3094 M.S.Gautam 10 th June 62

Updated on: 21-Mar-00
Based at: Miami, USA
Occupation: Superintendent, M.V.Shipping Inc
Career path: Sailed with Great Eastern & Univan
Wife: Nisha, B'day 1st July
Wed anniv: 22 nd April
Kids: Ishan & Purvika
His Message: "World is very small and race is long,we'll meet again"
E mail: mailto:mahendragautam@yahoo.com
Phone nos: 305 4771322, 305 594 5866, 305 436 9550 Cell-305 720 8292,
Fax 305 477 0468 & 305 477 0430, Voice mail 505 202 7525
Souvenir: When that 'explosive' laugh reverberated in the corridors we knew that M.S. had arrived. A slick operator he found his own footings in D.M.E.T. His was a diplomatic nature, his contacts far and wide. Tales by M.S. were, however, to be taken with a package of salt !
Laugh my friend and we will laugh with you !
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