Welcome to the site I call home.  Most of what you'll find is info on my 98 Honda Civic EX.
Temple of VTEC

I know what you're thinking...Wow, another Honda website.  Well, when I first bought my car there weren't very manyhow-to pages for my generation civic so by adding to the count hopefullyothers can benifit from my experience.  I've done almost every modto my car on my own with help from a few other websites.

Pictures of what my car looks like after being T-boned!

What do you want to see???

My Car My Car and its Modifications
Friend's Cars Friend's Cars
Links Links
Stuff about me Stuff about me


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This page was designed by Brian More--Last updated: 1/20/00
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DISCLAIMER: Both myself and Tripod are not and will notbe held responsible for any damages relating to suggestions on this website.Any and all financial losses, injury, or damages (of any sort) to individualsor property are the sole responsibility of the owner.  I do not inany way, shape or form encourage aggressive driving or illegal street racing. By visiting this website you agree to these terms.  Thank you.

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