I spend most of my time in an institution Americans like to call high school. You wouldn't believe what a waste of time it is. I'm surprised that adults have no idea why we rank way behind other countries. I'll tell you why.

As a high school senior I feel I have the right to tell adults what's going on. I live in Texas, so we have the dreaded TAAS test. Some idiot thought it would be a good idea to make every 10th grader in the state take the test before they can graduate. Now, the TAAS test isn't that hard, it's made up of skills you've learned from the 1st to the 8th grade. The problem is, you spend two years preparing for the test and loose that time for learning new things, you don't start learning anything new until the 11th grade.

Have you spotted the problem yet? How do adults expect us to compete with foreign students when we spend so much of our valuable time reviewing past skills? If you have any answers or feedback for me e-mail me.