Chapter 11: .Dear.Journal.

Taylor managed to separate himself from his younger siblings. He knew he needed to be alone, so slowly and wearily, he trudged up the monotonous flight of stairs and practically fell through the door. He managed to stumble to his bed before he collapsed to the mattress like a ton of bricks. Momentarily, he squeezed his heavy eyelids closed, allowing darkness to obscure his vision. As he opned them again, a corner of a notebook sticking out from the mattress bottom caught his eye like a brand new silver coin. He delicately removed the paper-bound object and let his eyes trace the front cover. It was fairly plain, with his name pdrinted neatly in the lower right hand corner and "Journal" scrawled across the center of the blood red notebook cover. He decided this could help his memory and skimmed through the pages until he came to the most recent entry.

Dear Journal,

Hey, what's up? So much has been going on here, which explains my absense for the past few days. I'll make sure I redeem myself with this entry.

Touring has been so great! I'm having so much fun promoting our new album. I met some great fans, as usual. In a way, it depresses me. There are some fans who I just, well, "connect" with. I feel like I could be friends with them for eternity. I'm not saying just girls (although I did meet some great candidates for a girlfriend!) either. I can't necessarily trust them because the internet can be a very evil thing (even though I love surfing through the fan pages...). Then again, I may never meet them again in my life. What if i find the perfect girl? I'll never be able to tell her that. Most people marry someone within a fifty mile radius of their location or something stupid like that. I remember an adult telling me that once. Anyway, I'm so excited! I love my driver's license. I just have to convince my parents to let me drive alone now...I'll have to ask Ike for help on this one. I think I'm too paranoid though. I keep having these...visions. I don't know what to call them. I guess I should call them premonitions. I think I'm losing it though, I'm just really nervous about getting behind the wheel. I keep seeing myself hitting this girl. She's pretty, but she looks so...devious. These things are so difficult to describe. There's so much more I see about this girl - her spells and chants, her magick. I have so much mroe to write about, it's not even funny, but I just can't. The photo shoot we had today completely drained me of all my energy, so I'll have to write about the rest tomorrow night! I won't forget, I promise.

Your tired friend,

Tay let out a small, frustrated sigh. A flash of memory played in his mind like an old movie, all crackly and faint. Briefly, he saw the impact of his car meeting with someone else's, but he could see nothing further. He repremanded himself for not writing more abou this visions; maybe he could remember and learn about Drew. Why can't I figure out her mystery? Tay hopelessly wondered. He had no idea Drew was keeping her eye on him at this particular moment, but she was.

"Oh Taylor, you should listen to the old fairy tales. You should be careful what you wish for...because, in my book, you definitely WILL get it..."

[Chapter 12]
[I'm No Stranger To Your Dreams]