Ray Todd, Evelyn Rose Dinwiddie, and Carl McKay. You will find more information on the messageboard.
Take care, JP
PANTHER TRACKS #8 .... Jan 30, 2000
Hey Panthers,
Here are a few items of interest...
CHATROOM: Hopefully, we'll be able to make it into the chatroom tonight. As some of you know, there were problems last week. However, almost everyone had the foresight to go to the old chatroom instead. Even if it is slow and frustrating at times, it was nice to have as a back up.
TRACKS IN THE SAND: Gina Montgomery Brewer posted a very nice tribute to Ernie Turner, JHS Class of 1958. Thanks, Gina. I hope everyone will contribute their memories to this new 'memorial' page.
JHS ADDRESS BOOK: I'm adding new Jalites daily, and people are signing up for this newsletter almost daily. Great! Keep spreading the word.
COUNTDOWN: I found a new countdown to Labor Day weekend and our big reunion. Click on it to find out exactly how much time is left.
FOR YOUR INFORMATION: Interesting, trivial facts. I was browsing a book and thought I'd share some of this surprising information with you. At least it was surprising to me... I know...just what we need...another webpage...ha. I can't seem to help myself...It just keeps growing, and growing, and growing...kinda like the Energizer Bunny. LOL Would you believe that our website, in it's current form, only takes up one-quarter of our alloted space at Tripod? True.
Have a good week, and Happy Groundhog Day!
Dear Panthers,
This is to announce a new addition to our website, modeled after a very nice guestbook on the Eunice Cardinal site. The purpose of this new board is to provide a place for family and friends to record memories of deceased Jalites; it is not limited to JHS alumni. Feel free to record tributes to and memories of your loved ones and friends.
If you would first like to visit the Eunice board to see what has been done there, you will find the link to the Eunice website under "Neighbors" in our table of contents. From there, go on to the Eunice table of contents...their board is listed as "Memories Posted Here."
Our board is titled "Tracks in the Sand" and can be found in the table of contents of our website.
Thanks to Beverly Harvey Sandlin, EHS 1967 for this poignant idea.
Respectfully yours, Jerry Phillips
PANTHER TRACKS: announcement Jan. 13, 2000
Hey Panthers,
I just stumbled across an amazing site, and wanted to share it with you. It's called "The Whole Enchilada" and you'll now find it listed near the bottom of the table of contents page on our website.
It's an incredibly comprehensive index of links to New Mexico sites. Looks like it's good for a few hours of interesting browsing.
Enjoy, JP
Panther Tracks: 'nother news-note Jan. 12, 2000
Hey Panthers,
I just made a drastic change in the "Faster-Loading" table
of contents
page. Except for the very top of the page, I removed ALL the graphics.
Now, it really is a faster-loading page. If you prefer the graphics you
can still use the pretty (and very slow) original table of contents page.
Thanks, JP
Hey Panthers,
Just wanted to announce that the Y2K Reunion Caps and T-Shirts
are ready! You may view them along with pricing and ordering
information at "CAPS AND T-SHIRTS" on the website.
"Thank You, Milton Tharp" for all your work on this project.
Just one other thing: We still don't know who the drum major
was for 1979 on our J.H.S. Drum Majors page. Can anyone tell us?
Thanks, Start placing your orders with Milton and sending in your registration fees to your class representative.
P.S. Glena Allen responded with news from the 1979 yearbook...the drum
major that year was Tammy Smith. Thanks, Glena
PANTHER TRACKS #7 Jan 9, 2000
Hey Panthers,
Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays as much as I did. In keeping with the new year I decided to give a new look to a portion of our website. I was really getting tired of that 'faded yellow' background on our 'faster-loading table of contents' page, so I got rid of it and added a new header (complete with twin panthers) to the top of the screen. Other than the new look, the page is the real changes.
Two NEW items were recently added to the 'CARDS'section. Bluemountain Cards now has voicemail attachments you create by phone; and Bowcreek Cards, a new discovery, has some beautiful JAVA cards with rippling water foregrounds and falling snow. Check it out! Java applets, whether voicemail or graphics, take a little longer to load. If they won't load at all, you probably need to update your browser to a more recentversion....possibly 4.0 or higher.
Notice: My email remains <> That new email I was trying to use just doesn't work. If any of you sent anything to <> I didn't receive it. Just forget the netscape address...I won't be using it. EVERYTHING SHOULD BE SENT TO <>
A link to Tatum schools has been posted in our 'NEIGHBORS' section.
CHATROOM: Don't forget the chatroom tonight (Sunday) at 7:00 Jal Time. We've had some fun times in the chatroom lately; everyone loves the speed and ease of the new Xoom Room. We miss a couple of our friends, without java and on webtv. Sorry! The solutions are: and install a newer browser (free), and 2.get a computer. You can still arrange to chat with your friends in the old room, but the Sunday night group chats will be in the new one.
Received a nice photo from Milton and Glena showing the Y2K Reunion Tee-Shirts and Caps which are now available. I'll try to get the picture and information posted on the website before next time. THEY LOOK GREAT, and I'm sure you'll all want to place some orders!
Have you sent in your registration form and fees for the reunion? Hmmmmmmmmm...I haven't either. To use an old cliche, 'it's a case of the pot calling the kettle, black.' However, I think it's time to get our collective rear-ends in gear, don't you? There's a REUNION REGISTRATION FORM on the website that you can print out and use. Just don't send it or the money to ME! It goes to your class representative. Who's that? Check the CLASS REPRESENTATIVE page of the website.
Well, I think that about 'wraps it up' for this time, except for the fact that I usually forget something. Wonder what it will be this time? Oh well, you can look for it in the next Panther Tracks Newsletter.
Take care, Jerry
PANTHER TRACKS (January 1st, 2000)
Well, it's finally here. No, not the new millennium, not even the
new century--as those two events are technically twelve months away.
The new year, however, has arrived...and how! Never in the history
of the world have three little zeros had such an impact on the
population of our planet.
A year early? It no longer matters; the celebrating has been done,
and we aren't likely to see the repeat of such a global show until
the next three zeros roll around. I only watched a small portion of
the televised festivities, but as I did my personal elation over the unfolding
events became overshadowed by an intense feeling of sadness
and remorse.
As I watched the world enter the year two-thousand I began to think
of all the friends and family members who didn't make it to this
night, the people who weren't here to celebrate with me who should
have been---the father, who would have sat entranced in front of the televison,
watching the entire proceedings; the sister who would have
seen all the global merriment as a source of hope for future world
peace; the nephew who would have been in the midst of the celebrating,
not an onlooker like me. Were these people here with me now,
my "new year" would be very different.
Then my thoughts turned to you and to your "missing" family
friends: the moms, the brothers, the aunts and uncles, the sons and
daughters, and the "best friends" that one has at all the different
stages of life. There is an enormous 'black hole'in all our lives that
sucks away our happiness, a place where the gravity of reality is so oppressive
that not even the light of a smile can escape.
Then, as I continued my contemplation, I realized that one could fill
that black hole with memories---with bright, light-filled happy memories
of these missing pieces in the jigsaw puzzle we call life. We can
remember all the wonderful times that we had with them--these important
people in our lives, and we needn't weep that they are not with us today;
but revel in the fact that they were ever here with us at all. Though
they are lost to us physically, they are an ingrained part of our
psyche which we might never have had, and for this we can be truly thankful.
Will it ease the pain of thinking about them? Probably not.
Will it help? Yes. The times we spent with them cannot be regained,
but they can be remembered and relived.
And so, it is with this bitter-sweet thought that I want to wish
a happy new year, and a bright future illuminated by the memories of
a shimmering past.
Looking forward to seeing you in September.
Take care, and remember...
Jerry Phillips
Hey Panthers,
The big news in this mailout is that those of us who regularly visit the Sunday night chat have decided to change chatrooms. Sunday chats will no longer be held in the All-Jal Chatroom...Instead, they will be held in The XOOM ROOM, from
The main reason for the change is the extremely slow and frustrating operation of the old chatroom. The new room is very fast to respond; a half dozen messages can be posted in the new room in the amount of time it would take for a single message to appear on the screen in the old room.
Other advantages of the new room are:
1.You don't have to reach for your mouse
all the time to clear the previous message as in the old room.
2.Messages are sent simply by hitting your
"ENTER" key.
3.The screen doesn't flicker, disappear,
and re-appear as messages are added.
4.You can scroll all the way back to where
you joined the room, and see everything that has been
Disadvantages: You can't choose your message color; everything is blue
so get used to it.
The print is pretty small, so be sure to wear your bifocals...don't worry,
we can't see you. Ha.
HOWEVER...these are the room's default settings. When the java applet loads, you will see a FAQ button. By clicking on it, then on "user commands" you will find instructions for customizing your own 'view' of the room.
With the "user commands" you can change the background color and the text color. More importantly, (for we old near-sighted folks) YOU CAN CHANGE THE FONT SIZE, MAKING IT AS LARGE AS YOU LIKE. GREAT! You can read and figure out these user commands on your own... (you can also chat privately with someone else in the room) Any changes you make last only while you are in the room. When you exit, the default settings return. You may browse these user commands here:
The room requires that you have a java-enabled browser, either Netscape 3.0 or higher, or MSIE 3.0 or higher. Most people have this. If you don't, you may visit either the Netscape or MicroSoft homepages and download either one for free!
I've updated all the chatroom info near the top of the website's table of contents page. You'll find everything you need there; plus, when you click on 'The Xoom Room' to go to the new chatroom, you'll find a few additional instructions. Simply read and follow them, and you'll have no trouble.
Oh, by the way, 'LURKERS'(people who like to spy on the chats without joining in) you're now out of business. It's impossible to lurk in the new chatroom; you're either in it or you're not. So come on in and join us.
Next chat is Sunday, Dec. 26, at 7:00 p.m. Jal Time. Maybe we can all get together and 'trade' those unwanted Xmas presents we received. LOL
Hope to see you there, Jerry
REMINDER: If you have anything you would like to share with the 262 people on this mailing list, please send it to me in an email <> or <> Please indicate that it is for the Panther Tracks Newsletter.
Subject: Panther Tracks---IMPORTANT NOTICE ! Date: 29 Oct 1999
Hey Panthers,
I need your help in patroling our website. Occasionally, some unscrupulous person leaves a message on one of our messageboards, usually offering one of those get rich quick schemes. When I find such messages I delete them. Just now, by chance, I happened upon a filthy cyber-porn offer that some sleazeball left in two places on our website---the Best of J.H.S. and the Classifieds. I was lucky; the messages had only been posted a few hours before, and I've deleted them both.
Next time I might not discover it so quickly, so I'm asking for your help. If you ever see ANYTHING on any of our message boards that looks suspicious (like it certainly didn't come from a Jalite) please contact me by email right away, so that I can go to the board's administration area and delete the offending item.
Thanks. Your watchful eye is greatly appreciated.
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 17:12:28
Hey Panthers,
Me, again! And again, this is not the newsletter, but another news-note. I want to call your attention to the blue panther tracks across the top of the simpler, faster-loading table of contents page. These are not just decorative; they have a practical purpose.
The table of contents is getting to be a very long page, and I'm getting lazier all the time. Sometimes I hate scrolling all the way down , looking for the link to where I want to go. Know the feeling? So, these twenty paw prints are going to be links to what I consider to be the most often visited or most necessary areas of the website.
For instance, pawprint #1 is a link to the main MessageBoard. #20 is a link to the new Photos page. It was the new Photos page that prompted this idea; I hated scrolling all the way down to the "P"s in order to find it. Now you can click on pawprint #20 and go immediately to Photos, where you will find a link to I've numbered the pawprints so it will be easier for you to remember and to find your favorite links, once all the pawprints are active. If you'll hold your cursor over #1 or #20 right now, you should see the URL address somewhere on your screen, indicating where that pawprint will take you.
It may be a while before I have the time to activate all twenty pawprints, and they will only be on the simpler, faster-loading, table of contents page...... I'm not doing this twice! Ha!
I hope this will eventually make your browsing our website more enjoyable and comfortable. I know I'm looking forward to it. But you're probably not as lazy as I am.....
Take care, Jerry Phillips
P.S. I made a little list (1--20) of the pawprint links, which I've placed down the left side of my computer, to help me learn their numbers.