My policy is 3 missed games with no contact with me or a storyteller and you're character is put on inactive status. This doesn't mean I don't have the character, or that I won't update it. This just means that I take you off the Character list that I give the storytellers and I take you off the Renown or Status list and the phone list.
Of course, you show up again, or tell me you'll be there and you're back on.
This helps me keep track of the characters in play and helps the storytellers play on plots create by you, the characters.
The following people have missed games without contacting me.
If you are on this list, just email me tell me you're coming back or not an you'll get off this list.
Missed 1 Game- Mickey Spencer, Daniel Probus, Kerry Bravner, Terry Dailey, Andrea Cheatum, Melissa DePlanche, Kris Krawczyk, Matt Millson, John Lancaster
Missed 2 Games-Faith Mattingly, Allison Miller, Paul Miller, Diane Miller, Kube Howerton, William Payne, Chip May,
Players with Characters Labeled InActive:
Chris Gordon, Chris Druen, Lauren May, Robert Graham, Jason Bush, Nick Kik, Kenneth Raines, Len Ewen, Stephanie Marco, Faolan, Ben Vangrift, Felicia Sible, Jaime Probus, David Knowles, Jennifer Mackinson, Dan Mackinson, Matt Levy, Chris Brimer, Coleen Oyler, Tony Nieman