Bosman's Wrestling and Sport's Page!

Well this is the start of my wrestling and sport's page. I like to watch wrestling and other sports on t.v. or live! I'm from Niagara Falls, New York so Buffalo has the closest sports teams, I've been to a few Buffalo Bill's games over the years. I have also been to many wrestling events in both Buffalo and Niagara Falls, and I watch most of the P.P.V's on t.v.. On sunday May 23,1999 during a PPV event Owen Hart was fatally injuried, from what was said,they are not sure as to how it happened yet. All they know is that Owen Hart fell from the ceiling as he was being lowered to the ring, his gimeck was a super hero called The Blue Blazer. I imagen alot of people thought it was a set up act, but it was not. It was real and now Owen is gone, Owen Hart had come from a familly of wrestler's, his father,bother's, and even brother inlaw's were in wrestling. Owen Hart was the youngest in his familly, 34 years young. My sympathy goes out to his familly and friends.


Owen Hart 1965-1999



Here is a write up from The WWF that I found on AOL.

We at the World Wrestling Federation are sad to report the death of Owen Hart. He was 34 years old. We do not have much information as to how it happened and will not know until an investigation is completed. We are all shaken, and to say Owen will be missed is too limiting of a way to fully explain what he meant to us. The sadness of his death as a father, brother, son and uncle we’re certain is very deep and strongly felt. He was, and is, beloved by them and by all of us who were fortunate enough to work with him at the World Wrestling Federation. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Hart family. We have to be strong for Owen; he was an extraordinary human being and consummate performer. The highest tribute that we can pay is to go on entertaining the fans he loved so much. We’ll carry his love for his family and friends and the passion he put in to his work forever. If you would like to share your thoughts about Owen Hart, visit the Owen Hart tribute board. 5/24/99 11:09 AM


Well since I'm from Niagara Falls,New York,Buffalo is the closest city with pro sports teams. That's why I root for The Buffalo Bill's and The Buffalo Sabre's.



Well the Buffalo Sabre's lost game 6 to the Dallas Stars, the NHL should have not allowd that last goal, Buffalo was robbed! The game winning goal (which was not a goal at all) was scored by Bret Hull from the Dallas Stars, from the replay you can see that Bret Hull was in the goal crese and that it should have been no goal. It was a real good game, it went into three over times, and I just think that the officials wanted to get the game over with. Those officials should lose their jobs, anybody could tell that it wasn't a goal by the replay!



Piss on The Dallas Stars!