Wanna Megaman X desktop? Here's the place! Only one for now, and I made it myself, and it's a bit crappy. :P It was for a college assignment.

Zero Desktop (800 by 600)
Well, kinda. :) Since I had to meet specs for the assignment, there's some weird shit in this desktop. But the overall effect is oddly soothing. You might want this for your desktop, I personally have too many icons on mine. ;P The background image is scanned from Rockman X4 vol. 1...I did a lot of modifying, as you can see. :P I love fooling with Photoshop.

This desktop is .bmp format...I personally think Active Desktop is crapola. And for now it's only in 800x600. Should demand be met, I'll make other sizes. Enjoy!


***IF YOU GET A PAGE OF GIBBERISH WHEN YOU CLICK ON THE LINK:*** Right-click the link and pick "Save As." If you're on a Mac, tough titty said the kitty. :P

More in the future? Peeeerhaps!
