The purpose of this letter is to document problems encountered with Havana Machine located at 840 South Havana Street Aurora, Colorado. 303 344 9681. 2-15-99: Made the decision to have my car's engine rebuilt by Havana Machine. At this date a quote of the following was given: Eng. parts Kit: $2179.00 Misc. non-engine parts: N/C Machine Work: $750.00 Remove and Install engine: $950.00 Radiator Clean: $75.00 Shop Supplies: $20.00 Environmental Fee: $5.00 Dynamic Balance: $119.00 Tax: $164.51 Total: $4262.51 Deposit: $2000.00 Remainder: $2262.51 The terms Havana Machine and I agreed upon were as follows: 1. I would provide a new Turbo from Turbo Engineering Corp. out of Golden Colorado. This is a factory Brand New turbo from Mitsubishi. Cost was $585.00 plus tax for a total of $630.00. 2. That the 5 year 60 thousand mile warrantee would not cover the turbo. Also that If the turbo caused the motor to go bad, the warrantee would be voided. 3. "Bolt on" items were not included within the price. (These items were explained to me by Havana Machine to be things such as Alternators, water pumps, belts, hoses, etc.) 4. All exhaust manifold bolts are to be replaced. 5. Havana Machine would go over a checklist of items that would be checked for condition after the motor was torn down in approximately 1 week. 6. I was told that they needed the car for 15 working days to complete. (Even though the work order had from Feb 15 Th. through Mar 15 Th.) I handed them $1350.00 in cash and $750.00 on a credit card to get them started on the rebuild. 2-25-99 I was called with the following news informing me that I needed: Radiator hoses Heater hoses Water pump Oil pressure switches Temperature switches Fuel injection service Clutch?! O2 sensor FI Orings Turbo gaskets Oil cooler Oil cooler lines The total for these parts was $1626.36. I questioned the clutch, oil cooler / lines and the heater hoses. The reason being that I had recently had my clutch (It had probably 20K miles on it), and heater lines replaced, and the oil cooler and lines due to cost (The oil cooler and lines were $385.00 + $180.00.) I was informed by Havana Machine that it would be wise that I replace the oil cooler and lines due to the potential of contaminated oil / particles within them or the warrantee would be voided. Next I questioned the Clutch due to the amt. of miles on it. I told Havana Machine I would like to come look at the part myself to assure the need for replacement. 3-2-99 I stopped by the shop to check the clutch with a coworker. He was very familiar with what a "bad" clutch looks like. (I hadn't seen one before, but I had a good idea of what they should look like.) When we arrived, Havana Machine took us out back to see the clutch. We were surprised at what we saw. When we approached the car, we noticed that 1/2 the engine parts were in a plastic bag, and sitting in the front passenger seat. The other Half were sitting in the rear hatch area uncovered The other thing we noticed at was how the car was parked between two other cars with barely enough room to walk between them. There was a red car on the passenger side, and a black car on the driver's side. (The area looked like your typical wrecking yard.) I asked Havana Machine if I could look under the hood, for curiosity's sake. All the attaching hoses were cut; verses being removed properly from their connecting points compounding the cost of the engine rebuild. I especially noticed that the heater hoses I had recently replaced were just cut off at the firewall. ($60.00 in hoses.) After inspecting the Clutch, I agreed that it needed to be replaced and we left. 3-15-99 I called to check status on the car. (This was the day it was supposed to be completed.) Havana Machine told me that there had been a problem with the oil pressure. The symptoms were "Oil pressure is low at approx. 4 psi, and when the throttle is 'snapped open', the oil pressure spikes to 100 psi". There were parts on order and I should get my car back in a few days. The parts replaced were the oil pressure valve and spring. 3-18-99 I went to pick the car up from the shop, after paying the remainder of the cost, ($3813.12) they pulled my car around front. I noticed Right away there was absolutely no attempt to clean the car, or interior. There were multiple greasy fingerprints all over the hood, front end and interior. Not to mention huge grease stains on the floor mats and the paper protection mats thrown on the floor were jammed up underneath the pedals. The other thing I immediately noticed was that my drivers side sheepskin seat cover was ripped completely across the center. When I drove the car home, I was paying attention to the gauges, and immediately I noticed that my air/fuel ratio gauge was not operating correctly. The Turbo seemed to be showing a normal condition. The final thing as I scanned the gauges was that the oil pressure was extremely low, and as I stopped at a traffic light the oil light was starting to come on. The idle was erratic, and the car acted like it wanted to stall. I then called Havana Machine to let them know what I found. They gave me the number to their tow truck company, and had the car towed back to the shop. I was from this point on working with the shop's manager/warrantee repair point of contact. I explained to them the symptoms, and that I would like to have a berring checked. (I was concerned that the low oil pressure problem would cause premature wear on the rings and the rest of the motor.) They refused to do so. After several days, I called Havana Machine to check status on the car's progress. And each time I called, I would get a story that the car "might' be ready the next day. 3-31-99 I call again to check on the car, but they had mentioned that their warrantee manager was at an eye doctors appointment, and that I should call back in 15 minutes. I called back, but they had not returned as of yet, so I asked them if they could check the status, because I had to arrange for a ride to the shop. They mentioned that they were finishing up the 30-mile test drive, and that I could pick the car up that afternoon. When I arrived, the warrantee manager was back and told me it would be a few minutes, because they had to change the oil. So I waited. While waiting, a customer who had work done by the shop stopped in. She asked the men at the front desk if someone could check her car out. She mentioned that she was having an "intermittent" check engine light problem, and was told previously by one of the mechanics to bring the car by immediately when she gets the light again. So she did. The response from the guys working the was that she was out of luck due to the mechanics getting off work at 5pm, and she would have to bring the car back another time during normal working hours. (It was 5:10 when they told her this.) After an hour and a half, they finally brought my car around the front. Immediately I noticed a large "mark" on the front bumper in the center. So I went to investigate the mark. It was a huge scratch approximately 1 1/2 inches wide, and 5 inches long. I also noticed a series of big scratches and door dings all over the body and hood. One of the larger ones on the passenger side headlight cover approximately 2 inches long and 1/4 inches wide. The warrantee Manager had no response or apologies; he just turned around and walked into the shop. He then handed me a business card with a phone number on it for the body damage. I then asked for a receipt for the oil pump replacement, and left. I drove the car home, and again paying attention to the gauges, I noticed that the oil and air / fuel ratio gauges were reading normal. However, again the car was idling erratically, and the turbo would now only show 7 lbs. of boost. (The normal factory spec is 11.5 lbs. of boost.) After arriving home, I decided to check under the hood to see if possibly a vacuum line was disconnected. My eye was immediately drawn to the battery. It was wet with battery acid, and was smoking. Then I noticed that the vacuum lines were misrouted within the engine compartment. They were then just zip-tied loosely in a bunch. I tried to start the car, and the battery was completely dead. 4-1-99 Once again I call the shop for the towing company's number. I followed the car to the shop to describe the symptoms. At the end of the day I called Havana Machine to see what they found on my car. Needless to say they haven't even pulled it into the shop, so I tell them that I will call the next day to check status. 4-2-99 I called, and the car had not been brought into the shop as of 4 p.m. that day. He told me that there were 2 cars ahead of my car and that it would not be looked at until Monday afternoon. 4-5-99 I called again and asked for them to check status. Their response was that the mechanics could not figure the problem out as of this point. 4-6-99 I called, asked for the warrantee manager, and again, nothing had been found on my car. 4-7-99 Again I call, and nothing has been found. 4-8-99 I called Havana Machine to check on progress. They had no details on the problems, so I asked if I could speak to the mechanic working on the car. The warrantee manager refused to allow me to. He said he would check with the mechanic and call me back that afternoon. 4-9-99 I asked him if he spoke to the mechanic, and his response was that there was a problem with the diagnostic equipment, and they were having the Snap On service rep come in to help read the diagnostic equipment. He mentioned that I probably would not get my car back until Monday. 4-13-99 I stopped by in the morning to check status on the car, and was told by the warrantee manager that the mechanic working on my car was out sick for that day, and no work had been done. He later that afternoon called and told me the car was finished. I went to pick the car up and I was told by them that I owed them $179.00 for the tow bill and new battery. (It states in the warrantee paperwork that towing is at the company's expense. I questioned the costs, due to not being informed of the repair. They explained how it wasn't their fault the battery was bad, and therefore shouldn't be held accountable for the tow bill or parts. I expressed to him that the battery was fine when the car was initially brought in, and also, when picked up after the 1st initial trip home. I paid the bill, and drove the car away. I decided to check things out before I got too far away from the shop. I heard a funny noise when the car hit about 10 lbs. of boost. I then turned around and asked one of their guys to go with me on a test drive. He agreed that there was a noise, and suggested that I just drive the car for a while, and maybe the noise will go away. He then suggested if the sound doesn't go away in a few days call back and bring the car in. 4-16-99 I decided to check some hoses on the intake side of the turbo, and found that the turbo inlet o-ring was mis-seated, and was rubbing on the turbine blades. The o- ring was ripped in the center. I purchased a new o-ring and replaced it myself. The problem went away. 4-17-99 I went to wash the car, and while detailing the engine compartment, I noticed some oil residue under the spark plug cover located on top of the valve cover. I pulled the cover, and there was a pool of oil in this area. I cleaned the oil up and replaced the cover. I also noticed there was fresh pools of oil under the car. After finishing up cleaning the car, I started to monitor the oil pools on the ground. 4-19-99 I noticed again the pools of oil under the car, and also in the spark plug galley. I raised the car, and checked where the oil was coming from, and made note of the areas. I also noticed that the valve cover was cracked in the spark plug galley. I called Havana Machine and spoke to the warrantee manager, and told him of the oil leak problems, and cracked valve cover. I told him I would drive the car by so he could verify the cracks and leaks. I then suggested that they get a valve cover on order, and I would set up an appointment for the replacement. They disagreed, and wanted the car in the shop, so they could fit check the part. So I dropped the car off, and asked if the work would be started that day, he said it would. 4-22-99 Havana Machine called and informed me of the car being finished. There was no charge for the work. I checked the valve cover, and as I suspected they had used junkyard parts. The replacement valve cover was in extremely poor shape. The paint on the valve cover was chipped, and peeling as if there had been acid spilled on it. Tightening the oil sending units repaired the lower oil leaks. 4-26-99 I had at this point put the required 500 miles on the car, and needed to bring the car in for the 500-mile checkup according to the warrantee paperwork. So I called and asked Havana Machine if I brought the car in early in the morning, would it be finished by the end of the day? I expressed to them that I had an appointment that evening, and needed the car. They assured me it would. At the end of the day I called, and they mentioned that they haven't started the car yet, and that there were 2 cars ahead of mine. They said I would have to pick the car up the next day. 4-27-99 8:30 AM, I get a call letting me know that my car is finished. 5-3-99 I took the car in to have the body damage estimated through Alpine Auto body. The shop told me that they have had several cars there within the past few months for the same reasons. My estimate total was $1373.80 5-8-99 I noticed that after driving the car for the last week, there had been an oil smell in the car. I thought that by now any residual oil that was on the car would have been burned off. So I started to look for more oil leaks. There were two oil leaks under the car, one of, which is where I made note of to the shop, but was never repaired. 5-11-99 I received a call from Havana Machine about the body estimate. He said he was only willing to repair the one scratch on the front mask (bumper cover), and the one scratch on the headlamp cover. He felt I was out of line based upon the estimate of the items I had requested for repair. To include all the scratches on the hood, and fenders. I then chose to call my insurance company, and have the car repaired under my policy. This way I would be sure the repairs to the body are corrected properly.