My Story Page

Hey there! Welcome to my little story page. I hope to be able to add more stories to this page so click here if you want to know how you can get your stories to be posted right here, on the World Wide Web.

If you've got a lot of time at hand, why don't you just hang around for a while and do some reading? If you're in a hurry though, I suggest you come back some other time. These stories are at least 2 pages long. But if you're really not interested in reading any of my stories, FINE!!! You should just hope that you won't be seeing me for at least a few days, because I might still be boiling mad at you!!! = ) Just kidding. Oh well, that would entirely be up to you.

Hey, I'm blabbing too much already! I should save your energy for the stories! Yikes! Well, happy reading and have fun!


Butterfly Wings

Mr. Out-of-my-sight

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