History is silent as to whether there was any distinction in status be-tween the male and the female sexes during the beginnings of human civilization

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Glossary T
TAQDIR   root Q*D*R  - The fate of a person is unknown. There are 5 things that a Muslim will not know : 1. the length of his life 2. actions 3. his dwelling place 4. his travels 5. their portions (that is what Allah has given to them in this life)

 TAQDIR means "measuring out" pre-ordering , fixed by divine will, pre-ordained . QUR'AN  surat L I V -49    ,  III-139 , IXXXVII-2 also suraVIII-17 ,IX-51,XIII-30  ,XIV - 4 ,XVIII-101


TA 'ABBUD     -devotion to Allah

TA'WWUZ     -Is the name of the following recitation : "I seek refuge in Allahs mercy  from the accursed satan"   This is recited before all devotional acts, reading Qur'an,  making salat, and at other times as well. It is also called 'auzzun-bi- 'llah. transliterated : "AH oo dzhu billahi min- a -Shaytan  nir-rajheem"

TA'ADDUD AL -ZAWAJAT     - plurality of wives .(like the nike ad says JUST DO IT! its sunnah )

TABARRUHUM     -'dealing kindly and justly with them ' mutaahinah 60:8

TABI'I     -a person who met or saw the Prophet, salla alaihi wa salem literally "follower"

TABIB     - a physician of humoral medicine,  Tibb ul- Unnani

TA'BIR  AR-RUH'YA     -dream interpretation .

TAABI-UUN AL i-ZAAM     - Alim in the early days of Islam .Those people who came after the Sahaba and never saw the Prophet (A.S) but knew the Sahaba .

TABA'AT  -TAABI  IIN      -Those who followed after the persons who knew the Sahaba

TABARRUJ     -immodesty , flirtatious ,sexually provocative behavior  see Qur'an 33:32 & 33

TABARRUJ     -"wanton display"  Quranic usage . public display of a persons sexual attributes . The open exhibition of sexuality .includes tight clothing, nudity, sexual and provocative dancing,  dating, night clubs, , beaches,most sports, fashion magazines .All of these things are totally outside of the deen of Islam .

TABBARUK     -Obtaining blessings through the righteous things have benifit through the will of allah . Not because of innate properties . Um Salama used the hairs of the prophetsalla alaihi wa sallem , to heal.Water used by Nabi was given to Abu Musa .The sahabi fought over the water used by Nabi to show validity of obtaining blessings through the effects of the righteous.    w.31.1 keller p.920  

TABLIGH     -"preaching" , "messege" . Tablighi Jammat is an organization of muslims which travels about the entire world preaching to Muslims whereever they find them .  see longman guide

TADABBUR     -Reflection in order to gain understanding from the Qur'an

TADHKIYA     -the nafs and the body attain Tadhkiya ,(purification of bad qualities )by means of RIYADAT and IBADAT

TADKHIN     -litrally "Smoking", purification . The use of ritual smoke to purify.This is done frequently to protect(AYIN) . A ritual smoke bath over charcoal . the black seed is burned with alum and held under the clothes with a censor .takeing care not to burn them . This is done by custom at sunset, maghrib and for  friday Jummah.

TAFAKKUR     -contemplation or thought of ones own evils or virtues .(self examination of ones character moral inventory) 

**TAFRID     -annihilation or separation from Allah  

TAFSIR    -The science of interpreting the Qur'an is based on the mastery of the 15 Islamic sciences . The people who are misled by heretics and ignoramous will loose their Iman . Qur'an translation requires the masetery of 8 branches of knowledge. the best book for the hanafi madhab is Durr-ul- Mukhtar by Ibni Abidin  

TAFSIR     -verb "to explain" tafsir is a book using scholarly methods and formal rigor to interpret the Qur'an .

TAFSIR   -FASSARA  , verb to explain. Explanation or  commentary on the Qur'an  TA'WIL exegis of BATIN or inner meaning


 cultural note : In Islam we do not have this western idea that anyone can write about the Qur'an in the same personal and subjective way (pop religion ) that christians are known to do with their holy book . It is not commendable or intelligent .In 40 years it has destroyed the authority of the Bible utterly among those who have engaged in this practice . 

TAFRAQA     - inner conflict

TAGHUT     -a false god , a demon , any object which is worshipped or obeyed . A dictator like the baath party communist Sadaam Hussain ,tortures and starves Muslims with the aid of the other dajjal- the US .  Anti human forces .

TAHANNUTH     -literally pious practice . To shun the world and its distractions. see Qur'an 6:91  

 as opposed to YAL 'ABUUN pointless distraction . "they play" not commited to any serious purpose  as opposed to DHIKR or study of qur'an , sadaqa    see p.393 Glasse'

or KHAWD -pointless dispute . Sufi Muslims will not do this kind of activity . you see it on the web a lot!


TAHAJJUD     - night prayers ,after after ISHA and before FAJR  It was the custom of the sahabi . they are volountary .

TAHANNUTH ---pious practice ,to disregard the world and its distractions : pointless disputation see qur'an 6:91, pointless argument ,not committed to any serious purpose . This  contrasts with Dhikr.  "say, Allah to them ;  then leave them to their pointless disputation "

TAHARA     -ritual purity ,and those matters reffering to it . ghusl wudu Haya ,guarding the eyes , maintaining purda. staying away from non muslims .

TAHIYAT-UL- MASJID      -It is sunnat to perform 2 rakat of namaz (salat) before you sit down, after you have entered the mosque. It is sunnah .   Any other prayers you do can count for this provide that you state your intention for it. colloquially it is "called greeting the mosque "

TAHNIK     -when a baby is born it is custom by sunnah to put a little bit of chewed date in its mouth . just touch the date to its lips . recite the kalimat shahada into his ears .

TAHAYYUR     - spiritual confusion

TAHRIMI   MAKRUH     - makruh means disliked or detestable to Allah but not forbidden . In the rules of salat,and other conditions  this is determined by Islamic scholars. By the use of  TALIL  (formal proofs) and by ZANN ( logical deduction) .

TANZIHI  MAKRUH     - there is no proof against it or witness against it but it is, nonetheless, not good to do it.

TAHRIMA       -Takbir of Tahrima  is to say "Allah hu Akbar" when you begin salat

TAHRIMI  MAKRUH     -of the mosque means those things which are considered detestable or displeasing to Allah

  To set up markets , making contracts , buying or selling ,  an exception is the NIKAH which is Mustahab (commendable),  to talk loudly , to talk of worldly things (upward mobility, university, riyya  ) to make speeches which are not approved by shariat . to quarrel,  reserving yourself a place,  taking up arms for battle , allowing bats a pidgeons to hang out . punishment in the mosque . khutba are haram if they are delivered in the manner of a political speech , decorating the walls with goldleaf, effeminate decorations,balloons ,ostentatious colors. The qibla may be decorated .Any person who is covered with NAJASAT is forbidden to enter the masjid ,drunks, drug users and  insane people are not allowed in the mosque-ever. diaper babies are makruh in the mosque . It is haram to beg in the mosque in such a way as to annoy people . It is mekruh to look for lost things in a mosque . allowing filth from your body to touch the walls floor ect. It is makruh to eat or sleep in the mosque . except the MUSAFIR -they must make NIYYAT to make itikaf. and namaz tahiyatul 1st. Bringing bad smells into the mosque is makruh . people whose clothing smells bad are not allowed, for example fish sellers,drakkar noir,charlie  . don't eat onions and garlic before going to the mosque . Every thing totally clean .Women must stay out of the masjid for the  40 days after delivery and during their period. All these things are considered detestable but are NOT forbidden.


TAYYAT   AL-ISLAM     -A salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi (in salat)

TA'JIR      -Tradesmen

TAJRID      - detatchment

TAJWID     -Rules for pronunciation ,articulation . The correct recitation by these rules of AL QUR'AN

TAJWEED     -It is a saying or action of reciting the Qur'an in accordance with the established rules of NUTQ :   pronunciation and  intonation . TAFKHEEM , velarization, GHUNNAH , chanting, IQLAAB, and transposition. No person can lead the salat ul- Jummah who does not know the rules of MAKHARI J -I-HURUF  (parts of the mouth tongue and pharynx where letters and sounds are articulated)

TAKABBAR     - pride, haughtiness,arrogance , MUTAKABBIR   a proud imperious, haughty, supercillious person , ASTAKBARA haughty immoderate, insolent speech .

TAKBIR     -the takbir is when a group of Muslims shout 'Allah Hu Akbar' "Allah is very great" Takbir is an integral part of Muslim devotional life when they make SALAT , DHIKR,  bury the dead , congratulate school kids .for learning the Qur'an .[ KABBARA   to declare] to give takbirs ...(Their acomplishment gives glory to Allah )

TAKFIR    - to declare any Muslim to be an apostate. The Qur'an strictly warns against this .It is generally regarded that any person who declares another Muslim to be an apostate will themselves become one . see Qur'an . A particular problem with heretical sects .

TAKIYYAH           alt.sp.TEKKE     -a religious meeting house where Muslims can be secluded from ordinary responsibilities and concentrate on their prayers to Allah . Also a meeting place for members of a sufi order . The tekke is not open to the public as a mosque would be. Members bring guests and formal rules of decorum are observed .Alternate usage see DARGAH  Turkish (spelled incorrectly with u) KHANAQAH  Persian , ZAWIYYA Arabic west.  Historically and now as well the TEKKE will also have a charitable hostel for MUSAFIR and for giving food and attending to the poor .A charitable hostel .

TALABEH     - loosely ,a seeker a scholar, TALIB a student in a medressa .A student in an Islamic institution who studies Islam formally , following a particular Sheikh.  

TALBIYAH     - A prayer which is recited during the TAWWAF of HAJJ :  "Labbaykah Allahummah Labbaykah " "I am serving you ,Ya Allah" .There are longer versions as well.

TA'LEEM        -Academic training of a Muslim . Tarbiyat is the spiritual training. .

TALFIQ     - Mixing up the elements of law from the four schools of jurisprudence. This practice is frowned upon . Generaly to personally improvise  or patch together without regard for formal rules .

TALIL   UL- LISAN       -alt sp. TALEEL :   Laa ilaaha  il -Allah

TALIL     - Making lawful by reciting the TALIL over it: La ila ha il Allah  when making Qurban .This is required before any animals are  halal to eat.

TALQIN      -The instruction of religion by word of mouth

TALQEEN     -recited by a dying Muslim facing Mecca ,Qibla.: "La ila ha Il Allah", Mohammed Rasulullah and also Surat Ya-Sin before you die. 

TALQIN        -sufi BAYA.   The declaration before Allah  as witness.The reaffirmation of the Kalimaat Shahada.

TAMJID     -verbal noun of MAJJADA  "to Glorify" a term used for the following expression: SUBHANALLAH   "Allah is  glorfied ".

TANAASUKH      -"to abrogate"   meaning to abrogate the reality of Allah . Such heresies are : The transmigration of souls ,  past life memories, soul mates, channeling , reincarnation ,evolution of souls from low forms of life, tulkus, avatars , intra- psychic phenomenon. In Arabic the word tanaasukh generally means reincarnation.

TAQASHUF     - austerity,   from KHUSHUNA   rugged simplicity in food or dress hard work and long devotions .(exactly like the Prophet. Salla alaihi wa- salem) An example is the noble mujahiddin in Chechniyya . They come into the camp from guarding the frontier in sub zero weather snow . When they come into the camp they do not take a warm drink . they do not sleep . They make wudu with melted snow and pray salat before they sleep or eat .

TAQDIR     -Fate . In Allah's will and knowledge there is an estimate and apppraisal for everything good and bad . Allah knew this about every creature even before anything was created.  This knowledge and estimates of Allah is called TAQDIR . Nothing good or bad is beyond Allah's knowlege and estimate .( Ahmed Baki's works of Hulusi ) 

TAQI IYA     - literally caution . This word means dissimulation see Qur'an 3:28 . Dissimulation is a tactic used to avoid open persecution by the enemies of Islam . A good example is in the film Living Islam.  An old man in Central Asia who  endured for his entire life the persecution of the communists . He has pinned upon his shirt medals from the communist party . Practices TAQIYYA ; secretly at home; he has taught his grandson the recitation of the Qur'an .  Goldziher p.181

TAQIYYA     -claiming to be some thing you are not in order to avoid persecution . Historically  a Shia tactic.Also a sufi practice in various historical situations . Anwar Saddat,  joining the military,  pretented to be in the Nasser marxist regime so that he could infiltrate and destroy it from within . Actions are judged by their intentions -hadith

TAQL      - TAWWAQUL  reason



TAQLID     -In jurisprudence ,the unquestioning acceptance of established doctrines . In other words ORTHODOXY


TAQLEED      - Actions performed as a custom . Adherance, "blind imitation". Unquestioning acceptance.

Although this has never been a negative concept historically; It is now used by heretical sects and secularists  to describe anyone who follows a madhab! This is altogether a wrong meaning and a deception used by heretics to undermine the legal system and its authority .

 TAQLID MADHAAHIB     - the acceptance of Islamic practice , pious obedience to  ones SHAYKH or teacher. Obedience  is the  natural experience  of respect for the  Sunnah. Islam is learned from other Muslims,  whom we respect for their purity in religious  practice . The Islamic legal system is the  product of centuries of Islamic  scholarship and respect for  functioning systems of  moral government  . Obedience to it  is  also  tribal loyalty. Tribal social behavior is a survival instinct of all humans. No human can survive alone .Challenge to the leadership is suspect in itself when it is without merit Islamically.

TAQLID       - "To hang something around the neck".. thereby marking an animal for sacrifice . .( chef Z. recommends see Irving Goffman's book on Stigma ) 

ETIC             - the term TAQLID  is now  used pejoratively,  which means someone tries  to give Muslims a bad name, meaning  'retrograde' This etic meaning is favored with  socialists,  secularists,  feminists, and NGO types.

EMIC         -Emic means the insiders point of view, the viewpoint of the people who actually belong to the culture/religion .   In this case, a Muslim  orthodox  point of view.  TAQLID means   learning by  imitation .The possibility or nessesity of  following without understanding.  Public acceptance of any customs, values or  practices. (it happens but it is not a bad thing). You must learn the madhab by following a MUJTAHID.  You may mix madhab under strong nessesity (DARURAT)  or when doing something for the first time when you are just now learning how to do it . (eg salat)

QALADA        -means 'twisted' Q* L* D .  

TAQI      - a believing and obedient Muslim .

TARBIYAH        -alt  Tarbiyat . Moral and spiritual teaching. An Islamic upbringing . The spiritual training of a Muslim . 

TARAWIH     -during the month of Ramadan , TARAWIEH is the recitation of the entire QUR'AN  in a single month . This is performed as jammah (the community) in the Masjid Mosque or tekke'. This is one of the times that Muslim women go to the mosque in orthodox ereas. Tarwih requires long periods of standing, late at night after days of fasting and is difficult to complete intirely .However Muslims will try to do as much as they can for the great blessings received during the month that the QUR'AN was revealed .The QUR'AN is divided into sections so that the whole will be recited in one lunar month .

TARDIYAH     -Tardiyah follows the mention of the names of any of the SAHABI  or saints of Islam . When writing or speaking, you say : RADIYA  L IAAHU  'ANHUU (masculine) ANHA  (feminine)

TARDIYAH       - is recited for a person who has recently died.

 "RAHIM - MAAHUU   L IAAH "   (fem. RAHIMAHA) "may Allah have mercy on him /her"

TAHYAT AL ISLAM     -A Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah  (as part of the salat)

TARATIR     -a high conical dervish hat


TARIQA      -The sufi path . Specifically, individual methods used by sufi lineage. TARIQA  being plural means all the sufi orders and their methods.  TURUQ is one of them . Tariqa means the system of having Shaykhs, and that leadership and that obedience..

TARIQ  AL-YAQEEN     - The path of certitude:  The 4 MADHABS  certitude is this:

Al WAHY   - The QUR'AN which informed the Prophet, salla alaihi wa salem .

The independent liberal MUJTAHID

The independent restricted MUJTAHID


The MUJTAHID in the FITYA  and  the pure ordinary Muslim are altogether a TARIQ : A PATH OF CERTITUDE 


TARI IQAH     -The path Tassawuf ,doctrines and methods of a particular silsila .Qadiriyya was the first Tariqa

TARTEEL     - QUR'AN recitation.

NOTE : In the hadith of Abu Dawwud it says " whoever does not recite QURAN is not among us "

Excluding persons from learning Qur'an, and aquida   excludes  them from Islam . You will find heretical sects using exclusion as a control device to punish persons with whom they disagree. This cultic and punitive tactic has produced a lot of fitna .(communication science says that  75% of all conflicts are over attempts to get information) Heretical sects will only teach  what they know with persons who accept their heretical doctrines .They will systematically and punitively  exclude Muslims who hold fast to traditional AQUIDA .Therefor it is nessesary to establish yourself independently of them in order to protect your deen and your IMAN . It is wrong to depend on heretics for your AQUDA because they will let you down repeatedly and thereby damage your IMAN and your relations with other Muslims .Whatever damages your IMAN  and your relations with Muslims you should avoid . Protect yourself from harmful effects on your Islam!

TASBIH         -to recite 'SUBHAN -ALLAH   Glory be to Allah ! Generosity, beauty, gifts of Allah, blessings, The Quran , children, natures wonders, recite : SUBHANALLAH!

TASBIH      - MASABEH   9x11 =99,  divine names of Allah . Prayer beads used to count recitations of the divine name . Asma-ul Husna 

Recited to indicate the changes in group recitation .

 Fatiha :       Surat  ul- Fatiha

 Shahada:        La ila ha il- Allah ,

 Hamdalah:    AL   Hamd'ulillah ,

 Tasbih :        Subhan-Allah


TASHMIT     - 'Yar hamuka-i-Lah"   May Allah give you mercy. 'Yar hamukAllah'  is said whenever someone sneezes .

TASHBEEH     - (not TASBIH thats prayer beads )  TASHBEEH means to compare Allah to his creation , anthropomorphism . TASHBEEH is when a person believes god to be manifested in natural objects such as trees and stones or in persons for example the concept of avatars(vedic)  , Isa salla alaihi was salemworshipped as god(Mithraism ,Egyptian pharonic -osirus)  ,Vedic notions such as tantra where two people worship each other as dieties when conjugal .All of these types of worship are shirk . 

TASLIM     -A Salaamu alaikum wa 'Rahmatu'llahi  "Peace and mercy of Allah be upon you " at the end of salat

TASLIM        -As- salaamu 'Alaykum   "May Allah's  peace be  upon you " as said in salat

TASLIM     - To submit to the authority of Allah's command . To place ones neck under the commands of Allah . SURA IV: 68  resignation to Allah's will.  To acquiesce and recieve with satisfaction the commands of Allah .

TASMIYA        -Literally "In the name of Allah " Naming,   invoking the name of Allah

Tassawuf: "Contemplative tradition," exact equivalent for Sufism as a whole.

TASSAWURI      -Attatchment to a sufi Sheikh


TASSUB     - Bigotry , refusing to acknowlege the scholarship of the other Madhabs for example, denigrating Muslims who follow other qualified MUJTAHID (scholars)

TASAWWUF     - Islamic mysticism, Islamic spiritual 'science' , Knowlege of how to practice the Sunnat customs manners. Sunnah practice strengthens your Islam and your IMAN  . It makes the practice of FIQH easy . Tasawwuf helps the Muslim to acquire MARIFA -knowlege about Allah .

TASLIYA        - salatun an Nabi " May Allah call down blessings on Prophet Muhammed and his family and greet them with peace " TASLIYA  is used to end prayers generally , and after you hear the ADHAN, and recite it yourself then recite TASLIYA.    (hadith) see page 163 Muslim Devotions , Padwick

 Most well known Tasliya   is  DALAA'     I LU    'L -KHAIRAT   

 and also   WIRDU  'S-SALATI'L -KHUBRAA 

TAUBA      - From the word TAWWAB meaning to turn around , ie to turn away from sin. TAUBA also means to convert to Islam ! . formal repentance . For the requisites that allah requires for TAUBA to be accepted see Ihya Ulum i- Din by Al-Ghazzali

TAUFIQ     - help from Allah

TAWAJJUH     - Concentration sufi transmission from a teacher to a student

TA' AWWUDH      - to recite the following prayer for protection against the Shaitan    " A' UDHU  BI-LLAAHI  MIN-AS-SHAYTAN   NIR- RAJIM "    RAJIM means accursed    

TAWAKKUL  ALLAH     - Dependence and trust upon Allah . Qur'an:
1:4 trust recourse,      9:129 I have put my trust,       4:45 Allah suficient for aid , 22:73 besides,    3:159 believers put their trust,    2:107 Allah friend and helper,
62:11 Allah best of providers,      2:153 to Him we return
TAWAK'ALLAH      -An expression meaning 'My life and fate rests in your will ["hands"]  and protection O 'Allah'    (Allah has no human physical attributes -Z. )
TAWAKKUL ALA   LLAHI   WA  HU-WA  NI' MAA-L-WAKEEL  -' trust in Allah for what a guardian is he'  From al Qur'an 65:3 , 14:13
TAWATUR    -chains of transmission in hadith


TAWAA'IF   - a spiritual master ( Qadiriyya order )
TAA 'IFAH   -groups, bands or factions
 TAWAA'IF , plural - spiritual masters
TA'WEEL   - figurative interpretation in Fiqh
TAWAJUD   -induced ecstacy by means of Dhikr
TAWARRUK   - In QA'DA -I - AKIRA  (The last RAK'AT of Salat )the sitting posture used by women in salat . they sit with their bottom on the ground their thighs close together . both feet are pointed to the right in a natural way . expressed as  "To sit by tawaarruk "
TAWHIID   alt spelling TAUHID  Everything is the work of Allah .The unity of allah One God .
tauhid does not mean polytheistic monism ! polytheistic monism is the belief that god is 'in everything ' 'everything is god' or 'god is inside you' or  'union with god' .  These notions are the product of bakhti yoga , bauls ,vedanta and hinduism.  In the case of goofy sufis; they  were corrupted by association with hindu saddhus and musicians .  The product of philosophy in the case of Ibn Arabi . These notions are not Islamic . They were grafted onto sufism during the Brittish occupation by vedantists, secularists, brahmo samaj, and mindicant musicians . They are the beliefs of polytheists .Today such notions are the core beliefs of the "new age" movement. They arent new at all same old idolatry different package . nothing to do with sufism -Z 
TA'WIIDH   -A written or spoken Islamic prayer or verse  , usually Qur'anic , written and worn on the body or recited over a person by the sheikh . . The purpose of Tawidh is to seek Allahs assistence or baraka in some personal concern , ones safety or health . Ta'widh are sacred when they contain verses from the Qur'an and are treated with the same ritual care as the Qur'an itself .
TAWIZ   -Qur'an verses
related but unIslamic notions
SHUIST Qur'an verse  written in ink  placed in water and drink the water  , DUDI burned with espahand (rue)  and smoked to remove the influence of the evil eye, say at birth ,. this information was  presented in a nursing manual on crosscultural medicine as Islamic.  related in the text as customary for Afghanis .  I think shia in the case of the ispahand .
TAWASSUL   -sorry no info
TA'ZEER   a sharia court punishment for violation of a NON HAAD crime such as mixing madhabs which is a juridical heresy
TAZKIYATUL NAFS   - purification of the soul, see Nuzhat al Majlis Sh. Nazim .
TA'ZIM   - veneration of the righteous eg Nabi, sallah alaihi wa salem
TA'ZIR   punishment .   TA'ZIR for teaching heresies
TA'WIL allegorical interpretation
TAYAMMUM  -To' make tayammum' means to intend to purify oneself , symbolically it is done with pure earth or on a white washed wall , cement or plaster . Tayammum is done in situations where no water is available as a way of making Wudu . By anological reasoning  dirt, gypsum plaster, cement and plaster all qualify as earth for that purpose .
How to make the sunnat tayammum 1. palms on the soil  2. move them back and forth in the soil  3. clap the hands to remove the soil  4. open the fingers when put into the soil  5. bismillah  6. to make MASAH (rub) the face then the hands  7. to perform the quick manner as an ablution  8. travelers must look for water if it is within one mile  9. masah first on the right and then on the left arm  10.to put the hands into the soil strongly as if hitting it  11.to make masah on the arms  12. to make masah between the fingers
TA'ZIR   chastisement , akind of penalty proscribed by sharia
TEKKE Turkish - where a murshid trains his mureeds
TAKIYYAH  -a retreat , sanctuary pilgrim meeting place for sufis.same as   DARGAH- moghul,  KHANAQAH-persian , ZAWIYAH -Arab west
TESBIHAT   -a sequence of DUA recited after salat ( naqshibandi wird)
TH'AT   - Essence of Allah is excluded from inclusion in what he has created ( IGAD -origination ) Allah's pre existence SAMAD
THAWAB   -Allah rewards a person by giving them a blessing
THAWAB  - the unit of reward which has been promised and will be given in the next world as recompense . As an adjective or a noun , for example we say that an action is very TAWAB - deserving of reward from Allah . thawab are preaching, advice, hikmat, blessings, praise for believers ,( ilhas, mawlids )
TILWAH  - to read Qur'an
LA TUQABBIH    -' la' means no in Arabic . la Tuqabbih means 'no hurtful language'  it is an expression you will often hear when cruel speech enters into any conversation as an admonishment
TURAATH    - 'heritage'  meaning the DEEN . A living cultural and religious practice in the present time
' TURBAN '    - A'MAMA  imamate (Algeria ) TARBOUCHE (Tunesia ) LITHAM (taureg)  The male headgear worn in observation of the Sunnah . worn by all males who are balagh .  The head is covered for the salat ul Jummah on friday.
 TURBE -- a Turkish funery monument . The headstone of a Turkish grave which has a turban on the top of it .( female   headstone will be floral ). DARIH,ar. the enclosing structure, TAABUUT,ar.the sepulchre .



Abu Said, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "When the coffin is ready and is lifted by people onto their shoulders, then if it is that of a virtuous person it urges, ‘Take me ahead, take me ahead!’ If it is that of a non-virtuous person it says, ‘Damn it! Where are you taking me?’ It is a voice heard by everything except humans, and if they could hear it they would be struck unconscious." Saheeh Bukhari

Aisha,may Allah be pleased with her, related that the Holy Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to stand up so long during his voluntary prayers at night that the skin of his feet would become swollen. Therefore I said to him, "O Messenger ofAllah, why do you stand so long in prayer when Allah has forgiven all your past and future sins (if any)?" He, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, replied, "Then may I not become the most grateful servant of Allah?" Sahi Bukhri and Sahih Muslim Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, related that the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: "Allah is kind and likes kindness in all things." Saheeh Muslims and Saheeh Bukhari.



TAGHABUN (AT): "Mutual Loss". Another name for the Final Hour. Surah 64 of the Holy Qur’an.

TA HA: "Ta Ha". Surah 20 of the Holy Qur’an.

TAWEEL: Interpretation. Especially interpretation of the Holy Qur’an.

TA’A: Obedience to Allah and performing good deeds.

TA’A (SHIRK AL): A major Shirk. Obeying any created being against the command of Allah. Beware of such Shirk! It is very easy to commit. See Shirk.

TA’AAM:Feeding the poor and the hungry.

TABAA: Another name for Madinah.

TAB’E: Follower. A muslim who has seen or met a Sahabi (a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, may the blessings and the peace of Allah be on him and his family and his companions and all who follow him and them in what they are able, with sincerity, until the Last Day). Plural; Tabi’een.

TABI’EEN: Plural of Tab’e. See Tab’e.

TABUK: A famous town 400 miles north of Madinah al-Munawarah close to Shamm. In 9Ah the Messenger of Allah, may Allah belss him and grant him peace, hearing that the Byzanitines were gathering a large army to march against the Muslims, led a large expedition to Tabuk, on what was to be his last campaign, only to find that the Byzantine army had withdrawn back into its own territory.

TAFSIR: A commentary. There are several reliable Tafsir on the meanings of the Ayaat of the Qur’an, including those of Ibn Kathir, Jalalayn and Al-Cortubi.

TAHAJJUD NAFL: Voluntary Salat (prayer) that is done any time at night between Salat al-Isha and Salat al-Fajr.

TAHARA: Purification. Tahara is accomplished in a variety of ways, e.g. (1). Souls--- in order for the soul to be pure one must submit one’s whole self to Alllah Ta’ala, i.e.e become a Muslim. (2). Bodies--- They are purified through Tayammum, Wudu or Ghusl, depending on the circumstances. For a full explanation: See Tayammum, Wudu and Ghusl. (3). Clothing. Three things indicate that clothes may be impure and need washing; a.) If they smell. b.) If they are wet and c) the cause of the wetness is either unknown or known to be impure or dirty if they are stained.

TAHIR: Pure, unsoiled. See Tahara.

TAHMEED: Reciting the words of praise to Allah Ta’ala, i.e. saying "Al-Hamdu lilahe Rabbil ‘Alameen" (Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds").

TAHQIQ: Recitation of the Holy Qur’an in a very slow manner. This method is used only when learning or teaching Tajweed.

TAIF: A city fifty miles east of Mekkah, where the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, went to preach after being rejected, beaten and nearly killed by the pagan Quraish of Makkah in the second year before Hijra. There too ,he suffered beatings and humiliation. On his return journey to Makkah, Allah Ta’ala revealed to him that although the people of Taif reject him, the Jinn had accepted him. It was then that Suratul Jinn (Surah 72) was revelaed to him.

TAJWEED: Recitation of the Holy Qur’an with precise articulation and exact intonation.

TAKATUR (AL): "The Race for Wordly Gains". Surah 102 of the Holy Qur’an.

TAKBIR: Saying "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is the Greatest"). This is said when beginning the Salat and when changing from one one position to another during Salat (prayers).

TAFKIR: Charging someone with Kufr (disbelief in Allah). It is very dangerous for one Muslim to level the charge of Tafkir against another Muslim. If such an accusation is made, then one of them is a Kafir. If the accuser is correct in his accusation, then the accused is Kafir, but if the accusation is unfounded, then the accuser is a Kafir.

TAKTHEEB (KUFR AL): A major disbelief. It is defying the Divine Truth. See Kufr.

TAKWEER (AT): "The Overthrowing". Surah 81 of the Holy Qur’an.

TALAQ: "The Divorce". Surah 65 of the Holy Qur’an.

TALBIYAH:The call that the pilgrims make to their Lord of the Hajj, saying: "Labbaik, labbaik, Allahumma labbaik." ("I am totally at Your service,I am totally at your service,O Allah, i am totally at your service .") "la Shareeka laka labbaik." ("You have no partner, I am totally at Your service.") "Innal hamda wa n’imata laka wal mulk." ("Truly, the praise and the blessing are Yours, and the dominion.") "La Shareeka lak." ("You have no partners.")

TALUT: King saul. he led his army against the army of jalut (Goliath). See Holy Qur’an, Al-Baqara (2):247-249.

TAM’: Avarice, greed.

TAMATA’A (HAJJ AL): "Interrupted Hajj". Umra, followed by Hajj, but taking off the Ihram in between these two stages. See Hajj.

TAN’IM: The place where Makkans put on their Ihram to perform an Umra or Hajj. It is a place just on the northern outskirts of Makkah. See Miqat

TAQLID: Garlanding sacrificial animals, especially during the Hajj. In reference to Fiqh, it means the following of previous authorities and the avoidance of Ijtihad.

TAQWA: Fear of Allah, being careful, knowing your place in the cosmos. Its proof is the experience of awe, of Allah, which inspires a person to be on guard against wrong action and eager for actions pleasing to Allah. Fearing Allah as He should be feared is one of the signs of being faithful Muslims. Piety and restarint (through Taqwa) in times of hardship are signs of having achieved the essence and spirit of Islam, and thus Allah’s blessing. See Holy Qur’an, Aali ‘Imran (3):102-103, Al-Hashr (59):18-19.

TAQWIM: Mould, Shape, form, etc. Allah Ta’ala created man in the best of forms, but then abased him to the lowest of the low. See Holy Qur’an, At-Teen (95):4-5.

TARAWEEH: Nafl Salat (prayers) that are done after Isha Salat during the month of Ramadan, in order to recite the Qur’an as fully as possible, or completely. They are usually done in congregation, but may also be done individually.

TARIQ (AL): "The Night Visitant". Surah 86 of the Holy Qur’an.

TARTEEL: Measured recitation of the Holy Qur’an taking extreme care with regard to the rules of slow reading, pausing and stopping at every point.

TARWIYA: Start of the Hajj. The 8th of Dhu’l Hijjah when the Hujjaj leave Makka and Set out to Mina.

TASBIHAT: Reciting the following: "Subhanallah" ("Glory be to Allah") 33 times, "Allahamdu Lillah" ("Praise be to Allah") - 33 times, and "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is gratest") - 33 times followed by the Shahadatain once, after the end of each obligatory prayer.

TASDEEQ: Affirmation.

TASHAHHUD: Recitation the following silently while one is in Qu’ud (i.e. the sitting during Salat: "Attahiyatu lillahe was salawatu tayibat. Assalamu ‘alaika ya aiuhan wa rahmatullahe wa barakatuh. Wa assalamu ‘alaika ya aiuhan nabiu wa rahmatullahe wa barakatu. Wa assalamu ‘alaina wa ‘ala ‘ibadillahe saleheen. Ashadu an la illaha illal lah. Wa ashadu anna Muhammadar rasoolu’llah." ("Greetings are for Allah and all prayers and all good. peace be on you o Prophet and the Mercy of Allah and His blessing. Peace be on us and the right-acting slaves of Allah. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.") See Bukhari, Hadith 794, Vol. 1. During the final sitting in every Salat, recitation of the Tashahhud is followed by recitation of Salat al-Ibrahimiya. See Salatul-Janaza.

TASLEEM: The Muslims’ greeting. The action of turning one’s face to the right saying "Assalamu ‘Alaikum wa rahmatullah" ("Peace be on you and the Mercy of Allah") and turning one’s face to the left and repeating the same words, ends every Salat (prayer).

TASNEEM: Name of a fountain in Jannahh (Paradise) whose drink is superior to the purest of wines. Its nectar will only be drunk by those nearest to Allah Ta’ala. Literally means "rich and elevated". See Holy Qur’an, Al-Al-Mutafifeen (83):27-28:

TAUBAH: (1). Returning to correct action after error, turning away from wrong action to Allah and asking His forgiveness, turning to face Allah whereas before one turned one’s back. (2). Name of one of the eight gates of Jannah (Paradise). See Jannah. (3). "Repentance". Another name for Al-Baqaarah. Surah 9 of the Holy Qur’an.

TAWAF: The circling of the Holy Ka’ba. Tawaf is done in sets of seven circuits, after each of which it is necessary to pray two Rak’at, preferably at or near the Maqaam al-Ibrahim. See Tawaf al-Ifada.

TAWAF AL-IFADA: The Tawaf of the Ka’aba by the Hujjaj (pilgrims) after they come from Mina to Makka on the 10th of Dhu’l-Hijjah. This Tawaf is one of the Rukn (essential rites of both the Hajj and an Umra.

TAWAF AL-QUDUM: The ‘Tawaf on Arrival’, Tawaf of the Ka’aba that the pilgrim must do on first entering the Haram in Makka. It is one of the essential rites of both the Hajj and Umra.

TAWAF AL-WIDAA: The "Tawaf of Farewell’. The Tawaf of the Holy Ka’aba that every visitor to Makka should do before leaving Makkah. It should be connected directly to the trip of departure, and whoever is delayed and stays on afterwards should do it again. See Tawaf.

TAWAKUL ‘ALA’LLAH: Putting one’s complete faith in and reliance on Allah Ta’ala and no-one else. Depending on Allah Ta’ala every aspect of one’s life is the mark of true believer.

TAWHEED (AL): The Divine Unity, unity in its most profound sense. Allah is One in His Essence and His Attibutes and His Acts. The whole universe and what it contains is One unified event which in itself has no lasting reality. Allah is the Real, Al-Haqq. Although Allah is indivivisible and beyond conception, Tawheed can be viewed from four distinct perspectives: I. Tawheed Al-Rububiyah - Unity of Lordship. To percieve that there is only one Lord, the Master and Creator of the Universe, Who oversees and orders it in every moment, and that He is Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. II. Tawheed al-uluhiyah - Unity of Worship. To realize that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah "Wahdahu la Shareeka’lah ("Alone without partner"). III. Tawheed al-Asma wa Sifaat - Unity of names and Attributes of Allah Ta’ala. To comprehend that: None can qualify or name Allah except as He or Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, have named or qualified Him. None can be named or qualified with the Names or the Attributes that belong only to Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala. For example, none may be called "Al-Muhyee" ("the Giver of Life") except Allah subhana wa Taa’ala Himself. We Must accept all the Ayat and Ahadeeth (Sahi) regarding the Attributes of Allah without altering their meaning in any way whatsoever. For a full list of the Attributes of Allah Ta’ala: IV. Tawheed all-Itabaa- Unity in following the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. To believe in and recite the words "Ashadu anna Muhammadar-Rasoolullah" ("I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah") and to follow the way of the Prophet Muhammad, as much as one is able, in life and worship. It is only by following the way of Islam tha the true nature of Tawhid becomes apparent. Another name for Suratul Ikhlas.

TAYAMMUM (DRY PURIFICATION): Purification for prayer using clean dust, earth or stone, when water for Ghusl or Wudu is either unavailable or would be detrimental to helath. Strike the hand lightly on some clean earth, or rub the stone with the palms of the hands and forearms. Tayammum is broken by the same things that break Wudu. See Wudu.

TEEN: "The Fig". Surah 95 of the Holy Qur’an.

THAMUD: Successors to the people of ‘Ad. They lived in north-western Arabia between what is now known as Madinah and Syria. Their prophet was Saleh (peace be on him). Allah Ta’ala destroyed them with an earquake. See Holy Qur’an, Al-A’raf (7):73-79, Hud (11):61-68, Ash’Shu’araa (26):141-159, An-Naml (27):45-53, Az-Zariyat (51):43-45, Al-Qamar (54):23-31.

THANIK: Chewing a date then putting the juice into the mouth of a child. Sahi Bukhari, Book of Aqiqa, p. 272, Vol. 7.

THAUR: A famous cave three miles from Makka where Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and Abu Bakr, may Alllah be pleased with him, hid for three nights whilst the Quraish searched for them in vain. See Holy Qur’an, At-Taubah (9):40.

THAWAB: Spiritual reward given by Allah Ta’ala to good deeds performed by man and Jinn.

THUMMA: "Then", in the sense of "What happens next". There are four words that indicate the proximity of what follows next: Wa- and. Indicates that what is to follow will be most immediately afterwards. Fa - Then. Indicates that what is to follow will be relatively soon afterwards. E.g. "Idha ja anasrullahi wa’l-fath. Wa ra-aita nasa yadkhulouna fi deeni’lahi afwaja. Fasabbih bi hamdi rabbika was stagfirh; innahu kana tawwaba." (An-Nasr (110): ("When the help of Allah and victory come, and you see people entering deen of Allah in large numbers, then celebrate the praise of your Lord and Seek His forgiveness; surely He is always ready to show mercy." Where "and" is used, the events or actions linked by "wa" are virtually simultaneous. Where "then" is used, there is a little space of time between what happens before and after "fa", i.e only after you see people embrace the religion of Allah THEN celebrate the praise of your Lord AND seek forgiveness... Here praise is to be immediately followed by seeking forgiveness. Thumma - then. Indicates that what is to follow will come later. E.g. "Thummastawa ‘ala’l arsh..." (Yunus (10):3): Then He established Himself on the Throne..." After creating the heavens and the earth in six days’ (and a ‘day’ with Allah can be at least fifty thousand years of ‘our’ time), He then established Himself firmly on throne. Here the time lapse is six periods of time. See ‘Arsh. Saufa - not until then. Indicates that what is to follow will only occur after certain future events have occured. E.g. "Kalla saufa ta’lamoon" (At-Takatur (102): 3) ("Certainly then you shall know"). It is only when you die that you really find out. It will not be until then that you will come to know. "Then". used to emphasize a point. E.g. "Thumma Kalla saufa ta’lamoon.’ (At-Takathur (102):4) ("Certainly THEN you will know.") This is only a meagre explanation of a single word. The Holy Qur’an had 77, 934 words and every word has a depht which even an ocean cannot reach. What a miracle, and yet the unbelievers say that this book is not from Allah! How they delude themselves!

TILAWAT (OF THE HOLY QUR’AN): This word has variety of meanings, depending on the context: (1). Studying the Qur’an in order to understand it in the way should be undestood. See Al-Baqara (2):121. (2). Mediating and reflecting in the Qur’an’s meanings in order to enrich one’s life and knowledge. (3). Reading and reciting the Qur’an by oneself. (4). Reading and reciting and conveying its meaning to others. (5). Approaching and acting on the Qur’an in such a way that it becomes part of one’s inner self, thus helping one to attain perfect prayer and to avoid any form of evil or shameful deeds and to be an upright person in the sight of Allah Ta’ala. See Holy Qur’an, Al-’Ankaboott (29):45.

TOOR: "The Mount". Toori Sineen is the original name of Mount Sinai, on which the Prophet Musa (Moses) received the revelation of the Torah from Allah. Surah 52 of the Holy Qur’an.

TULAQAAH: The people who embraced Islam on the day of the conquest of Makkah by the Holy Prophet and his companions, may the blessings and peace of Allah be on him and them, in 8AH.










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