Specifications for the Conduct and Performance
of Confederate Forces

from Lt. Col. Bruce "Rooster" Wickler,
Commander, Adam's Legion, C.S. Army of the Northwest

  1. All Units will form up for Company Drill - Battalion Drill at 08:00 each morning of an event. Company Commanders will be informed well in advance of an event what battalion drill will consist of for that event.
  2. All Units will participate in morning parade and evening gun each day of an event. The Cavalry Units may use this time to prepare their mounts for the days activities.
  3. All Units will maintain a Company street within the area set aside for the Confederate Forces.
  4. All Units will form up a half hour before the first battle to allow time for the Company 1st Sergeants to inspect the troops for safety of weapons, full canteens, cartridges, and to cap off muskets.
  5. Inspections of camp by the brigade staff will be done randomly through out the day to encourage first person persona’s, skits in the camps, inspect muskets and rounds.
  6. WCWA rules pertaining to vehicles in camp will be followed and monitored by the battalion Sergeant Major.
  7. Fire watch and or guard duty will be established by the Sgt. Major prior to evening gun and administered on a rotating basis to the units. Records will be kept by the Adjutant and be open for review by unit commanders.
  8. Keep communication between company commanders and battalion open.
  9. The companies will retain one fourth of their troops in camp when not at battles, parade or drill to interact with the public and be involved in living history.
  10. All modern items should be kept out of view of the public during the day and kept to a minimum in the evenings.
  11. The order of rank organization within battalion will be Battalion Commander 1st, Senior Infantry Commander 2nd, Adjutant 3rd. Positions #1 and #2 being field commanders and position #3 non-field command. Should the Battalion Commander not be at an event, the Senior Infantry Commander would assume temporary command of the Battalion for that event.
  12. Any units found using underage members, non members, or non safety tested members in any capacity on the battlefield, that unit will be made to stand down, from the battle and or event.
  13. Due to the use of battalion movements on the field during battles, any company with less than 12 participating combatants at the event may be combined with a larger company. The company being combined will become the subordinate company, regardless of the rank of the commander of the smaller company. The role portrayed by the commander of the subordinate unit will be left up to the discretion of the commander of the receiving unit.
  14. Rank structure within a company will reflect the number of combatants belonging to the company. A company with 1-7 combatants warrants a Sgt., 8-12 combatants a 2nd Lt., 13- 23 combatants a 1st Lt., 24 or more combatants a Cpt.. No second officer would be allotted to a company until the company combatant roster warrants it, i.e. 1st Lt. and 2nd Lt. in a unit with less than 24 combatants. A combatant is described as a member of a unit that participates in battles for at least two WCWA events in the season. Approved Cannons and horses used by the Artillery and Cavalry Units will count as two combatants.
  15. A company member wishing to make a transfer from one company to a different company will fill out a transfer form, signed by both commanders of the companies involved in the transfer. The form will then be forwarded to the WCWA treasurer by the receiving company for the updating of WCWA roster and recording of any stipends incurred by the individuals participation at events.
  16. A current morning report will be turned in to brigades adjutant at each day of the event. A standard form will be provided, so all information requirements will be consistent.
  17. The daily event schedule will start with Company Drill and or Battalion Drill at 08:00, followed by morning parade at approximately 09:00. Following morning parade companies will be dismissed to the charge of their company commander. Companies will form up in a battalion formation one half hour before battles. After the second or last battle of the day companies will go directly to evening gun for the lowering of the flag.
  18. The consequences for a company arriving late or failing to show up for drill, parade, battle or any other mandatory function will be left up to the discretion of the Battalion Commander.
  19. WCWA safety rules will be enforced. Any person found in violation of safety rules will be dealt with at that event by the battalion. Anyone pressing charges will need to present witnesses and give specific names of person or persons involved in the safety violation.
  20. The interpretation of Hardees is defined by battalion. Any challenges to the battalions interpretation of Hardees will be restricted to after troops have been dismissed from drill.
  21. To facilitate uniformity in training troops, a list of expected proficiency will be provided, to help the units track an individuals proficiency. The goal is that the company commander will designate NCO’s or others within their units to go to each soldier and put them through the checklist. This in not a pass fail test, but rather a tool to improve each soldier’s knowledge and skill.
  22. The brigade will establish written job descriptions for the brigade staff and make these descriptions available.
  23. Military courtesy will be followed as set forth in Joslyns Military courtesy, and camp etiquette will be followed, i.e. troops will not cut through another camp without permission.
  24. It is suggested, that companies post a person at the head of their company street, to introduce the public to the company history and answer modern questions. This will enable the rest of the company to interact with the public in an 1860’s persona.
  25. Written orders whenever possible will be used to communicate with unit commanders on and off the battlefield.
  26. Company Commanders will be expected to attend an officers call for planning of battles.
  27. The Confederate Battalion Commander shall be the highest authority over Confederate military and civilian impressionists in the Confederate camp at field events.
  28. All correspondence to the Battalion will be routed through the Battalion Adjutant.
  29. No Artillery pieces will be moved during battles, unless given specific orders to do so from the battalion commander via written order, verbal command or courier.
  30. When the grounds allotted to the Confederate Forces will allow it, there will be a distance of 15 to 20 foot street separating the military camp form their civilian members camp.
  31. A copy of each units members WCWA safety test, will be turned into the Battalion Adjutant each year for record keeping and review.


By order of:

Lt. Col. Rooster Wickler
Lt. Col. Bruce "Rooster" Wickler, commanding:
Adam's Legion, C.S. Army of the Northwest

Last updated 12 February 2001 at 2115 hrs.

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