Screaming Eagles Through Time
01 April 2003


The 101st In Najaf


A U.S. soldier from the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division stands on the ready in a convoy as smokes billows from a truck loaded with explosive was destroyed by helicopters in Najaf, Iraq, Wednesday, April 2, 2003. The 101st cleared downtown Najaf Wednesday. (AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju)


A column of soldiers from the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division march in An Najaf, Iraq Wednesday, April 2, 2003. AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju


A soldier from the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division searches an office at a military compound in An Najaf, Iraq, Wednesday, April 2, 2003. Portrait seen in background is President Saddam Hussein. AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju


U.S. soldiers from the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division assault a military compound in Najaf, Iraq, Wednesday, April 2, 2003. The 101st cleared downtown Najaf Wednesday. AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju


A U.S. soldier from the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division passes by an Iraqi civilian in An Najaf, Iraq, Wednesday, April 2, 2003. The 101st cleared downtown An Najaf Wednesday. AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju


A U.S. soldier from the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division stands guard as explosives blow a hole into the wall of a military compound in Najaf, Iraq, Wednesday, April 2, 2003. The 101st assaulted the compound and cleared downtown Najaf Wednesday. AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju


A soldier from the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, looks at a pile of Iraqi weapons Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at a military school his unit captured on Monday in An Najaf in central Iraq. AP Photo/Jean-Marc Bouju