W a l l p a p e r s / B a c k g r o u n d s

I have a vast array of Sailor Moon backgrounds,
but I also have designs with the following characters:

Urusei Yatsura
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
Mononoke Hime

Don't forget to link to me!

Click on the thumbnails to see the larger version.

- S a i l o r M o o n -

Sailor Moon
Orange anime closeup
Lavender manga - Serenity praying

Sailor Mercury
turquoise anime tile - manga Mercury reaching forward
light blue - manga Mercury with angel wings
dark blue - anime Mercury in the wind
blue water - manga Ami holding a flower

Sailor Jupiter
dark green - manga Makoto (Lita) holding rose

rainbow - Amazoness quartet startled

*white - all the manga inner senshi, tuxxy, and cats
light rainbow - tile of anime senshi minus Pluto and Saturn
pinks and purples - all manga inners in kimonos

Sailor Saturn
black with red - anime Saturn looks evil
misty purple - manga Mistress nine and Saturn
black with purple - anime Hotaru turning worridly

*this is part of a matched set.

- O t h e r A n i m e B a c k g r o u n d s -

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