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From: <>
To: <>; <>
Subject: [avl] Re: C10 - Promotions
Date: Friday, February 19, 1999 10:06 AM

This may be more of a financial risk than  you would want to take, but I'm
stocking up on the SSS and SSS bug and sun stuff to sell at a booth at the
local little league park on opening day and during tournaments. Have already
received permission to do this as a fundraiser (25% of sales goes to my son's
ball team). I will only sell at one tournament before my money is due for the
stock up, so I'm hoping to at least sell enough in that first weekend to cover
my expenses. Like I is going out on a limb a little bit so keep
your fingers crossed for me!

Heather / 1567

Here is an intro letter, I put one letter with two books in a what's new bag.
They are 60 cents for a pack of 50.  I went to 30 places and asked if I could
leave books for the employees.  No one said no!  In fact I got 8 new
customers.  I also leave books in waiting rooms and where ever else.  Since I
have PC Avon and I can back order I ordered about 170 books in camp 4, 5, and
6.  During camp 7 I am going to leave them everywhere!  I want to make PC but
I am about 3,000 off so I don't think I will make it this year.  This is my
last chance!

Dear Future Avon Customer:

Haven't seen an Avon book lately?  Lost your Avon lady?  Well, I can help you there.
My name is Lorrie Masey, and I live in Temple.  I've been selling Avon for almost a year.  I enjoy every minute of it and I intend to continue.
As an Avon Independent Sales Representative, I offer the following: Friendly, Dependable Service
(Geez, I sound like a service station or something!)
Free Gift with First Order! (Stuff you could actually use) Free Gifts with order over $50 (More stuff you could actually use) Preferred Customers Club (After 4 orders, get the fifth one 15% off, advance notice of specials on your favorite products) So, if you'd like to begin seeing Avon again, you can call me at the phone
number below (if I am not home please leave your name and number on my voice
mail).  I look forward you hearing from you soon. 
If you call with an order today I will take 10% off your

From: <>
Here is the list that went around the loop awhile back:
List of contacts:
RELATIVES             WHO IS MY:        WHO SOLD ME MY:
Parents                  Milkman                    House
Grandparents          Mailman                    Car/Tires
Sister                     Paperboy (Parents)      T.V./Stereo
Brother                   Dentist                Fishing License
Aunt                       Physician            Hunting License
Uncle                     Minister             Business Clothes
Cousin                    Florist                Wedding Rings   
                              Lawyer               Glasses/Contacts
                           Insurance Agent      Vacuum Cleaner               
                            Accountant                    Boat
                           Congressman                Camper   
                           Pharmacist                Furniture 
                           Veterinarian               Appliances
                         Optometrist        Office  Equipment   

                  I KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS A:

Nurse                   Golf Pro                 Student
Fashion Model     Security Guard       Sheriff
Fire Chief             Secretary                Welder
Music Teacher     Art Instructor          Seamstress
Carpenter             Pilot/Stewardess    Bus Driver       
Bank Teller          Garage Mechanic   Editor             
Lab Technician   Printer                     Restaurant Owner
Office Manager    Surgeon                  Librarian Real Estate
Agent Interior Decorator   Lifeguard        Fisherman           
Waitress                 Notary Public     Antique Dealer     
Contractor              Chiropractor      Electrician           
Motel Owner           Dietitian

                     I KNOW SOMEONE THAT:
Lives Next Door                      Is my Barber/Hairdresser 
Teaches My Kids                    Was my Best Man     
Was My Maid of Honor           Was my Photographer 
Is My Baby-sitter                     Was My Navy Buddy
Goes Bowling with Me            Is my Former Boss       
Was My Teacher                    Repaired My TV       
Teaches Ceramics                  Was in my Car Pool
Cuts My Grass                         Painted My House         
Owns My Apartment                Is in Rotary, Lions   
Is in My Book Club                  Dry Cleans My Clothes   
Hung My Wallpaper                Sells Me Gasoline   
Delivers Parcels & Packages     Sells Ice Cream
This short list will provide you with about 100 contact names- a great start for any business.
Got this from the loop a while back.. One of those things that is Worth repeating!! Tina PA

Tonya's Tips: This list is called a "tickler list". When a new rep or helper is getting started have them make up a list with names and phone #'s and address if possible and ask them about the responses they got from particular people, it will help them develop good prospecting habits.

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Avon Reps- In The Beginning... | Presidents Council Info | Avon Sales Ideas | Long ago and far away... | How to Sell over $100,00 per year | What Do You  Think ? | My Favorite Things | FAQ FLYER | TIPS FROM THE LOOP