History is silent as to whether there was any distinction in status be-tween the male and the female sexes during the beginnings of human civilization

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Glossary A
AAMEEN     - May Allah accept

AAQIL      -Intelligent,  the choice of right action, virtue as a social value ,      AG L  is described as a masculine trait in the social sense, assertiveness, responsibility, self control,  piety,  a justification for social and moral heirachy, degrees of social deference,  TAHASHAM (social deference ) is based on honor and the skill in practicing Islam at the social level.

 AA'RAF     -the place between heaven and hell

ABD        -To be a creation of Allah and to be in submission to Allah's divine will.

ABDAL,              -AQTAAB,   AWLIYYA         -kinds of saints

ABDAAL           - plural of   BADAL  ,  usage is dervish (Turkish)   ,SAINTS, literally substitutes. Those who submitted their own will to Allah .An advanced saint,above an awliya ,derived from BADALA meaning change, see the concordance . Derived from BADALA meaning change (see concordance) p.29 Futuh al Ghaib


ABRAR     -Saints who attain virtues through hard endeavor and penances and get absorbed in the presence of Allah .The well known  saint Rabia is an example .

ABU HURRAIRA     -He converted in the year of the seige of khaiber. He had a great love for cats (many  pet cats ) Hence was called "Hurraira father of cats" . He shadowed the Prophet ,salla alaihi wa salem . He had a wonderful memory and is the CHIEF and FORMOST Narrator of the traditions (the hadith ). Imam Bukhari reported that more than 800 sahabi and their sucessors learned traditions from him. He died one year befor the rebellion . in 59AH. 

ABUL WAQT  - "master of the times" a  Muslim  whose contribution to our understanding of Islam  holds dominion over the passage of  time .   QUTUB  UL -AQTAB :such are Abdul Qadir Jilani and  Imam al Ghazzali

 see MUSLIM SAINTS AND MYSTICS ,transliterated : TADHKIRAT AL-AULIYA'  by Farid al -Din Attar , Translated by A.J. Arberry, pub. Routledge Kegan and Paul (Brittish books in print )1966,1973,1976,1983    

ADAB           - Plural   AADAAB-   good morals, good manners, ethics , "every praisworthy discipline,by which a muslim is trained in any excellence".   In sufism, it refers to customs, specifically the SUNNAH of our Prophet ,Muhammed ,sallah alaihi wa-salem. Sufis always show great respect for sunnah customs .The sunnah customs are in Sahih Al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim . See HADITH    for ADAB read : On the Duties of Spiritual Brotherhood    by Imam Abu Hamid >Al-Ghazzali,  Overlook press.  Brittish books in print  

see Also Ihya Ulum-Id-Din    translation by  Al- Haj Maulana Fazul-ul Karim, Pub. Kitab Bhavan .Available at a Islamic Bookstore dot com $28.90, for the 4 volume hardbound set ( typeface is very poor,bindings are good  ).Explains the Sunnah customs of all Islamic practices:  A timeless "how to" manual.on how to practice Islam .

ADIL    - The character trait of being  JUST , A Muslim who stays within the limits proscribed by Allah's SHARIA and DIN (deen) frequently in context with  EHSAN   -compassion for the weak and the poor .

ADHKAAR     - Plural of DHIKR. see Concordance of the Qur'an  page 388

 DH *  K *  R  ,         DHAKARA  " to remember" Allah  .In fellahi and Turkish dialect "ZIKR" ,   Calling to mind the blessings and favor of Allah .see USMA UL-HUSNA  the beautiful names

 note : Spiritual speech acts ,worship ,songs , invocations , recitation of any ' holy' names besides the divine names of Allah is SHIRK.

 Shirk is a sin which is unforgiveable when it is commited by a Muslim. When a person makes the declaration of faith, the KALIMAT SHAHADA , they testify  the only diety  is Allah . From that time onwards they are sworn not to commit any shirk .When a person converts to Islam all their previous sins, including shirk, are forgiven by Allah .

A Muslim who has commited shirk must repeat his Shahada before witnesses.

Charismatic personalities like Pir Vilayat who promote themselves as sufis; who are in fact  wholesale promoters of shirk are pariahs in Islamic society.  Real  sufis will  shun their company and those who give them a  venue. Their promotion of SHIRK offends Allah .Sufis also find it quite offensive . All true Muslims and true sufis have engraved upon their hearts: La il-laha  il -Allah

ADKHAR      -the prayers to be said in the prayer rites, as opposed to  the actions (AF'AAL) ,to be performed.  The formula of the SHAYKH'S devotions . Those prayers which give BARAKA (blessings)  because of their connection with particular saints or the Prophet Muhammed , salla alaihi wa-salem.

By example, the  reference to the commission of a sin by mixing men and women at group DHIKR, which is worse than doing it at other times (p.185 ebs) This is a subtle point for Americans. Their words and prayers were correct in the devotional act but their actions were wrong !

ADHA        - Carrying tales, backbiting , slander. "One who carries tales will not enter paradise"  "turn away from idle talk"  28:56    " do not backbite one another" 29:13 . back biteing means when you say something bad  about someone that you would be ashamed to say to them in person .Slander is when you do it in public .Black propaganda is ADHA.

 Note : This concept is not well understood by people . It is not ADHA  to have consultation over serious matters such as government, military, law, or corruption at the state level.  SHURA(consultative assembly) or IJMA(consensus) is the system of government used by all Muslims .It is not piety  to ignore serious violations of Sharia  . For example, it is incumbent upon Muslims to expose and punish acts of treason against Islam . This is a matter of law and government . Honest journalism is not ADHA either . Being comfortable with the outward appearance of virtue while being otherwise corrupt falls into the category of MUNAFIQ (hypocrisy)

"Follow not that which you have no knowlege of " Qur'an says  you should ask the person who is the subject of the gossip about  the matter, when you hear rumors.

ADILLA   ASH- SHAR'IYYA      -The historical and orthodox sources from which Islamic law and  rules are derived.  Qur'an,  Hadith,  Qiyas al Fuqaha  The logical,deduction and formal  reasoning of the ullema,   Ijma ul-Ummah the consensus of the Islamic scholars. This being the  the 4 schools of SUNNI  law in Islam. The 4 madhabs .   AHL US- SUNNAH  , WAL- JAMMAH  Core doctrines . A brief explanation of the essential differences between these 4 madhab can be found in Historical Atlas of the Religions of the World by Ismail Ragi al-Faruqi -Page 260

AHDAATH     -A militia recruited from the young apprentices from among the town population. medieval Ottoman 

**ADL        -Balance in the practice of law, consideration for circumstances in the HUDOOD law code

A-HADEETH        -The Hadith , the sayings and traditions.  In Sunni Islam :Sahih al Bukhari, Sahih  Muslim, Abu Dawud,  Malik's Muwatta. 

'AHD         -An agreement between a ruler and a sucessor.  WALI  AHD. Also used of the DHIMMA  (non Muslims ) meaning   agreements with non muslim states. Somewhat synonymous with AMAAN a safe conduct agreement.

'AHD         -compact,swearing allegience by the hand. This meaning extends to the whole ceremony.see BAY'AT  

(not to be confused with ADH which means sorcery and slander!)  

**AL-AHD         -see BAI' AH, the actual oath given to witness before ones Sheikh .The oath itself .covenant of allegienceto the Sheikh before Allah.

AHDIYYAT      -outward aspect of the highest plane ,the supreme unity

AHKAAM      - The whole Sharia , The corpus of the law , a complete set of books covering all aspects of Islamic law .(for example; Hizmet books series of fascicles vol. 1-16)

AHKAM     - 'Orders'    the ahkam are

1.   compulsory -  WAJIB

2.   an order without obligation- MUSTAHAB

3.    forbidden- MUHARRAM

4 .   disliked by Allah but not forbidden-   MAKRUH 

5.     legal , allowed-    HALAL


**AHWAL     - manifestation of Allah's favor

AHNAAF       -Hanafi Muslims .  Followers of  the legal school established by one of the 4 righteous Khalifs of early Islam:

ABU    HANIFA:   see AL  FIQH  AL-AKBAR ,  translated by Hamid Algar


about 70 percent of the worlds 1.3 billion Muslims are followers of  HANAFI  MADHAB     See:  THE STATE OF RELIGEON ATLAS by  Joanne O'brien ,Simon and Schuster. OP

AHRAAR         -free of blemish, blameless.    see  HURRIYYA . Freedom from public censure, for example, when a sufi misses his Thursday night obligation* or receives social criticism for not being married. .There is no practice of celibacy in Islam . Muslims avoid the imitation of monasticism.Another example is when a man resorts to welfare,begging or crime (eg .selling haram at the convenience store)  when he is able to work. This would bring social censure .Independence ,nobility and freedom are paramount virtues in the muslim community. A Muslim will not take for protectors those other than Allah.  

*Friday is the day of Jummah it begins at sunset on Thursday night. 

AHWAL        -The divine visions decending upon the clear conscience of a sufi .A manifestation of  Allah's favor.

AHWAAL       -states of being , sing. HAAL     see p.37 in  Futuh al Ghaib.  The  MAQAMAAT  stations of spiritual establishment.


AHZAAB         -singular HIZB   the prayers used by a sufi  order

AHRUF       - Modes or levels of meaning in the QUR'AN p. 324 Glasse'  in this context 7 levels of meaning from the most outward and concrete to the most inward and hidden.    7 layers of heaven ,degrees of understanding and approach to truth and the real  ( Platonic idea)

'AHL AL-HAL  O-AQD       -the people who can loosen and bind. Those who are empowered to make legitimate decisions on behalf of the Islamic community. Qur'anic

AJNABI         -strangers, outsiders, AJNABIYYA outsiders   

AJWAD       - people of confidence,those who can be trusted

AKHIRAAT         - The hereafter

AKIRA         - The afterlife

ALAIHI    S-SALLAM           A.S. "Peace be upon him" said following the mention of any of the names of Allah's messengers,or angels other than the Prophet Muhammed ,salla alaihi wa-salem (use the longer form of blessing )    

AL 'AMA     -Dark mist (obscure origin)The inward aspect of the highest plane  'ALAM-I-AMR -world of command existence brought about by allah's command (khalk-the material world )  ALAMI KABIR macrososm SAGIR microcosm ,[source? Alex Jacks, Almaas,Shia platonism]  possibly  philosophy not al Islam    

AL 'ARD        -the reckoning, when everyone is brought to account before Allah's judgement on the DAY    YAUM    AL-QIYYAMA  generally referred to as "the day" 

AL-HAMDU-LILLAH    -"Praise be to Allah" , An expression used any time a Muslim is grateful to Allah for one of his many blessings. For example when asked "Are you a Muslim ?" a pious person will say "Al- Hamdulillah"and after remembering ALLAH then talk about the self. 

ALIF     - The 1st. letter of the Arabic alphabet . Generally used to signify the word Allah . In art , Divine oneness. Alif is used for the name of the pendant bead on a set of Tasbih . (Islamic prayer beads) The alif is used to reaffirm the Kalimat Shahada . La i la ha il Allah Muhammed Rasool'ullah

ALIM         -A Muslim scholar , Ulamaa plural ,  FAQEEH   - an  Islamic scholar who can give an authoritative legal opinion

'ALIM     -The man of knowledge  ,  ULAMAA  - pl.,   alt sp . ulema

AL ISTIGHFAR     - The name of the prayer "I ask forgiveness fron the mighty"

AL JAMHOUR     -The decision of the majority . In teachings ,opinions of scholars. see also  IJMA  ,alt sp. jamhuriyya

AL   MAKHZAN       - also spelled almace'en warehouse (spanish) a  storehouse for the muslim legion. All the spoils of war or all the money possesed by the state-hence a lot of money . In the Maghrib is used to refer to bridal attire which is so costly that it must be rented from the local government of the villiage . A communally used garb of great opulence. From this word also comes MAGAZINE meaning an ammunition supply (every thing you have; all the rocks in the world)   http://www.pna.org/mininfo/issues/3110a.htm

AL-MUAHDHIN      -muezzin,   A specially trained person who gives the call to prayer in  communities . There are strict rules about the way the voice can be used . Women are never muezzin . This is because the female voice being beautiful is a distraction .(being distracted is considered as equal to sexual attraction in the context of mixed gender situations ) I t would be considered immodest and gender inappropriate   as well ,for any woman in a group of women to make the call to prayer. Any young man having reached the age of puberty may make the Adhan for a group of Muslims.

AL  MOULED        -Mawlid an Nabi  , the birth date  of our Prophet Muhammed ,Salla Alaihi Wa- Salaam   alt. sp.MAULID.

 note: the heretical sects known as muwwahid ,salafi ,"wahabi" and "Qur'an and Sunnah" ,"Al-Hudaa"  do not observe maulid an Nabi ! Maulid an-Nabi  is observed around the world by hundreds of millions of orthodox Muslims who really love the prophet Muhammed, salla alaihi wa-salem .Proof of this is their refusal to give up Sunnah customs . They still eat on the floor, sunnah - not in  buffet lines!.  They still wear the turban not neckties.  They still build orphanages and medressas not hotels and golf courses .

 AL SAA  - "THE HOUR"  This is the hour when Allah calls all of humanity to judgement for what they have done.

AL SAA     -"THE CALL " the final call to judgement

AL- SILM      - submission to Allah . This is the root  for the word Islam  see the section in the USC site on > Misconceptions      http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/   this being a perfect example of TAQLID . Taqleed is "blind following " .How many times have you heard that' Islam means peace'? We accepted it without any question and perpetuated this mistake . This is an example of taqlid . Following a madhab is not an example of taqlid ! Changeing the definition of key Islamic concepts is an opportunistic  deception used by heretics to persuade people with limited knowlege .  .

AL  ZAGHRAAD     -this is the distinctive trilling sound made by Arabs and nomads  with the toungue touching repeatedly  behind the teeth   simultaneously the force of sound  coming from the vocal cords and the pitch being nasal  . alt spelling ZAGROODA    zaghareet

AL  ZAHR          -the dice, the chance of loss, dice games  .   In Spanish AZAR an unexpected accident hence HAZARD (french)


ALIF        - 1st. letter of the Arabic alphabet  .The letter ALIF is a  symbol of divine unity meaning the oneness of Allah

ABR          - also called HIJAB .  A curtain , any obstacle  on the spiritual path goes by this name . In early Arabic poetry HIJAB  means a high place from which a person may look down on the enemy or hunted animal and see everything and not themselves be seen . Hence,HIJAB means  an advantage . This describes a face veil quite well. or even sunglasses or MUSHRABIYYA.(the carved wooden screens over the windows in traditional muslim homes) But, on the spiritual path it means a gate or a wall with a gate and therefore an obstacle on the path , a barrier.   Note: the clothing of Muslim women has only been referred to as hijab since the Iranian revolution. This is a new convention. QUR'AN uses the word KHIMAR . That is the correct term to use for a veil that covers the head and chest .

ALLAH  KARIM       -alt sp. Kareem - Allah will provide . friends offer these words of comfort for a person who is having bad times (eg financial difficulty, illness,  loss ect.)

AMAN        - pardon, protection, guarantee, peace, security, safety,  these things are achieved through belief in ALLAH

AMAL       -  to act, to act upon the guidance of the QUR'AN . The implementation of Islam

AMIN    AMEEN          - "accept"   In SALAAT  UL JUMMAH  (friday community prayer ) it is said after Surat ul Fatiha, sub audible.(only yourself can hear it)

AMIR             -by right of Jihad , the govenor

ANSAR           - lit. "Helpers" The people in Medina who helped  MUHAMMED, Salla Alaihi wa- Salaam  and the early Muslims after they immigrated  from Mecca to Medina in 622 hijri - Muhajirun -those who moved to Medina with the prophet s.a.w.s ; when HIJRA was made

'ASA        - the walking staff of a traveling Sufi .  Seen with Sajda (prayer mat) , Tasbih/Subha -DHIKR beads ,'Asa -the walking staff and weapon , wooden sandals(for ease in making wudu),  Khirqa - the patched clothing, TA'WIZ -Qur'an verse worn on the person. medieval insignia of the sufi  (Khalig Ahmed Nizami, Aligarh Muslim university) 

AQAA 'ID      -plural AQUIDA  The basic teachings of Islam respective to beliefs .   The essential core beliefs required of all Muslims regardless of their age, gender or circumstance . The Islamic core beliefs which are required of all newly converted Muslims . AQUIDA , plural .

 In a sincerely practicing UMMAH (community) formal instruction in AQUIDA will be given to new Muslims and also to unschooled Muslims . In the past 20 years Islam has been taught as a fragmented series of personal topics of intrest to the presenters.

AQD     -a contract .the nikah is an example of an 'AQD see marriage considered from a legal point of view. Dr shafaat http://www.geocities.com/alummah2000/MarriageInIslam.html

AQIQA        -(Sunnat-i-muakud ) In Shafii and Maliki Madhab, to ritually slaughter an animal in thanks to Allah for the blessing of a child born safely or one returning safely .When the child is 7 days old name it . Shave its hair weigh the hair and give an equivalent weight in gold to  sadaqa  silver for a girl. AQIQA protects the child against calamity and illness  see Endless Bliss p.64-72  VOL. 5  HIZMET BOOKS

ARAFA       -(root) MARIFA  ar. intimate knowlege of God

ARAFAT     - The holy mountain east of the holy city of MAKKAH in Saudi Arabia . Ancient legends about 3 holy mountains tell that this was one of the three mountains that appeared after the great flood of Nuh'

ARAIK UT-TAUHID     -divine attributes of Allah

ARIF      -a mystic

ARIFIN     - "knowers of truth" p. 144 Futuh Al Ghaib  by Abdul Qadir Jilani

AR-RU'YAA     -  intellectual insight , intuition , precognition .  see   Al QUR'AN 48:27

'ARSH         -the heavenly throne of ALLAH .see the Sufi book of Healing by Hakim Moinudeen Chisti 

'ARSH   KURSI        - The end of matter bordering the 7 skies and the KURSII which is out side the 7 th sky and inside the ARSH         WAQF IKLAS glossary p.364 Vol. 2

A.S.         -  'ALAHI  'S-SALAAM means "peace be upon him"said whenever a muslim mentions the names of Prophets or Angels,including those Christian and Jewish . The longer form S.A.W.S. is used for prophet Muhammed salla alaihi wa salem

Ashadu an la ilaha ill'Allah: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.

ASHRAF        - honorable person ,a title bestowed upon a person who has made some important contribution to Islam . Moghul.

ASLAAF              - plural ,for SALAF meaning pious .The salaf were the first followers of the prophet Muhammed, salla alaihi wa salem

ASMA-UL HUSNA     -The divine beautiful names for Allah found in the holy QUR'AN

AS-SAKHRAH        -"THE ROCK"  It is the foundation stone of the world .The reason being that it was Jerusalem that was one of the first places to be above water after the deluge .It came from paradise (a Meteor).It was a place of prayer for all the Prophets ,Salla alaihi wa sallem, see AL QUDS

**'ASHURA        -10 Muharram. An important Shia day for observing and commemorating the deaths of prophet Muhammed's grandsons,peace be upon them .were killed . penitential rites are observed .

ASTAGH'FIR- ALLAH      -"I seek forgiveness" An expression which can be used any time by way of immediate apology to Allah for something which is wrong -say, loosing ones temper or bad speech . This is also  a form of DHIKR . After recting the Bismillah ,Aoudzhu , Kalimat Shahada the Muslim then will recite Astaghfir'allah 100 times and follow that with alhamdullilah and other Dhikr .astaghfir'ullah is the tauba of dhikr         .see Ihya Al -Din by Al- Ghazzali vol. IV  p. 1-67. Tauba means to "turn around" meaning to correct ones course of action.

AT -TAQSIR     -the abridged or shortened prayers

AULIYAA'           -alt.sp. AWLIYA  (singular wali)  Those followers of Muhammed who were closest to him ,may Allahs peace and blessings be upon them

 AWAABEEN            -prayer after sunsets' obligatory MAGHRIB SALAAT (naqshibandi )

AWKAF     -waqf endowment

A'YAN           -notables, the well to do, headmen ,landowners,bureaucrats,lucrative traders

AAYA       alt. sp.AYAH Asingle  verse from the QUR'AN . a SIGN or a miracle.

Ayat al-Kursi

Allah! There is no god but He, the Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things In the heavens and on earth. Who is there that can intercede in his presence except As He permitteth? He knoweth What (appeareth to His Creatures As) before or after Or behind them. Nor shall they compass Aught of His knowledge Except as He willeth. His Throne doth extend Over the heavens And the earth, and He feeleth No fatigue in guarding And preserving them For He is the Most High, The supreme (in Glory). Al-Baqara (2):255

AYATU'LLAH         -in SHIA Madhab, the highest rank of Jurisprudence clergy , ULEMA

 AYESHA                       alt.sp.     A'ISHA  - Muhammad's wife after Khadija.died .She was the the daughter of the first KHALIF  ABU BAKR .she was betrothed at age 7 and went to live with Muhammed ,salla alaihi wa salem .At age 9 (she was still playing with dolls) She was married to him for 9 years ,being 18 at his death. She is exceptional because she narrated 12,010 traditions 174 were accepted by SAHIH AL BUKHARI and SAHIH  MUSLIM  (Collections of HADITH)

AYYUB                -ABU   AYYUP      .Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari  his full name was Khalid-b-Zaid Ansari Khajrazi . The narrator of  MASABIH . After the HIJRA , The holy prophet ,Salla alaihi wa salem, took the hospitality of Ayyub.He faught in the battles along with Muhammed ,s.a.w.s.   He conquered Constantinople and it is now named ISTANBUL.   He is buried at the foot of its walls ,SULTAN AYYUP is that mosque .in Istanbul Turkey. Muslim women took part in that campain .alt.sp. AYYUB

AZAD one who is careless about everything but Allah   

AZEEM             alt.sp. AZIIM     One of the divine names of Allah meaning the most high . Note in any case, where a DIVINE NAME is used as a personal name the word ABDAL or ABDUL should preceed it . Meaning to be the SERVANT of the MOST HIGH ; rather than calling yourself god .Pir Vilayat a pseudo sufi  corrupted this DHIKR recitation" YA AZIM"to mean "a sufi greeting" ( chef Z would say this: one does not greet Allah one greets people and prays to Allah alone )source: A new age dictionary, Alex jacks EWJ late 70's 

AZIMAT              -Easy prohibitions . Those things easily done which are benificial to ones submission to Allah .  Related term RUKSHAT  meaning commands and prohibitions , "Act on the AZIMAT"(advise?)a context: "it is AZIMAT for a woman not to look at a NA-MAHRAM mans head and hair "

 AZZA- WA -JALL         -said after speaking the word ALLAH , meaning Allah's authority

AZHAT     - Parties of Muslims ,asked 4 times why they always win said they had always been together and never divided


AALI ‘IMRAN: "The family of ‘Imran". ‘Imran was the father of Mariam (Mary), the mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be upon them. Surah 3 of the Holy Qur’an.

ABAA WASS STAKBARA MA’ AL-TASDEEQ (KUFR AL): A Major disbelief. Refusing to bow to Allah due to pride, even though acknowledging the Divine Truth. It is the type of Kufr that Iblis committed. Those Muslims who do not pray are committing this same sin. See Kufr.

ABADA: Forever. See Khalideen.

‘ABASA: "He frowned". The blind man that is referred to in this surah is Abdallah ibn Umm Maktoum. Surah 80 of the Holy Qur’an.

‘ABD: A male slave, a slave of Allah.

ABU BAKR, MAY ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HIM: Also spelled Abi Bakr. He was one of the greatest companions of Muhammad, May Allah bless him and grant him peace. His full name is Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. The Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, called him as-Siddiq because he always believed in Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, without any reservation. He was the first of the four rightly guided Khalifaas (al-Khulafaa al-Rashideen) from 1113 AH. The other three, may Allah bless them, were: 1). Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him 13-23 AH.2). Uthman ibn ‘Affan, may Allah be pleased with him, 24-36 AH. 3). Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, 36-40 AH. See Khalifaa.

ABU LAHAB: Fiercest enemy of Islam and paternal uncle of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Surah 111 of the Holy Qur’an. Known as Suratul Masad.

ABU AL-QASIM: It is the Kunya (see Kunya) of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. It is prohibited to have the Kunya of the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. See Sahi Bukhari, Hadith 205, Vol, 8. Sahi Muslim, Kitab-ul Adab.

‘AD: An Ancient tribe that lived after the Prophet Nooh (Noah), peace be on him, in the village of Ahqaf in Yemen. It was a very prosperous tribe, but was rebellious against Allah Subhana Ta’ala and their Prophet Houd, peace be on him. So Allah wa Ta’ala destroyed it with a fatal westerly windstorm (Ad-Dabour). See Holy Qur’an, Houd (11):50-60.

ADAM, PEACE BE ON HIM: The first man and a Prophet. He was created neither in paradise nor on Earth, but in the realm of Allah’s mercy. From there he was sent to Jannah (Paradise), from where later he was sent down to Earth. He had many offsprings, the most famous ones are Habil (Abel ) and Qaabil (Cain). See Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqarah (2):30-39, al-Maidah (5) 30-34.

‘ADHAAB: Punishment, especially the punishment for failing to obey Allah Ta’ala. See Holy Qur’an, Ale ‘Imran (3):106.

ADHAN: Islamic way for calling Muslims to prayer. The Adhan that is announced today was formulated and formalized in 1AH. See Sahi Bukhari, Hadith 583, Vol.1.

ADHKHAR: A special type of good-scented grass found in the Hijaz area of Saudi Arabia. Also known as Idhkhir.

ADIAT (AL): "The coursers". "Coursers" refer to war horses when they charge, stamp their hooves, breathe heavily and snort in the course of the confusion of battle. Surah 100 of the Holy Qur’an.

‘AFAREET: Evil jinns who are large, powerful and very crafty. Singular: Ifreet. See Holy Qur’an, An-Naml (27):39.

‘AFLAHA: Third person singular of Falaah. See Falaah.

‘AFUW: Al-’Afuwo": The forgiver or pardoner, in the sense obliterating the memory of wrongdoings from one’s mind. One of the ninety-nine attributes of Allah Ta’ala.

AH: After Hijra. Hijra means emigration. The Islamic calendar starts from the day Holy Prophet Muhammad, May Allah bless him and grant him peace, emigrated from Makkah to Madinah, in 622 A.D.

AHAD: 1). One. 2). The Incomparable. When referring to Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala, this means: a. That He has no comparison in His Essence or in any of His Attributes. b. that there is no deity (worthy of worship) but Allah.

AHADEETH: Sayings and traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Singular: Hadith.

AHKAM: Literally means "orders". In Islam, orders are subdivided into six distinct categories:

1). Compulsory, (Fard) = severe punishment if disobeyed. This takes two forms:
a). Fard'ain = Compulsory on every person, e.g. Salat.
b). Fard Kifaya = Compulsory on at least one person in the community, e.g. Salat al-janaza.
2). Necessary but not cumpulsory (Wajib), e,g. Salat al-Juma'.
3). Recommended but not compulsory (Mustahab), e.g. Sunnah prayers, Sadaqa.
4). Legal and allowed (Halal), e.g. eating good food, marriage.
5). Dissaproved of, but not forbidden (Makrouh), e.g. smoking tobacco.
6). Forbidden (Muharram, Haram), e.g. Zina (fornication and adultery).

 AHLUL ABAIT: Literally means "the People of the House". A polite way of addressing the wife and the members of the household. Sometimes used to refer to the family of the Prophet Muhammad, may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him and on his family and on all his companions. The blessings here are addressed to the entire household. See Holy Qur’an, Houd (11):73.

AHLUL KITAB: Literally means "the People of the Scripture". It refers to Yahoud (Jews), Nasara (Christian) and Saabe-een (Sabians). Those who believe in the trinity and that Jesus is God and or the Son of God are considered as Kuffar (unbelievers), even though they are Ahlul Kitab. See Maghdoub and Daaleen. See Holy Qur’an, Yusuf Ali, Al-Maida (5):19, 75-76. See Holy Qur’an, M. Pickhall, Al-Maida (5):17, 72-73.

AHLUL KITAB WA SUNNAH: Literally means "The people of the Book (the Holy Qur’an) and the sayings and traditions, (the Sunnah of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace)." This refers to the people who strive to follow exactly the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, without any deviations.

AHMAD: Another name of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be on him, prophesied his coming. See Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. See Holy Qur’an, As-Saff (61):6.

AHQAF (AL): Name of Village in Yemen. Home of the people of ‘Ad. See "Ad. Surah 46 of the Holy Qur’an.

AHZAB: "The Clans". A famous battle between the early Muslims and the rejectors, in which the Muslims, under the directions of Salman al-Farisi, dug a trench around the city of al-Madinah al-Munawarha to thwart the advance of the unbelievers in 5AH. The battle is also known as the Battle of the Khandaq(Battle of the Trench). See Holy Qur’an, An-Nur (24):55, Al-Ahzab (33):920.Surah 33 of the Holy Qur’an.

AISHA (MAY ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HER): Daughter of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him ) and wife of Muhammad, may Allah bless and grant him peace.

AJAL: 1). Yes. 2). Appointed time. In Islamic terminology it refers to the (appointed) time of death. Allah Ta’ala says in the Holy Qur’an that He will not, (and therefore no-one else can), alter the time of someone’s death. Muslims reject such statements as "the doctor saved his life", or "he would have lived longer if..." Such statements are made by those who do not believe in Allah or do not have the understanding of the necessity to believe in Allah, thus exposing themselves and saying that the power over life and death is within human capability.

AJTANIBOU: "Leave it!" Gambling and intoxicants were prohibited by Allah in the strongest terms possible, "Ajtanibou!". It is the highest level of forbidding what is haram. Haram = not only haram, but also a direct prohibition ordered by Allah Ta’ala. "Ajtanibou!" = not only haram, but also a direct command not to approach or be near it for any reason whatsoever. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqarah (2):219, Al-Maida (5):93.

AJZA: Parts. the Holy Qur’an is divided into thirty parts. Singular: Juz.

AJWAH: A kind of Dates.

AKALA: Literally means "ate". In Islamic theology, it usually means: 1). devouring what is forbidden, whether it be mental, moral, social, physical or spiritual. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Maida (5):69. 2). Spiritual "eating" of the good things in the hereafter in Jannah (Paradise). See Holy Qur’an, Ar-Ra’d (13):35.

AKBAR (SHIRK AL): Major Shirk. This is divided into four categories: 1). Shirk Ad-Du’a. 2). Shirk al-Niyyah wal Iraada wal Qasd. 3). Shirk-al-Ta’a. 4). Shirk al-Muhabbah. For full explanation see Shirk.

AKHIRA: The Hereafter. Not the life in the Barzakh (the life of the grave), but the life in Jannah (Paradise) or the Nar (Hellfire).

‘AALA (AL): "The Most High". Surah 87 of the Holy Qur’an.

ALAIKA SALAAM: Peace be on him. This is said whenever the name of a malak (an Angel), a nabi (a Prophet) or a rasool (a Messenger) of Allah is mentioned, except for the name or title of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallahu ‘aliehe wa sallam). See Sallahu ‘alaihe wa sallam.

ALAM: World. Singular of ‘Alameen. See 'Alameen.

ALAMEEN: Takes its root word from "Alam", meaning world. The Qur’anic meaning of ‘Alameen varies from verse to verse, depending on the context in which it is placed. 1). In Surah 1:2, it means "of all the worlds". 2). In Surah 3:42, it means "of all nations" 3). In Surah 3:97, it means "of all created beings". "Wa ma arsalna illa rahmatan lil ‘Alameen." (We have not sent you [O Muhammad] but as a mercy to all creation.) Surah Al-Anbiya 21:107.

‘ALAQ: "The clot of blood". Also called Surat Iqraa. Ayat (verse) 1-5 of this Surah were the first five verses revealed to Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. They were revealed to him through the Holy Spirit, the Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), peace be on him, in the Ghar Hiraa (cave of Hiraa) in Jabal an-Nur. See Surah 96 of the holy Qur’an.

AL-AQIQ: A valley 7km west of al-Madinah al-Munawarah.

AL-’ARSH: Throne of Allah al-Malik al-Qudus, al-Aziz al-Hakeem. See Surah Taha (20):5

AL-GHURRU AL-MUHAJJALUN: A name that will be given to those Muslims who, on the Day of Resurrection, will have parts of their bodies shining due to their perfect ablution practices. Read Bukhari, Hadith 138, Vol. 1.

AL-HAMD: 1). All praise (is to Allah). 2). Another name for Suratul-Fatiha. Surah 1 of the Holy Qur’an.

AL-HAMDU LILLLAH: Praise be to Allah. Should be said on all occasions and especially after sneezing. Abu Huraira related that the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: ‘When any one of you sneezes, then he should say "Al-Hamdulillah", and his brother or friend (who listens) should respond by saying "Yarhamuk Allah", (Allah have mercy upon you). and then the person sneezing should reciprocate by saying "Yahdikumullah wa yuslahu balakum" ( may Allah guide you and improve your condition). Sahi Bukhari.

ALI IBN ABI TALIB, MAY ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HIM: One of the greatest companions of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The last of the four rightly guided Khalifs (al-Khulafaa al-Rashideen), may Allah bless with him, he ruled from 36AH to 40AH. He was martyred while praying in the Masjid (mosque). See Khalifaa

ALIF LAM MIM: Abbreviated letters, called al-Muqtta’at, revealed at the start of certain Suwar of the Holy Qur’an.

‘ALIM: An Islamic religious scholar. Plural: Ulamaa.

AL-INFITAR: "The Cleaving". Surah 82 of the Holy Qur’an.

AL-JUHFA: Miqat of the people of Shaam. See Miqat.

AL-KURSI: The seat of Allah, Al-Hayyu al-Qayoum. The size of His seat extends over all the heavens and earth. Even though it is such a huge creation, it is still much smaller than the ‘Arsh (the Throne) of Allah Ta’ala. Surah 2:225 is called Ayatul Kursi. See Surah al-Baqara (2):255 see ‘Arsh.

ALLAH: The name of the Creator of the universe and all that it contains.It is derived from the word "Ilah" which means "the One deserving all worship", the One to whom all hearts submit in love, fear, reverence, desire, trust and sincerity, and to whom all limbs submit in all forms of worship such as prayers, supplications, sacrifices, invocations, etc. Allah has decreed that His Holy name is "Allah" and has ordained that all His creation call upon Him by the name of "Allah". In the original Bible and Taurat (in the Hebrew text), the name "Allah" is used.

In Islam, the name God is not used for fear of misunderstanding. To the Christians, it will give them a mental image of a human being (the Prophet Jesus, son of Mary, Peace be on him), to some Hindus it creates a mental picture of an animal (a cow). To the Zoroastrians it creates a picture of a fire. Allah, there is none but He, King of universe, the Creator and Originator of all that there is, He has no beginning nor end. He was not begotten nor did He beget. He is not like anything.

ALLAH HUMMA: "O Allah". This is said when invoking Allah Ta’ala. For example, "Allah humma atina fid dunya hasana wa fil akhirati hasana wa qin a ‘adhab an-nar". "O Allah, give us the good of this world and the good of the Hereafter and preserve us from the Hellfire."

ALLAH TA’ALA: Allah the Exalted. See Subhana wa Ta’ala.

ALLAH AKBAR: Allah is the Greatest.

AL-’UZZA: A famous goddess in the Hijaz used to be worshipped by the pagan Arabs in the pre-Islamic period of ignorance. See Holy Qur’an, An-Najm (53):19.

AL-YAS, PEACE BE ON HIM: Elisha. A Prophet of Islam. See Holy Qur’an, Al-An’aam (6):36 Saad (38):48.

‘AMAH: A female slave.

AL-AMANAH: The trust or the moral reponsibility or honesty, and all the duties which Allah has ordained.

AMIN: O Allah, accept our invocation.

AMMA BA'DU: An expression used for separating an introductory main topic in a speech; the introductory topic is usually concerned with Allah's Praises and glorification. Literally it means, "whatever comes after." It is generally translated as "then after" or "to proceed."

AMIRUL MUMINEEN: Commander of the Faithful. Title of the leader in the Islamic nation after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. The first four faithful commanders of the new Islamic nation were called Al-Khulafaa al-Rashideen, "the rightly-guided Khulafas" (see Khalifaa). They were given this title because they carried out their duties perfectly according to the Holy Qur’an and the practices and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

AMR BILL MA’ROOF: Enjoining the good. The full version is "Amr bill Ma’roof wa nahi ‘anil Munkar". (enjoining the good and forbidding the evil).

AN’AAM: The Cattle". Surah 6 of the Holy Qur’an.

‘ANAZA: A stick with a spearhead. Read Sahi Bukhari, Hadith 583, Vol.1.

ANBIYAA (AL): "The Prophets". Surah 21 of the Holy Qur’an.

ANFAAL (AL): "The Spoils of War." Surah 8 of the Holy Qur’an.

‘ANKABOOT (AL): "The Spider". The Spider who made its web over the Ghar Thaur (Cave of Thaur) where Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, hid from the Quraish on his way to Madinah. Surah 29 of the Holy Qur’an.

ANSAAB: Idols. See Holy Qur’an, Al-baqara (2):219.

ANSAR: Literally means "Helpers". 1). The Inhabitants of Madinah, the Aus and the Khazraj tribes, who embraced Islam and supported the Muslim emigrants against the pagan Quraish and other tribes who made war on the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. See Ansari. 2). Helpers of the Prophet Isa (the Prophet Jesus, son of Mary), peace be on him. See Holy Qur’an, As-Saff (61):14 Singular: Ansari

ANSARI: An inhabitant of Madina who embraced Islam and supported the Muslim emigrants who had fled from persecution in Makkah and other places during the time of greater repression against the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and his companions, may Allah be pleased with them all. See Holy Qur’an, Suwar Al-Hashr (59):9, Al-Munafiqun (63):7.

‘AQEEEDA: Literally means belief. In Islamic terminology, it means articles of faith. There are six articles of faith. They are:

1. Belief in Allah. We Believe that:

1). He is the Lord and Creator of all that there is. 2). He is the True God and All other deities are false. 3). He is One,and has no associates (son or otherwise). 4). He alone has the knowledge of the Unseen and of the Hour. 5). In His Names and Attribute. 6). He never came down to earth in any shape or form. 7). He is Everlasting, He did not beget nor was He begotten and He is not like anything.

2. His Mala’ika (angels). We believe:

1). They are His honored servants. 2). They act only by His command. 3). They are made out of light. 4). They obey all of Allah’s commands. 5). All angels are good and incapable of wrong doing (We do not believe in the notion of a "Fallen angel".)6). They may be seen by some men only by Allah’s consent. See Malaikah.

3. His Revealed books.

We believe He has sent down books with every messenger .The original books of Allah that were sent to the Prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus no longer exist in their original form. We believe only in the original Taurat (Torah), Zaboor (Psalms) and Ingeel (Gospel). The Holy Qur’an that was revealed to the Seal of the Prophets, Mohammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is the only perfect book of Allah that is free from corruption and is a true source of light for all mankind.

4. His Rusull ( Messengers). We believe.

The Messengers of Allah Ta’ala include Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, Abraham, Noah, Jesus , Moses, peace be upon them all. Allah's Messengers are human beings. Muhammad’s message encompasses and abrogates all the messages of all the other messengers, since Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is the last Messenger and the Holy Qur’an is the Last Message from Allah before the end of the world.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgment. We believe.

1). In the Final Day, which is the day of Judgment. 2). There will be no intercessors except by Allah’s leave. 3). Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant Him peace,will be given permission to intercede on behalf of all those who believed in Allah and the Last Day and who submitted their will to Him, that is, those who are "Muslims" (Muslim = One who submits his or her will to Almighty Allah). 4). Heaven is for the believers and Hell is for the rejecters. 5). In the fount (Kawthar) of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. 6). Our book of deeds will be given to us in our right or left hand (to the believers and unbelievers respectively).

6. Belief in Fate and the Divine Decree. We believe:

1). In fate, whether good or bad, which Allah has measured and ordained for all his creatures. 2). His decree cannot be changed except by his leave. 3). Allah has granted man the free will to choose between good and evil. Thus, there is no excuse for wrong action in the sight of Allah Ta’ala.4). All that is to happen until the Day of Judgment is already written down on the Lauh al-Mahfudh.

O Allah! Let me not die except in Islam, and raise me on the Day of Judgment only as a Muslim. Ameen! Singular: ‘Aqaaid.

AQIQ (AL): A valley in Al-Madina about seven kilometers west of it

AQIQAH: It is the Sacrificing of one or two sheeps on the occasion of the birth of a child, as a token of gratitude to Allah. See Sahi Al-Bukhari, The Book of 'Aqiqah, Vol. 7, Page No. 272.

AQRA HALQA: It is just an exclamatory expression, the literal meaning of which is not meant always. It expresses disapproval.

ARAAK (AL): A tree from Siwak is made. See Siwak.

ARAF (AL): " The Heights". Surah 7 of the Holy Qur’an.

‘ARAFAT: A pilgrimage site, about 25km east of Makkah al-Mukarramah. Standing on ‘Arafah on the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah and staying there from mid-day to sunset is the essence of the Hajj (the Pilgrimage).

AL-ARBA'AH: The four compilers of - Abu Da'ud, Nasa'i, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah.

AREEM: May be translated as dams or embankment. The ‘Areme (dam) that is referred to in Surah 34:16 is the Maarib Dam whose traces still exist in Yemen.

ARKAN: Pillars. This refers to the indispensable pillars of Islam. There are five Arkan of Islam:

1. Shahadatain, bearing witness. All Muslims must believe in and utter the Shahadatain.

    1). The first Shahada is: Ashhadu an la illaha illal ‘lah. (I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.)

    2). The Second Shahada: Ashhadu anna Muhammadar Rasoolullah. ( I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.) Singular: Shahada = bearing witness, Dual: shahadatain = Bearing witness.

3. Seeam, fasting. Also spelled as Saum. To fast in the month of Ramadan.

4. Zakat, wealth dues. To pay 2.5% of one’s yearly savings to the poor and needy Muslims. The Zakat is compulsory on all Muslims who have saved (at least) the equivalent of 85g of 24 carat gold at the time when the annual Zakat payment is due. Zakat is also due on other things such as silver, animals, crops, etc. For full explanation on Zakat refer to the relevant books written on the subject.

5. Hajj, pilgrimage. To perform the pilgrimage to the Holy City of Makkah at least once in one’s lifetime (if one is able to afford it).

‘ARSH: The throne of Allah. The ‘Arsh is the immense starless heaven that encompasses the visible Universe, which is referred to as the Kursi. Sayyidina ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said that the relation of the Kursi to the ‘Arsh is like that of a small ring lying in the middle of a vast desert. This is why ‘Arsh is correctly translated as ‘Throne’ and Kursi as ‘Seat’ or Footstool’,. although sometimes those who are unaware of the existence and nature of the ‘Arsh translated Kursi as ‘Throne’.

AS: See ‘Alaihe as-Salam.

ASBAB AN-NAZUL: The specific reason and circumstances for the revelation of various verses of the Holy Qur’an. For example: Surat at-Tauba, Ayat 79-80 (the story of Abu ‘Aqeel). In 9AH Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, asked for contributions to finance his Tabuk expedition. Being very poor, but still yearning to contribute, Abu ‘Aqeel decided to offer his services, which lasted from dusk till dawn. He received only two handfuls of barley in payment. He took the entire payment and presented it to Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. A group of Munafiqeen (Hyprocrites) saw this and started to deride Abu ‘Aqeel by saying. "Look at Abu ‘Aqeel, does he think that Allah is in need of such a pathetic donation?" Allah Ta’ala become so angry with them that He immediately sent down the Holy Spirit Jibreel (The Angel Gabriel), peace be on him, to reveal Surah 9:79:80 to Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

ASABAH:  All male relatives of a deceased person from the father's side.

ASGHAR (KUFR AL): A minor disbelief. Being unappreciative of what Allah Ta’ala has provided. See Kufr:

ASGHAR (SHIRK AL): A Minor Shirk:

1. Shirk ar-Rea’. It is carrying out a religious act for worldly gains and not for the pleasure of Allah. For example, giving Zakat (charity) for the sake of fame or praise. 2. Shirk At-Tasmee’: a). Swearing by other than Allah. b). To say: "I depend on Allah and you." c). To depend on any man. d). To say: "Oh Allah, by the honour of Muhammad do such and such for me." e). Any belief, saying or action that might lead to Al-Shirk al-Akbar (Major Shirk). See Shirk.

ASHAB AS-SUNNA: The Compilers of the Prophetic Ahadith on Islamic Jurisprudence.

ASHAB AL-MAIMANA: Literally means "companions of the Right", the righteous people. On the Day of Resurrection, Allah Ta’ala will sort out the good and evil. They will be divided into three groups: Muqarraboon - the exalted class, those who are nearest to Allah Ta’ala. Ashab al-Maimana - the righteous people, those who are destined to enter Jannah (Paradise). Ashab al-Ma-Mash’ama - literally means "companions of the left"; these people will be the inheritors of the Nar (Hellfire). For full explanations of; Muqarraboon, see Surah Al-Waqi’ah (56): 11-26; Ashab al-Maimana, see Surah 56:27-40. Ashab al-Mash’ama see Surah Al-Waqi’ah (56):41-56.

ASHAB AL-MASH’AMA: Literally means "companions of the left", the evil-doers. These people will be the companions of the Nar (Hellfire) on the Day of Resurrection. For full explanation: See Ashab al-Maimana. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Waqi’a (56):41-56.

ASHABUL AIKA: Dwellers of the wood. Another name for the Midianites. See Madyan. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Hijr (15):78, Al-Shu’ara (26):176-191.

ASHARAFUL MURSALEEN: The Most Honoured of all the Prophets. One of the titles of the Holy Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

ASH-SHAJARA: A famous place between Madinah and Makkah.

ASHURA: The 10th day of Muharram (the first month of the lunar Islamic calendar). It is a Sunnah to fast on the 9th and 10th of Muharram to commemorate the freeing of the people of Prophet Musa (Moses), peace be on him, from the Fir’aun (Pharoah) of Egypt. Read Sahi Bukhari, Hadith 222, Vol. 3.

ASIYA: The wife of Fir’aun (Pharoah). She is one of the four greatest created females, the other three being;

1). Mariam (Mary), may Allah be pleased with her, the mother of the Prophet Isa (Jesus), peace be on him. 2). Khadija, may Allah be pleased with her, the first wife of Muhammad, may Allah bless and grant him peace. 3). Fatima, may Allah be pleased with her, the daughter of Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

ASLAHA: Reformed, mended, corrected, improved ways of behavior. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Anbiyaa 921):90.

ASMA WA SIFAAT (TAWHEED AL): Unity of Names and Attributes of Allah Ta’ala. To believe that: 1). None can qualify or name Allah except as He or Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, named or qualified Him. 2). None can be named or qualified with Names of the Attributes that belong only to Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. For example, none may be called ‘Al-Muhyee" (the Giver of Life) except for Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala himself. 3). We must believe in all the Ayat and Ahadeth (sahih) regarding the attributes of Allah without altering their meaning in any way whatsoever.For full list of the attributes of Allah Ta’ala: See Tawheed.

ASMAUL HUSNA (AL): The Ninety-nine Beautiful Names (Attributes) of Allah Ta’ala. It is haram to add or to delete from the list of Attributes of Allah. It is also haram to give such attributes to anyone else. For the full list of Al-Asmaul Husna:See appendix 1

‘ASR (AL): "Afternoon". The third compulsory Salat (prayer) of the day. It can be prayed at any time between mid-afternoon and a little before sunset. Surah 103 of the Holy Qur’an.

ASSALAMU ‘ALAYKUM: "Peace be on you". Greeting of the Muslims. The response to this greetings is "Wa ‘Alaikum Assalam wa Rahmatul-lahi wa Barakatuh", And on you be the Peace and Mercy of Allah and His Blessing.

AS-SIDDIQ: "The Truthful". This title was given to Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. When Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, related his experience of Al-Isra (his night journey to Masjidil Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem) Wal Mi’raj (and his ascension through the seven heavens) to Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, he immediately and without any reservation replied "Sadaqt": "You have spoken the truth". From that on Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, came to be known as Abu Bakr as-Siddiq.

ASTAGHFIRUL’LLAH: I seek forgiveness from Allah:

ATHAR: Sayings of the Sahabah, the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessing of Allah be on him and them.

‘AURA: The part of the body that must always be concealed, except in front of spouses. 1).Man: from his navel down to just below his knees. 2). Woman: her whole body, except for her face, hands and her voice.

‘AWAAMIR (AL): Snakes living in house.

AWLIYAA: Protectors, friends, supporters, helpers. Comes from the same root word as Maula. Singular: Walee.

AYAH: A verse of the Holy Qur’an. Literally means "a sign". Plural: Ayat.

AYAT: Literally means signs (of Allah Ta’ala). 1). Verses of the Holy Qur’an are called Ayat because each one is a sign from Allah Ta’ala for those who understand. 2). Within the Ayat (verse) themselves Allah gives us numerous Ayat (signs), amongst which are: a) His power b) His creation (earth, heavens, universe, etc..) c) What is in store for those who reject Allah and His messengers and what is in store for the righteous who accepted Allah and His messengers.

AYAT AL-KURSI: The 255th verse of Surah al-baqarah (2) in the Holy Qur’an. See the beginning of Section (A) of this book.

AYOUB, PEACE BE ON HIM: Job. A Prophet of Islam. He was renowned for his patience, hence the idiom "Sabr Ayoub" (the patience of Job), which means complete patience and constancy.

AYYAM AT-TASRIQ: It is a term used for eleventh, twelfth and thirteen of Dhul-Hijjah.

AYYIM: A woman who already has had a sexual experience, who maybe widowed or divorced.

'AZIZ: 1). "Al-’Aziz". The Almighty. One of the ninety-nine attributes of Allah Ta’ala. See Holy Qur’an, Al-Hajj (22):40. 2). Title of Egyptian nobleman during the time of the Pharaohs. Sulaikha was the wife of Aziz who tried, but failed, to tempt the Prophet Yusuf (Joseph), peace be on him, into seduction. See Holy Qur’an, Yusuf (12):23-24.

AZLAAM: Literally means "arrows". It was used in divination to seek good fortune in any decision taken by the pre-Islamic pagan Arabs. See Holy Qur’an, al-Maida (5):90.

'AZL: Coitus interruptus, i.e. pulling out the penis from the vagina at the time of ejaculation of semen for the purpose of birth control,otherwise known as withrawal.

AZWAJA: Pairs, as in Husband and wife.










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