The tears,they fall

        As I walk where you used to be,
        waiting for me,
                the tears,
        they fall,
                I thought i saw you for a moment,
        a moment in time,
                        I'm almost as convinced,
        as back when i thought you would always be mine,
                you see I knew so well,
        that you could never make it,
                that once you were there,
        I knew by that growing away stare,
                that you would care for another,
        once you left you would forget me,
                I screamed,"Oh can't you see?",
        but you said,"Have a little faith,love"
                "I will return to you",
        Oh I wish that were still true,
                but now here I am,
        knowing that I would be without you,
                you see that first time,
        I knew,
                that I would eventually be,
        alone without you,
                that first time you left,
        I knew it could never be the same,
                your love was just a game,
        and you played oh so well,
                now I lay awake at nights,
        and the tears,
                they fall,
        and when I close my eyes,
                there I am,
                holding your hand,
        that held my heart so carelessly,
                did you know those hands,
        those hands that hold hers,
                yes those hands you wrap around her waist,
        once caressed my face,
                still hold the heart,
        you ripped apart,
                with your lies,
        coated by your sweet brown eyes,
                that I would gaze into forever,
        back when I thought that was how long we would be together,
                back when you whipered"I shall leave you never",
        now those days are gone forever,
                now I lay awake at nights,
       and the tears,
                they fall.

             Cassandra Kievits

Poets Note:
This poem is for William H.,you lived up to
expectaions.when we broke up that first time,
i knew then we could never go back to
the way things used to be,i still love you,
but now you can't say the same.

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