Home, Sweet Home
Be it ever so humble, your new home is all you've got when the game begins. Weeds and stones may litter the fields, but your job is to turn this disaster into a profitable state within two years. You'll learn to plant crops, raise livestock, gather valuable resources, and woo a sweetheart.
A Game for All Seasons
Not only does Harvest Moon pass through seasons of the year, it also passes through the seasons of video game technology. Beginning with the Super NES, versions of Harvest Moon have appeared on Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and the Nintendo 64.
Get Down and Dirty
Your going to have to get down to earth in Harvest Moon 64 if you want to succeed. That means doing the dirty work of preparing the soil, planting crops, caring for them, and bringing in the harvest.
Clearing the Land
Crops won't grow unless you clear a field before you try to plant. For your first step, remove anything that might get in the way, such as rocks, weeds, or stumps.
Rocks litter your field when you arrive on the farm. You can move them or break them up using the mallet. You can even toss them into the water.
Tip: Get rid of all the smaller rocks first, before even touching the bigger ones, in this way you have a chance up getting the upgraded hammer, so the bigger ones will not take nearly as long.
Even though you pluck those pesky weeds, they'll grow back unless you have something blocking them. (Ex: Fence or Crop) Before you try to plant something make sure the weeds are out of the area.
Tip: Use the sickle on the weeds, so you can upgrade it before it's time to cut the grass, so when it does come that time, it'll be much faster.
Use the ax to chop up stumps. Not only does chopping wood open up once blocked field space, it also automatically adds six pieces of wood per-stump to storage, which you can use to build fences, or to add on to you house.
Tip: There is not nearly enough wood from the stumps that start in your farm to build even the smallest home extension, so if you have the desire for a bigger home, there are plenty stumps in the forest to be chopped, which replenish every day.(Don't ask)
Mother Earth
Growing crops successfully requires hard work and patience. You'll have to prepare the soil, plant the seeds efficiently, and keep the seedlings watered until it's time to harvest the mature plant.
Till `til You Drop
Once a patch of ground is cleared of obstacles, select your hoe to till the soil. Use the hoe once on each section of ground in a three-by-three grid, but leave the center unplowed. This is the most efficient use of the land.
Tip: If you do plow the center it will be a waste of time and energy. You won't be able to water the center or even pick it even it does happen to get watered and grow up somehow. So save the energy and time, and just do a circle.
Sow the Seeds
Once you've selected a bag of seeds, stand in the center square of your tilled patch (even though it's not plowed), and throw the seeds. They will cover the grid and you will see the little seeds in the ground, 4 in each square.
Tip: Make sure you are in the exact center, if not you'll get really frustrated when half your patch has no seeds. So have patience and line yourself up perfectly in the center.
Water the Seedlings
Plants need water every day. Use the watering can to water each square of your planting grid. On a rainy day you won't have to water. (Duh)
Tip: If you do something to the crops on a rainy day, a glitch will cause you to have to water them, even though it's raining. Example: If you plant the seeds on the day it's raining, you still have to water them. This gets real annoying, but you get used to it pretty quick.
Harvest Time
The most important part of the planting cycle is harvest time. Most plants will visible change to let you know they are ripe and ready for harvesting. Some plants produce more than one crop. Example: If you harvest a tomato, the vine stays, continue to water it and another tomato will grow in it's place within 3 days.
Bin There. Done That.
It's best to plant your crops close to the collecting bin so you don't waste any time carrying them long distances.
Practice Makes Perfect
The more you use any of your tools, the better at it you'll get. After a while, you'll get so good that you'll earn a more powerful version of the tool. Each tool has three upgrade levels. You'll be able to accomplish old tasks much faster, and you'll also be able to do some new things you never could do before. Once you upgrade a tool, hold the use button down to charge it up, the longer you hold it, the stronger it will be.
Animal House
Horticulture isn't the only game in town. An enterprising farmer will take a stab at raising animals, as well. In addition to the horse that is given to you and your trusty dog, you can buy and breed cattle, sheep, and chickens.
Home on the Range
Raising cows requires a lot of work and a lot of money, but the return is sizable. If you care for your cows, they can produce excellent milk worth it's weight in gold.
Cows produce milk, which you can sell at the rates listed below. The better you take care of your cows, the better the quality and quantity of milk they'll produce.
Small Milk: 100 Gold
Medium Milk: 150 Gold
Large Milk: 300 Gold
Special Milk: 500 Gold
Healthy Herds
Sick cows don't produce quality milk, so you'll want to keep your herd healthy. Cows shouldn't be allowed to stay out in the rain. If they do get sick, buy them medicine.
Tip: Buy medicine from the shop at Green Ranch.
Good Breeding
Buying new cows from the ranch is expensive, but it's relatively inexpensive to breed new cows from your mature cows. This is the best way to make a sizable dairy herd.
Tip: Buy fertility pills at the shop at Green Ranch.
Deep in Sheep
Sheep don't produce wool on a daily basis, but you can get several coats of wool each year. Like cows, sheep will eat the grass you grow on your farm, and you can increase your flock by breading your sheep. You'll want to grow large areas of grass to feed a big herd of sheep. When the weather's bad, put them in your barn.
Regular Wool: 900 Gold
Quality Wool: 1,800 Gold
Playing Chicken
Raising chickens is another way to make big bucks, because mature hens lay eggs daily, and you can increase the flock by incubating eggs. Chickens eat chicken fodder instead of grass. Incubate chicken eggs to produce chicks. Those chicks will turn into hens that will lay eggs.
Egg: 50 Gold
Horse Trading
The local ranger actually gives you a colt on your first visit. With love and care, that colt will grow into a horse. You'll be able to race your horse when it's big enough to carry you. You don't have to worry about feeding your horse, but talk to it and brush it. During harvest, your horse can help by hauling crops to the bin.
It's a Horse Race!
When your horse has grown up, you'll be able to enter it in the horse race. The trick to winning the race is to tap the "A" Button at a steady pace. If you're not in the race, you can bet on other horses.
Flower Bud Village
The main town has shops, people, and gathering places, such as the Town Square and the Inn. You'll buy things here, meet people, and join community activities. Something new is always going on in town, so visit often.
Town Square
Many of the annual activities and festivals take place in the square. Just take the steps at the end of the main street to reach this area.
The Inn
The local watering hole is the place where many of your neighbors gather in the evenings, though not on Sunday. Here you can hear a tale or buy a glass of rejuvenation. Be forewarned that the menu is pricey and not worth the gold unless your character is overly tired.
The local Church also doubles as a school. Here you can talk to the students, who all seem to be children of the Potion Shop owner-one of the most important people in town.
Lilia's Flower Shop
Visit Lilia's to buy seeds for crops and flowers. The inventory changes according to season, so you'll find potatoes and turnips in the spring, and corn and tomatoes in the summer. You'll also find grass seed at Lilia's, which is a must for providing animal fodder.
Ricks Tool Shop & Craft Store
Visit Rick's Shop from time to time to see if new items have come in. You can buy the cow brush here or other useful or curious products like the Ocarina. The shop isn't open on Sundays.
The town bakery is filled with delicious treats such as cake, but these delectable items will cost you a pretty penny. If you munch on these sweets, you'll increase your energy level. The shop girl will be particularly pleased if you sample the baked goods.
Mayor's House
You can drop by the Mayor's home and talk to people, including his wife and daughter, Maria, who works in the library.
The library may be filled with interesting books on many subjects, but the only subject worth of your attention is Maria, the receptionist. She'll be very pleased if you stop by, look at the books, and talk to her. Pleasing prospective mates is one of the more subtle aspects of the game.
The Midwife
Later in the game, after your happily married, you may need the services of the midwife when it comes time to have a baby. Visit her here to retain her services for the happy event.
Potion Shop
Visit the Potion Shop for medicine when your animals get sick. You can help the owner by bringing him medical herbs that you may find in the woods. If you get tired from working too long, you might even need medicine for yourself.
Mr. Farmer's Neighborhood
Harvest Moon 64 isn't just about harvesting crops, keeping animals, and making money. There's a strong role-playing element with dozens of characters. Talk to them and help them whenever you can. In turn, they may help you.
The Green Ranch
This is where you'll buy livestock and where you'll get your horse for free. The girl who lives here, Ann, is friendly and helpful, but her brother won't give you the time of day.
The Vineyard
The local vineyard can be found North of the village along the trail to the mountain. You'll meet Karen, the daughter of the owner, and some of the workers. Later in the game, a crisis situation will develop at the vineyard.
Moon Mountain
The higher slopes of Moon Mountain are inaccessible in the beginning of the game. Unless you climb the tree near the carpenters house. Go up to it and press the A button and you should climb right up. To get back down, just press "A" near the edge of the cliff near the tree and you should jump down. The other way up is on the bridge, which you are asked to help with the building of in the Winter.
The Carpenter
As the money begins to pour in from your many efforts, you'll want to add on to your little shack. The carpenter will do the work, but for a steep price, and you have to provide the wood also. When he asks for you to help fix the bridge, do it, you get quite a bit of money for your efforts.
Kitchen: 5,000 Gold 450 Wood
Bathroom: 3,000 Gold 300 Wood
Stairs: 2,000 Gold 250 Wood
Green House: 30,000 Gold 580 Wood
Log Terrace: 7,000 Gold 350 Wood
Baby Bed: 1,000 Gold 150 Wood
Love on the Farm
One of the most important parts of the game is wooing and winning a mate. There are five eligible bachelorettes in the area, and you'll have to win the heart of one of them by proving to them that you are marriage material.
Affection Meter
Unlike real life, the young women in Harvest Moon 64 wear their hearts on their sleeves. The color of the heart-shaped icon that appears in the woman's text box indicates her level of attraction to you.
White Indifferent
Violet Friendly
Green Flirtatious
Yellow Enamored
Pink Truly in Love
If you want Elli to be your girl, you better eat a lot of sweets. She works at the bakery, and is delighted to see you buy her food. Apparently, the way to your heart is through her stomach. If you can't find her at the bakery, check the Flower Shop.
Popuri is my personal favorite. If you marry her, she will take care of your eggs, and also water some of your plants. She can be found at the Flower Shop, where she works. She is very nice.
Ann loves cute and cuddly animals, which is fortunate since she lives at Green Ranch. If you find little forest creatures, take them to her as a gift. Make sure you stay away from her brother, which you may find, is not exactly as nice as Ann.
Maria is very shy, and hard to get to know well, but if you keep talking to her every day, she'll crack. She works in the library. She is the daughter of the Mayor. She is also very religious, so don't miss Church!
Karen's parents run the Vineyard, and she works at the Inn. She is very nice once you get to know her, but like her Father, she may need some buttering up. She likes wild berries, and it's also good to make friends with the Vineyard workers.