The Hard Way
The rain had scarce started,
When the man at last set foot and departed.
He looked back one, giving a quick glance,
Lost forever another chance.
It was over now, like the other one,
That had left him deaf and dumb.
The shock had been horrid, it took a long time to heal,
Dealt with quesions he had never wanted to deal.
The answers were simple and painfully obvious,
The road was long, uphill and tedious.
The journey was one for the taking,
The love, one for forsaking.
Like a million times before, or so it seemed,
He saw the way her smile gleamed.
Something inside him gave out a shine,
Something that would soon be lost in time.
As part of the picture grew clearer,
He realized that no one could ever be dearer.
Why then had he chosen poorly again?
Why did it have to end up in disdain?
It didn't matter now, the story was at it's end,
There was no need anymore to pretend.
The time had come for another day to start,
The time had come for him to depart.
These recollections hit him on his way out,
Leaving in him not a shade of doubt.
A tingling feeling of anger refused to move,
As his bearings he one more began to lose.
Wanted to say so much; maybe if he tried,
But the cause was lost, the water had dried.
No sense then in going back for more,
When there is only the pain that lies in store.
Why wonder what the next day would bring?
Pull up a chair. Watch the fat lady sing.
Rahul Jadhav
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