So, you wanna learn more about Nick? Well then, read on!
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Nick was an entertainer from the time he was a toddler to this very day. The showbiz really began when Nick landed the lead in a production of "Phantom of the Opera" (cool huh?) He entered a lot of talent shows and, what can I say? The rest, is history.

Full Name: Nicholas Gene Carter
Birth date:January 28, 1980
Zodiac sign:Aquarius
Birthplace: Jamestown, New York
Current Residence: Tampa, Florida
Height: 6 feet
Shoe size: 11
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Parents: Bob and Jane Carter
Sibs:B.J.,Lesley,Aaron and Angel (twins)
Music: Alternative
Singer: Steve Perry
Musical groups:Boyz 2 Men, Nirvana, Journey,Wu-Tang Clan.
Food: Extra Cheese Pizza
Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip cookie dough.
Color: Green
School Subjects: Science, history, english, gym.
Sports: scuba diving, football, horseback riding, basketball, baseball
Little Known Fact:Nick had a very small "almost an extra" roll in the Johnny Depp movie, Edward Scissorhands.

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