story is short and sweet:
was in C Company, 40th Signal Battalion, 1st Signal
Brigade at Bien Hoa. I received an Army Commendation for meritorious
service in Da Nang. I was not in one place too long; I went were the work
was. I guess I just moved around a lot. It was always short and sweet and
then I moved on.
was in Da Nang from Nov. '70 to Jan. '71. We worked on the main cable to
Monkey Mtn. During this time and restored communication to all areas to
the D.C.O. during this time period. The V.C. had taken out the main trunk
line just across the road from the Navy supply yard and with it Monkey Mtn.
While we were there we replaced cable in some areas that the French had
put in way back when. I spent Christmas at the beach there.
has been 31 years of trying to forget. There are many people I try to
remember from that time but God knows I can’t remember their names any
more. I would like to know if they made it home.
also did short jobs in K-sanh, Bien Hoa proper, Chu Lia, Saigon, Da Nang,
2-1 Marines and even Long Bien. My team and I were all over that country
at one time or another. South in the delta, North almost to the DMZ, and
East and West from one end and side to side. We were every where.
motto of our company was “Communicate Weather or Not.” I saw monsoons,
sun and heat, rockets, mortars and heard the sounds of battle and the
silence of the dead. They still haunt me until this day.
went on to become a Drill Sgt. and served at Ft. Carson, Co., Ft. Polk,
La. and anyway the Fort in Kileen, Texas. Like I said before it has been along
time. I though I would never forget but I guess that is how it goes when
you get old-timers syndrome.
out the mug shots in the picture section if you remember me please email
me at I would greatly
appreciate knowing I was not the only one that made it home. Welcome Home
my Brothers!
L. Warren