First, the five cornered Star, the same that
is found in our National Emblem, and tends to remind us of the
allegiance we owe to our Flag.
Midway between the points and center of the Star is
a blue field, the points are gold, which indicates the position
under which we are now serving; the background is white, white
being the Virgin or unstained color, represents purity; among
our many efforts, one is to allow nothing of a corrupt nature
to be injected in our Order; therefore Blue, Gold and White are
our colors. In the three uppermost Blue fields are letters F.O.P.,
which is the monogram of our Order, the FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE.
In the Blue field, in the lower left hand corner is the open
eye, the eye of vigilance, the ever watchful eye, which notes
the danger, and offers protection to the public, asleep or awake.
In the Blue field in the lower right hand corner is the handclasp
which denotes Friendship.
The circle surrounding the Star midway, indicates
our never ending, or never tiring efforts to promote the welfare
and advancement of this order, and within its bounds we are all
a one great and powerful unit. In a half circle over the centerpiece
is our Motto, written in Latin, Jus Fides Libertatum. Jus meaning
Justice. Fides meaning Friendship. Liberatatum means Equality.
In the center of the Star is the seal of Fort Pitt. This tends
to remind us of where the first efforts were put forth to establish
this highly necessitated FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE. |