Screaming Eagles Through Time
July 1971


July 5 - Command Sergeant Major Francis Ruddy took over today as Division Command Sergeant Major at a ceremony at Camp Eagle. Also today Col. Larry A Caid took command of Division Artillery.

July 6 - Screaming Eagles got a preview of the upcoming monsoon season as Typhoon Harriet struck Eagle Country with winds of 60 m.p.h. and rainfall totaling 12.75 inches. Storm damage was widespread but generally minor due to extensive storm preparations.

July 10 - Colonel Thomas A. Ware, Jr. assumed command of the 2nd Brigade of the 101st.

July 19 - Cobra gunships from A and C Trps., 2nd Sqdn., 17th Cav., tallied 35 enemy KIAs and one .30 cal machinegun destroyed in scattered action along the western edge of northern Military Region 1.

July 24 - 2/17th Cobras killed 10 enemy and destroyed one .30 cal machinegun near Khe Sanh, and an "Air Cav" Aero-rifle platoon, after insertion into the area, captured another machinegun and killed one more enemy soldier.

July 28 - Aerial reconnaissance by B Btry., 2nd Sqdn., 17th Cav., revealed 11 enemy bodies and 2 crew served weapons destroyed.
July 28 - Colonel Robert Arter became commander of the 1st Brigade of the 101st.