I am so truly honored at my awards. This web site has grown more than I ever dreamed it would. To receive these beautiful awards touches me more than you will ever know and I am so very proud and honored that my work here has brought these awards to me. I cherish each and every one of them and wish to say to everyone who has awarded me that I give my heartfelt thanks. I will always try to live up to them. I wish to thank those special people in my life who encourage me and support me in all my efforts, for without you this would not have been possible.

I shall try to keep going through the links from each of these awards to the web sites I received them from to keep them updated. If a site changes their url I can keep the links going to the correct pages. If you click on an award that will not take you anywhere it is because that site is apparently no longer up and running and I shall try to keep these updated as time allows. Please visit all these wonderful sites that so graciously gave me their awards.

December 2, 1998
Thank You Chet
This is very special to me
you touch me with your kind words

December 2, 1998
Thank You Chet
This is very special to me
and I truly understand the
meaning behind this award

December 2, 1998
Thank You Alyssa
This award truly touches me
and has a very special meaning

December 2, 1998
Thank You Writergirl
I am deeply honored by this award
and truly touched by your words

December 3, 1998
Thank You Jennifer
You honor me with your beautiful
Award, I am touched

December 4, 1998
Thank You Donnie
I am truly touched
by this award

Rose Award

December 4, 1998
Thank You Kathleen
I am truly proud of
this beautiful award

December 7, 1998
Thank You Rita
I am truly touched
by this wonderful award

December 8, 1998
Thank You Nitesky
I am truly touched by
by this award, it touches my
heart for your understanding

December 17, 1998
Thank You Jo Jo
You truly touched me with this
award and your kind word to me
This means more to me than you know

December 28, 1998
Thank You Angela
I love this beautiful award you
have chosen for me and am honored

December 28, 1998
Thank You Angela
I absolutely love and will cherish
this award so much - it really touched me

I Love The Way You Love Me