The following list contains a sampling of books, magazines and newspaper articles which contain numerous amounts of information, opinions, photos and/or trivia about the show:
Ackerman, World of Science Fiction LA, General Publishing, Inc, 1997
Adare, " ‘Indian’ Stereotypes in TV Science Fiction –First Nations Voices Speak Out", Austin University of Texas Press 2005 (added 4/20/06)
Asimov, Is Anyone Out There? "Can You Spot the Family Resemblance?" reprint of TV GUIDE article 3/5/66 NY Doubleday 1967
Bloom & Vlastnik, SITCOMS: The 101 Greatest TV Comedies of All Time, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, 2007 (NEW)
Brugman, Toys of the Sixties: A Pictorial Guide, Akron, Ohio, Cap't Penny Productions 1991
Brooks & Marsh, The Complete Directory to Prime Time TV Shows, NY Ballentine 1976
Burlingame, TV's Biggest Hits: The Story of Television Themes… NY Simon & Shuster 1996
Castleman & Podrazik, Harry & Wally’s Favorite TV Shows, NY Prentice Hall 1989
Editors of Consumer Guide, TV Trivia: Thirty Years of Television NY Crown Publishers 1984
Frank, Buyer’s Guide to Fifty Years of TV on Video, NY Prometheus Books, 1999
Fulton, Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, London, Boxtree TVTimes 1997
Goden, The Encyclopedia of Fictional People NY Boulevard Books 1996
Goldstein The History of Television Portland House 1991
Hake, Hake’s Guide to TV Collectables, Pa, Wallace-Homestead Book Company 1990
Hill, TV LAND TO GO, N.Y. Simon& Schuster, 2001
Lewis & Stempel, Cult TV: The Comedies, London, Pavillion Books/Bay Books 1998
Mingo & Javna, Primetime Proverbs, NY Harmony Books, 1989
Jones, Honey, I’m Home NY Grove Weindenfeld 1992
Kulzer, Television Series Regulars of the 50s & 60s North Carolina McFarland & Company 1992
Marc, Comic Visions: Television Comedy and American Culture Boston Unwin Hyman 1989
Marschall, History of Television NY Gallery Books 1986
Mitz, The Great TV Sitcom Book NY Richard Marek Publishers 1980
Morton, The Complete Directory to Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror TV Series, Peoria,Illinois. Otherworld Books, 1997
Sackett, Prime Time Hits NY Billboard Books 1993
Stark, Glued to the Set NY Free Press 1997
Stemple, Storytellers to the Nation NY Continuum Press 1992
Stern & Robison, A Martian Wouldn’t Say That, NY Price, Stern, Sloan, Inc, 1994
Story, America on the Rerun NY Citadel Press 1993
Shulman & Young, How Sweet it Was NY Bonanza Books 1966
Terrance, Television Character and Story Facts North Carolina McFarland & Co. 1993
Terrance, The Ultimate TV Trivia Book Mass. Farber &Farber 1991
BIOGRAPHY Magazine November 2000 "Ray Walston" page 38
Model & Toy Collector Issue #17 Winter 1991 "Invasion of the Kinder, Gentler Alien", P. Matheis, Cap't Penny Prod. Inc
PEOPLE Feb 22, 1999 Vol. 51 No. 7 "Man From Mars Gets Down To Earth" page 15
RERUNS: The Magazine of Television History, Nov. 1984, "MFM: America's First Science Fiction Sit-Com", D. Painter, TCG Publications (ISSN-0278-6397)
SH-BOOM June 1990 Vol. 1 No. 6
THE TV COLLECTOR: Alan Hewitt interview, Volume 2 #6, April 1983, still available from the publisher. See the back issue link at: www.angelfire.com/ma/tvcollector/home.html…..added 6/23/02
TV GUIDE Feb. 3, 2001 A Tribute to Ray Walston
Atlanta Constitution, Sept. 2, 1963
Atlanta Journal, Nov 3, 1963
Boston Sunday Advertiser TV section, April 12, 1964
Chicago Tribune, Aug. 29, 1965
The Houston Chronicle, Aug. 6, 2000,
Los Angeles Daily News, Feb. 11, 1999
New York Daily News, Aug. 29, 1965 (magazine section)
New York Sunday Daily News, Jan. 31, 1999 (Extra section)
New York Times, Sept 17, 2000 (Sunday Arts & Leisure section) "When Sit-Coms Had Magic"
For other reviews of the pilot go to 9/30/63 or 10/1/63 in any newspaper microfilm collection
e-mail: jhharison@gmail.com
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