John Biava


We are looking for these guys.  Any and all help will be

All right, here is the latest update.  10 AUG 2001
As I remember more, I will add them.  I want your help too.
Stick this list in a folder and when you add to it, shoot
me a copy.

Get in touch with anyone you can.  If they have an
email address, have them get in touch.  It might also be a
good idea to post your email address at Joe Moore's 327th

John Biava                       SP6 xxxx  Belfi   
Mike Lanza                       SP5 Steve Curry    
Jack Martz                       SFC   "Stretch"
                               (and the monkey ?)
Jerry Kier                        SFC xxxx Forrest
Al DeChiccus                     SSG xxxx Davis
"Woody" Woodhouse (?)           1SGT xxxx Sizemore
Tom Ruane                        SP6 xxxx Hansen
Victor Kowalski                  SFC William Melville
Paul Nemitz                      SSG Summer Herring Jr.
Bill "Okie" Layes                SFC xxxx Colen
Ted "Jimminy Cricket" Roybal
xxxx Ducharme                                
Gerald R. Flintrop                  1LT Fred Edgar
Robert "Bob" Turner              1LT  ????
Keith Conti                      1LT Kirby Kramer
xxxx Martin
Larry Lusk
(known for the handlebar mustache)
Lynden D Essman
xxxx  VanSickle(s?)
Jerry Kellinger
Nolan Ockman
Leroy Richard
Albert Smith
William Grohoski           Richard Perry
Richard Brumbaugh          Evertt Hoxter
Lee Donald                 Donald Parkhurst
Eugene Pasci               Douglas Pertner
Michael Schroerr           Richard Shovein
Richard Chu                Robert Banick
Paul L."Flash" Gordon      Myron Motsumoto           
xxxx Wizynajtys            Charlie Chapin
Robert Nicholson           John Winstead
Leroy Stelter              Michael Lidgus
Barry Urbanick             xxxx  Molinar
xxxx  Nakasone             xxxx  Woolums
Domingo Vierra             Nicholas Napolitano
xxxx Taffey                Kenneth Spacek
xxxx Biemec                Paul Tonning
Dennis Eaton               Harold "Harry" Gordon

    And Other Friends:

Fred Martinez             William "Bill" Privera
E.A.Russo                 James "Jim" Hain  (11th Cav)
Robert Oliver
Joseph "Joe" Moore

1st Signal Brigade
United States Army
Republic of Viet Nam
Updated 05/26/2003

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