HELLO !!!!! Hi !!! My mommy and dad are still not sure which pics to put on my pages, as there are thousands of them, really. Do u know why? Nah....... My Dad is a camera nut, when he is around and has nothing to do, he takes my pictures. I have got used to the glare of the flash light, right from the day one, no escape!!! My home is full of my pics, small, big and blown up.......! Till they reach some decision, let me show you some. Click ANUVAMe at 4 months

Click ANUVADancing is another passion of mine.

Here i am crying and after a second back to my own self, ever smiling. I was 18 months old. Look who is here!!! i am trying to imitate my mommy by applying her lipstick, but was caught red handed and red faced by her.

watching guests having fun at my 2nd birthday party. Posing for a winning smile. Bundled up for the Houston winter.This picture secured me a place in the beauty pageant.

Different moods at the pageant. In the first one, above, feeling sad and sleepy for not grabbing a balloon from the stage, and also keeping fingers crossed for a prize. On the right is the total victorious look, which is in the other pic too, where i m proudly posing with my trophy.


Me again, having fun!!!!. Reading hymns from a religious book on my 2nd birthday.

Chatting with my Dear barney. Wow look at me with full make up.

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