Pet Sematary

Set in a small town in Maine to which a young doctor, Louis Creed,
and his family have moved from Chicago, Pet Sematary begins
with a visit to a graveyard in the woods where generations of
children have buried their beloved pets. But behind the "pet
sematary," there is another burial ground, one that lures
people to it with seductive promises. . .and ungodly temptations.
As the story unfolds, so does a nightmare of the supernatural,
one so relentless you won't want . . .at moments . . .to continue
reading . . .but will be unable to stop.
You do it because it gets hold of you, says the nice old man
with the secret. You make up reasons . . .they seem like good
reasons . . .but mostly you do it because once you've been up there,
it's your place, and you belong to it . . .
up in the PET SEMATARY--
and beyond.

Pet Sematary
Stephen King
Pet Sematary

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