What Members Have To Say About S.T.E.P. and PuckBunnies

"Before we formed S.T.E.P., I can recall many a sleepless night spent at this very keyboard, punching away to my equally-angry fellow PuckBunny haters, words of hate and resentment. 'But, oh, what can we do about these damn things???' And then...epiphany! S.T.E.P. is born!

"...OK, so it wasn't really like that at all, but it's a better story than what really happened, so just humour me, here. The point is basically that, before there was S.T.E.P., there was nothing quite like us - not a single organization or "club," will you, with comparable views to ours. As much as out of our hatred for PuckBunnies, we formed S.T.E.P. to provide a forum for irritated hockey fans, absolutely disgusted that the sport they love could become tainted with this pure evil.

"We here at S.T.E.P. may not always see eye to eye, but in the end we're all really the same, because all of us are very, very sick people."

Rheyn President (I'm not only the President, I'm also a client!)

"S.T.E.P. kicks ass, because I say so, and because my opinion means so much...you better listen to it. Or I will kick your ass."

Sara Senior Vice President

"What's so great about being a PuckBunny anyway...I mean it probably blows. AHAHAHAHAAA!!!"

Deb Minister Of Defence

"Damn PuckBunnies piss me off! :::takes out AK47:::"

Dani Internal Affairs

"I'm glad to be a part of [S.T.E.P.] I have 2 problems with PuckBunnies...

  • They are annoying as fuzuck
  • They give grrrls a bad name.
Maureen Member, S.T.E.P.

"Sure, I [think] some hockey players [look good], but that's not the only reason [I like them]. Like my friend said, ... 'We're teenagers with hormones!' Can't say it any better than that."

April Trainer

"I, as S.T.E.P. Hammer, will not rest until all PuckBunnies are gone from this world."

Ann-Marie Hammer
