101st Timeline Living History Society
Lt. Rich Morgan

The pictures on this page appear through the courtesy of Doreen Morgan, whose husband, Lt. Rich Morgan, is currently with 2/327 HHC Company as part of the battalion staff. Doreen says, "Rich is very honored to be in a division so rich in history and especially with the 327. He loves NO SLACK so much that he pushed off a promotion to stay with the unit so he could deploy with them. I had and still have great confidence in the men he serves with and under like LTC Hughes and Major Crider. Great men." We thank Doreen for sharing these pictures with us, and we hope and pray for Rich's quick and safe homecoming.


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Lt. Rich Morgan in the walled city of Babylon.

Blackhawk helicopter landing near the TOC.

Defaced mural of Saddam Hussein.

All the comforts of home?? Perhaps a bit more modern than in past wars, but still....

Page created: 7 June 2003