This poem was written on a wall, in a correctional center
in Atlanta, with a grease pencil.
The Eagle and The Wolf
There's a battle between the eagle and the wolf.
The eagle inside of me represents
Everything that is good and pure.
And even though it soars through the valleys,
It still lays its eggs on the mountain tops.
There's a wolf inside of me.
And the wolf preys upon my weaknesses
And justifies itself in the presence of the pack.
Who will win the war between
The eagle and the wolf?
There was a big space on the wall with these words.
" The One That You Feed."
To feed Who wins the battle for your life?
The one you choose to build on.
Who wins the battle between right and wrong?
The one you choose to feed.
What thoughts are you feeding?
Are you filling your life with GOD's truth,
Or are you feeding it a steady diet of TV,
Materialism, and out-of-control habits.
It's easy to become desensitized and
Conformed to this world.
But GOD calls us to be transformed
By the renewing of our minds,
To take every thought captive,
And to be doers of the word.
~by~ David Edwards
From the book ~ One Step Closer ~
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may be in need of this today.
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