1. No Touching. No Stunts.

Things can get out of hand too quickly, so for safety's sake no touching, not even people not playing.

2. No Weapons.

For legal and safety reasons no weapons are allowed on LARP playing areas.

3.No drugs and no Drinking.

When impaired people are unable to make wise descisions so coming to the LARP intoxicated or under the influence is a good way to get kicked out. Drugs and Alcohol are banned on the LARP playing areas as well.

4. Be Mindful of others.

It's called common curtesy. Practice it.

5. It's only a game.

Lots of people forget this. It is only a game. When the night is over you'll be you again, not an ancient vampire bent on world domination (or just survival). If a character dies, there are more to play.

6. Have Fun.

This is recreation after all. If you're not having fun, change something.