Perhaps once a decade comes a band with an extra, undefinable quality that sets them apart from the rest of the world. The Beatles had that quality, as did Kiss. So do The Donnas.

Get Skintight, their third full-length album, is simply brilliant. Expertly produced by Jeff & Steve McDonald (of Redd Kross), this record is pure celebration. Rebellion, debauchery, and power chords, it's all here.

Of the fourteen songs on Get Skintight, none are losers. "Hyperactive" is both anthemic and infectuous, and may one day define The Donnas in the same way that "Rock And Roll All Nite" defines Kiss.

With lines like "You thought I would be broken hearted/Maybe I would if you weren't so retarded.," "I Didn't Like You Anyway" is the ultimate slam of a former amour. And the guitar absolutely blazes.

Guitarist Donna R. is unabashed in her enthusiasm of Ace Frehley, and Ace's influence is apparent throughout this record.

The Donnas have been called the "female Ramones" and have also been compared to the Runaways.

Neither comparison does this band justice. This is pure, primal rock and roll, the way it was meant to be played. As an added bonus, their cover of Motley Crue's "Too Fast For Love" slays the original version, hands-down.

The Donnas are the aural equivalent of a Charm's Blow-Pop. Sweet and crunchy on the outside, with a bubblegum core. It's only June, but the polls are closed. Get Skintight is the rock and roll record of 1999. -Matt Dacey and Ace Magazine