the meaning of life
         There's certainly a variety of        
         opinions on this subject and certainly any 
          theory you find to be true IS true --
           for you
    This is because the meaning of life 
        is a matter of perception. There
        is great freedom and happiness
        in this truth because
        whatever you think is important
          IS the most important thing.
            However you perceive the world, that's 
            how it is. That's why the world is full of nails
  if you have a hammer. Your world will        SUCK
         -- if you think it does --
     Likewise, it will be a thrilling 
      place, if you think it is so.
        The most important thing, to me, 
        is being happy.
         This is not true for everyone -- and       that's 
         difficult for me to understand. Some people
          truly want money or accolades or to help 
           others (etc. etc.), along the line of thinking 
          that these things will make them     happy. I think
   they fail to realize that the pursuit is     often the most 
   fun part. I think people who fail to realize 
      that are basically losers.
    I try to remember that being HAPPY 
    is the goal.
        That way, when I rag on myself for not being "far enough 
        along in my career" I remember that      my chief  
        objective at work is to learn things     that fascinate 
me, and I am doing that every minute of every work day. 
          Therefore, I can't measure my career by 
          salary or professional acclaim or any 
          other typical career achievement measuring
    But that's just my situation.
    As for you, as long as your basic 
    needs are handled (health, shelter,
    food, some friends), there's no 
       reason why you shouldn't be ecstatic
        EVERY day. 
         Because you can.
          With so much
            power in your 
            hands, the 
        power to control  
        how your life 
        goes, you truly 
        should be off 
        to great places, 
        off and away!
        Have a ball.
        And this next article is my theory  
        on our place in this universe:

and you think you're so important

By Angelo Fernandes