Bill's Drywall Picture Page 4

Stucco Job "99"


Pic #1

These are pictures of a stucco job that I did at American Pride Transport. In these pictures you can see what the building looked like when I first started. I had to get certified to run a JGL aerial platform which you can see in this picture.

Pic #2

This is a large building, so it took more then one picture to get the whole side.

Pic #3

I also used a loader (fork lift) besides the JGL aerial lift, it made the job a little easier.

Pic #4

This is a picture from up on the JGL, on the left you can see the I 190. Most of the work was done off the JGL, did what I could off of the ground, and only did a little bit off of the fork lift.

More Pictures To Come!


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