The Companion to The Little Book On Line
for Teachers and TutorsVocabulary Drill
V. The Symbol - The Song - The Pledge - The Preamble#3. Identify various symbols of the Unites States: flag, national anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, Independence Day.
Ohio Department of Education - High School Proficiency Testing Fact Sheets
In answering these questions refer to Section V of The Little Book and Related Words. Circle the letter of the correct answer.
- When we speak of the PREAMBLE to the Constitution we are talking about
A. an opening paragraph which states the reasons for establishing the Constitution.
B. the closing paragraph of the Constitution.
C. a quotation from the Declaration of Independence.
D. the presidential oath of office.
- The following statements about the word PREAMBLE are true EXCEPT one:
A. PREAMBLE contains two Latin roots: PRAE (in front of or before) and AMBULARE (to walk).
B. PRE means before and AMBLE means to walk or go.
C. PREAMBLE means to go before something.
D. PREAMBLE is merely a jumble of letters.
- Identify the source of the following quotation. "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union . . ."
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Preamble to the Constitution
C. Gettysburg Address
D. Star-Spangled Banner
- The word ALLEGIANCE means
A. loyalty.
B. diversity.
C. reliance.
D. criteria.
- Which of the following is NOT correct? The U.S. Constitution
A. established a new national government.
B. replaced the Articles of Confederation.
C. was in effect before the Revolutionary War.
D. is the set of laws by which our government functions.
- The words "one Nation under God, indivisible" from the Pledge of Allegiance mean the nation
A. cannot be invaded.
B. cannot be divided.
C. is a people of one ethnic heritage only.
D. requires religious worship.
- Which provision in the Bill of Rights most completely illustrates the words "with liberty and justice for all" from the Pledge of Allegiance?
A. no unreasonable search or seizure
B. freedom of speech
C. no cruel or unusual punishment
D. right to due process
- PATRIOTIC citizens usually do ALL BUT ONE of the following:
A. stand when the national anthem is played
B. respect the flag
C. serve on juries
D. decline to vote
- A REPUBLIC is governed by
A. an absolute monarch.
B. a constitutional monarch.
C. officials freely elected by those they are to serve.
D. a dictator.
- The words "to the Republic for which it stands" mean ALL BUT ONE of the following:
A. The flag represents the Republic.
B. The flag is a symbol of the Republic.
C. The flag stands for our one indivisible Nation.
D. The flag is still standing "in the dawn's early light".
- Where would you find the words, "Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight?"
A. The Star-Spangled Banner
B. America, the Beautiful
C. The Stars and Stripes Forever
D. The Battle Hymn of the Republic
- The word SYMBOL, in the broadest sense, means
A. the flag of the United States.
B. a sacred icon or image.
C. something which stands for something else.
D. a band instrument.
- The 13 red and white stripes in the AMERICAN FLAG stand for
A. the first 13 territories to achieve statehood.
B. the original 13 colonies.
C. the victories under George Washington.
D. the victims of the Boston Massacre.
- Identify the symbols or pictures below. (On the test you will be given a choice of four answers. Here you can simply write the correct answer opposite the letter.)
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