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Blond Black Purple Brown
2. Who is Charolette always talking to on the phone?
Dr. Lipshitz Phillip Jonathan Chaz
3. What is the doctor's name that Didi is always consulting?
Dr. Funny Dr. Smith Dr. Doolittle Dr. Lipshitz
4. What kind of creme did Angelica use to make herself invisible?
Vanishing Creme Ice Cream Oil of Olay Invisible Creme
5. When Didi took Tommy's bottle, what was the name of the cup she gave him?
Mr. Sippy Mr. Happy Mr. Crappy Mr. Tippy
6. What is Angelica's biggest dream?
To be rich To be famous To be a beauty queen To go to school
7. What does grandpa call the Rugrats?
Brats Curtain Climbers Sprouts Angels
8. What is Didi's professtion?
Teacher Nurse Secretary Computer Programmer
9. What cartoon does Suzy's dad write stories for?
The Reptar Show The Dummi Bears The Three Beavers Itchy and Scratchy
10. What is Angelica's kitten's name?
Lucky Patches Fluffy Orion
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