Want A.J. facts? Well, your wish is my command, read on please.
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A.J. played Dopey in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs when he was 7. By the time A.J. was in the 6th grade, he was in 27 productions, wow! Then, A.J. took singing and dancing lessons, and what can I say? it just clicked when he met Nick and Howie.

Full Name: Alexander James McLean
Birth Date: January 9, 1978
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Birthplace: West Palm Beach, Florida
Current Residence: Kissismmee, Florida
Height: 5'9"
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Parents: Denise and Bob McLean (who divorced when A.J. was 4. how sad)
Sibs: none
Musical Groups: Blackstreet, Boyz 2 Men
Ice Cream:Vanilla with caramel topping and mint chocolate chip.
Colors: Yellow and sometimes purple
School Subjects:English,history
Sports: Billiards, basketball,volleyball
Hobbies: drawing cartoons, puppeteering

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