The Complete? List of AA Sayings
With thanks to several contributors
In no particular order:
Keep coming back, it works if you work it.
Sit down, shut up and listen.
If you think the program is too simple, go out and drink some more. By the
time you get back you'll be simple enough for the program.
First things first
Keep it simple, stupid (K.I.S.S.)
What step are you on.
Does anyone have a burning desire.
We got a chair here with your name on it.
It's always easier to take somebody else's inventory.
I'm really grateful to be here.
I thank my HP for my sobriety.
I don't know where I'd be without my sponsor.
Get a sponsor.
Don't drink and go to meetings.
My ass was on fire.
If drinking doesn't bring you to your knees, sobriety will.
When you sober up a horse thief, all you have is a sober horse
Easy does it
One day at a time
If you fly with crows, you get shot at
GOD: Good, Orderly Direction
HALT: Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired
I got sick of being sick and tired
It's easy to talk the talk, but you have to walk the walk
Gratitude is an attitude
You have to give it away in order to keep it
Fake it til you make it
It's a selfish program
Stick with the winners
Keep coming back
Just for today
I've been here a few 24 hours
HIT: Hang In There
Under every dress there's a slip
FEAR: False Expectations Appearing Real
Let go and let God
FEAR : Face Everything And Recover!
EGO: Edging God Out!
We came, we came to, we came to believe
Daniel didn't go back to the lion's den to get his hat
If you stick with the bunch, you'll get peeled
It gets better
The doors swing both ways
It's the engine that kills you, not the caboose
You have to put in the time
Put the plug in the jug
We suffer from alcohol-ISM, not alcohol-WASM
Try it for 90 days, and if you don't like it, we'll gladly
refund your misery
Don't drink, and go to meetings
Some people drink normally, and I normally drink
I'm glad to be here, and glad to be sober
The person with the most sobriety is the one who got up
earliest this morning
A slip is a premeditated drunk
Keep your cock (or cash, or car) out of AA
AA is the easier, softer way
Go to meetings when you want to, and go to meetings when don't
want to
It's been a good meeting so far
I've heard a lot of good things said at this meeting
My worst day sober was better than my best day drunk
None of us got here form drinking too much coffee
We have a disease that tells us we don't have a disease
We have a living problem, not a drinking problem
We have a thinking problem, not a drinking problem
Thank you for my sobriety
There are no elevators in AA, only steps
If you don't want to slip, stay away from slippery places
The mind is like a parachute, it works better when it's open
Alcoholics are more sensitive than average
Alcoholics work harder than average
Alcoholics are more intelligent thatn average
There's no gain without pain
Thank you for sharing my pain
Pain is the touchstone of progress
My daily sobriety is contingent on my spiritual condition
Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory
note, only today is cash in the bank.
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