Akira's Final Fantasy Domain


Since January 1999

Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII

Have Fun...

Check out the NEW Final Fantasy 7 Quizes
Akira's Final Fantasy Domain is the most honored site in The Final Fantasy WorldRing

Hey everybody. I'm Akira and this is my page about some of the more recent games in the Final Fantasy series like Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8. I've got almost all the information on these games so this should be a great source of information. enjoy!!! You may also notice Ed (the little devil guy). Ya know he may look a little evil but hes not really, he actually helps me with my page and he should be in every section somewhere. At the very bottom are my site police. Don't piss them off.

I also just recently got a message board. So you can go there to chat ask questions or whatever you want. There is one thing though: if i don't like yer message i'm most likeley goin' to delete it. You can also take may poll on the most useless materias located at the bottom.

And don't forget to...SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!!...please.

Need music? Buy it at CDnow located at the bottom section of my page. ALL THE MUSIC YOU WOULD EVER WANT!!!

miss something? I think us internet freak's also need to keep in touch with the real outside world beyond your computer screen so, I've got all the news from the real world at the bottom of the page
To check out whats new and coming soon check out the updates(last updated 3/21/99) instead of searching the page.

Final Fantasy Tactics Page

Final Fantasy VII Page

Final Fantasy VIII Page

[My Site Police| Message Board| Links|The Real World News|Ed]

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Most Useless Materias
What do you think is the most useless materia?

MP turbo
Magic Plus
Choco Mog

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