MEETING MINUTES *submit meeting reports to the scribe*
GENERAL MEETING: Was cancelled on 21 September due to conflict in scheduling, to be scheduled at a later date. FACULTY MEETING: Was held 8 September 2002 at the School of History in Mileth. Members in attendance : Veneficus, Sigmar, Moleia, Dylann, Shota, and guest: initiate Taras. The first issue was the conduct of Acadamie Members, which resulted in the unfortunate departure of the Regent. Veneficus's stance is this: 'Any allegations of wrongdoing shall be forwarded to me personally. I will decide where to go from there. Second, faculty members have a responsibility to put aside their feelings sometimes for the good of the Acadamie, we all get upset at times, but we as the faculty must set the example of dignity.' The next issue was the appointment of Rand to Dean of Student, the Dean of events position is still available and the Acadamie is currently without a Regent. Next, Dean Moleia was recommended for the Martyr Emeritus with a vote of 3 approving and 0 against. The Uniform proposal was tabled until next Deoch pending certain factors which have not yet been resolved, namely the appearance of new garb which could impact the uniform proposal. Last issue was the scheduling of classes, which will be reflected in the upcoming (October) calendar. The meeting concluded with a role-call. GENERAL MEETING: Was held 8 June 2002 at the School of History in Mileth. Members in attendance : Veneficus, Sigmar, Moleia, Mosrael, Tyara, Jomo, Natsumi, Baltaszar, Dylann, Shota, Halkion, and Murdo. Authorized Absence: Khay, Rand, Yazmina, and Nagisa. The first order of business was the advancement of Shota to the rank of Eldritch Adept, in addition Scribe Shota was awarded the Martyr Emeritus for her contributions to the Acadamie. The offices of Scribe and Chaplain were officially appointed to Shota and Mosrael respectively. The next order of business, Scribe Shota presented news concerning the dark occurrences in the land, to include the possible return of Lord Tenes. Adeptus Veneficus added that Tezerah Thoth has indeed resurfaced and is walking the land. Next, the ranking requirements were presented before the Acadmie and voted unanimously in favor of the revisions. This led to the final issue on the agenda, a vote on the proposed changes in the rank structure, covering the dissolution of the Elemental colleges and the appointment of four new Dean positions: Dean of Admissions, Dean of Instructions, Dean of events, and Dean of students. The proposal was passed with a majority vote of 10 with 2 abstentions. The meeting concluded with a role-call. FACULTY MEETING: Was held 01 June 2002 at Mileth College. Members in attendance: Veneficus, Sigmar, Moleia, Shota, JohnyBlaze, Dylann, Ariadane. Authorized absence: Khay. The meeting commenced with the additions to Next Deoch's calendar: to include a special orientation held on the 5th and the addition of two philosophy classes to be taught on the 6th and the 20th by Dean Khay. Elementalism class taught by Chancellor Sigmar: TBA. The next order of business was the restructuring of the current faculty organization. The proposal was ratified by a vote of 7-0 in favor with three absentee votes in favor of the proposal which will brought forth at the next general meeting for an open vote to those in attendance. The third order of business was concerning the ranking revisions and addition of the new curriculum. Both were passed with a unanimous vote of 4-0. The proposed changes can be found here. The next order of business was the Nomination of Shota for Martyr Emertius. The last order of business was concerning the absence of the faculty, specifically the treasurer. Action was tabled until contact could be made with the current treasurer. The meeting concluded with roll-call. ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING: Was held 25 May 2002 at Mileth College. Members in attendance: Veneficus, Khay, Sigmar, Natsumi, Dylann, Shota (in spirit)Yazmina, Tyara, Pilru, Miotasach. Guest: Huma. The meeting commenced with roll call and general greeting of the four initiates in attendance for their testing and induction. The following initiates were welcomed to the Acadamie: Lutharus at the rank of Srad Scholar, Miotasach at the rank of Eldritch Apprentice, Pilru at the rank of Sal Apprentice, and Yazmina at the rank of Eldritch Scholar. The meeting concluded with induction at Abel tavern. Welcome and congratulations to the newest members of the Acadamie. GENERAL MEETING: Was held 19 May 2002 at the School of History in Mileth. Members in attendance : Veneficus, Sigmar, Moleia, Khay, Tyara, Jomo, Johnyblaze, Natsumi, Dramascus, Pilru and candidates Zflame, and Baltaszar. Scribe Shota was absent due to unavoidable circumstances. The meeting began with the retiring of the magus cap as the official garment of the Adeptus Arcanus in favor of the Cthonic Disciple robes. The first order of business was the awarding of the Luathas Seal to Dean Khay for his many contributions to the Acadamie and furthering the studies of all things Arcane. The next order of business was faculty appointments: Dean Sigmar, formerly the Eldritch Dean was officially appointed as Chancellor. Srad scholar Johnyblaze was advanced to the rank of graduate. Eldritch apprentice Tyara was advanced to the rank of scholar. The third order of business addressed the current proposals involving the re-institution of the Acadamie curriculum which can be found here. Next Srad Graduate Johnyblaze proposed an arena event for wizards only. In a unanimous vote, the proposed event will be titled 'Elemental Chaos' tentative information can be found here. The last issue was the introduction of two new candidates: Zflame and Baltazar. Also, special guest Pilru, a relative to one of the founders of the Acadamie was also introduced. The meeting concluded with roll call. GENERAL MEETING: Was held 1 December 2001 at the School of History
in Mileth. Members in attendance : Veneficus, Zardok, Yoaddmagik, Viriane,
Dylann, Kyay, Dedded, Kornsage, Jomo, Sigmar Cuillen and Arillea. The meeting began
with Veneficus stating what the purpose of the Acadamie Arcanus is all about.
Please read here if you wish to know in detail what he spoke
of. Shortly thereafter he finished, Dedded brought up an external issue. One of our temuairian
Judges is holding an Art Competition. Dedded expressed interest that if any of our motley
artists were interested, that the deadline for entering is December 8th, 2001. Further details
can be found here if you are interested. Dedded also
mentioned that the prize for winning will be a place to show your work and also a commendable
10 million coins. Next, Veneficus proclaimed that 'All members of the Acadamie of the rank
of graduate or higher are to have a least one student they are actively mentoring'. Khay had a wonderful
idea and stated that 'Since the Acadamie was an institution of instruction, that our
Respected Citizen members could establish and maintain a posting of the
Acadamies roles, along with a membership list on the board within the tutorial.
Veneficus mentioned that he will be taking up his Wizardry classes again. He also mentioned
that starting next deoch, all of our respective Deans will also be once again responsible
for ensuring that one class per each of them is held, Yoaddmagick responsible for its Curriculum.
Both Veneficus and Yoaddmagik both discussed ensuing Geas that they have available.
Scorched Gambit was also discussed, as well as Viriane holding an art class in the future. The last
order of business was regarding the title given to Zardok. He was given and will hereby be
known as 'Deacon'.