101st Airborne Living History Association

101st SSI

This is the home page for the 101st Airborne Living History Association (or 101st LHA). We are a "living history" association, dedicated to honoring the men who have fought and died while serving with the legendary"Screaming Eagles."  Our group is different than most reenactment groups in that we do not portray any one unit from any one time period. Our members can choose an impression from any unit, and any time period from the long history of the 101st Airborne, be it paratrooper or glider infantry in World War Two, airmobile in Vietnam, or air assault in Desert Storm. We are strictly a living history organization, we do not participate in battle scenarios as a group.
One of our most important missions, however, will be documenting the personal accounts from veterans of the 101st. If you served with the Screaming Eagles and would like to have your story documented, please contact us... by sharing your experience with others you ensure that your sacrifice will not be forgotten and will be better understood.

Happy Holidays from the 101st LHA!
101st Airborne Christmas Greeting from Vietnam - 1967

The 101st LHA | W.W.II | Vietnam | Desert Storm | Veteran Stories | Members | Events | Photos | Links

The 101st LHA is a little different than the typical reenactment group. Our emphasis, in fact the only thing we do, are living history and camp scenarios. We welcome the opportunity to talk with the public, have them ask questions, create an educational environment so that maybe they will leave the event with a better understanding and appreciation for the men of the 101st. We especially welcome the opportunity to talk with our veterans, and we will be actively seeking and documenting their stories. We will be at displays, parades, and memorials that honor our veterans.
As mentioned above, any impression of any 101st Airborne unit will be welcome, from any time period you are most interested in. Most of our members have more than one impression that they can display. There is no rank structure; if you want to be a Lieutenant in the 506th at Normandy, a PFC in the 327th Glider Infantry, or a LRRP Sergeant in 1969 Vietnam, that's entirely up to you. All we ask is that you do the research and be knowledgeable about your impression.
We are a new organization, just starting out. This web site is a work in progress, and many updates are planned for the near future, so please check back often! If you would like to learn more about us, please contact Dave at glidertroop325@att.net.


In Memorium
Michael Patrick Callahan
Specialist 4, 101st Airborne
April 11, 1948 - June 7, 1969

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Web site last updated 01 Dec 02.