Animal Aid Network

March 2001

The Verde Independent

Letters to the Editor

What about the image of the

helpless animals?




I am not a person who normally writes letters to newspapers, but the ongoing problems with the Verde Valley Humane Society has driven me to do so.

My red flag went up over a year or so ago when the director of the humane society left. It then cam e out that the board of directors had plans and money enough to build a new shelter, but chose not to.

Then the revelation about the feral cat problem was reported and I was truly bothered.  But the finale straw for me was when I read that a current board member quit because animals were dying because they were freezing to death.

And now they choose to hire an image consultant.  Enough is enough.

I have been donating items to the Good-Bye Shoppe for over five years in good faith.  I save all my aluminum cans and my co-workers save theirs also for me to donate to help.  I go out of my way to save an bring items to their shop thinking I was helping the animals.  I have adopted one dog and three cats from that shelter as well as saving the Morris points to help bring them more money.

Well, needless to say that has ended.  all my donations will go to the Animal Aid Network from this point on.

I would encourage any animal lover to stop donating to the humane society until they decide to help the animals with the money they receive and not waste it on image consultants.  the only image that needs work is the one in their minds that keeps funds from being used where they are needed and where the donations were intended.

Deborah D. Wilkins                                                  Cottonwood

