Physical and Social Technicalities of Garou:
Garou Forms
Useful Abilities
Renown and Rank
The Many Forms of Garou
The Delirium is brought on by the Crinos form. It is handled according to the Laws of the Hunt. Delirium only affects un-Awakened characters. Mortals compare their Mental Traits, plus twice their WP, minus three, against the table to determine their reaction.
Changing Forms
To change forms requires a Static Physical Challenge (retest with Primal Urge), with a difficulty depending on the form. It takes 1 Turn to shift from one form to another. A player may spend 1 Rage Trait to shift to any form. A character can revert to their breed form automatically.
Homid Shift Difficulty: 6 Traits
Glabro Shift Difficulty: 7 Traits
Crinos Shift Difficulty: 6 Traits
Hispo Shift Difficulty: 7 Traits
Lupus Shift Difficulty: 6 Traits
Soaking Damage
Garou are tough to kill. They can soak any damage dealt to them, whether its Bashing, Lethal or Aggravated.
Damage from Silver is considered Unsoakable and will cause +1 Damage.
Improved Senses
Hispo form has sharp senses, and has a 1-Trait bonus for Perception challenges.
Lupus form has sharper senses than Hispo, and has a 2-Trait bonus for Perception challenges.
If a Garou in Lupus form uses the Gift: Heightened Senses, he will have a 3-Trait bonus for perception challenges (not cumulative with the 2-Trait bonus for Lupus as per above), but modified to reflect the nature of the wolf. Wolves have excellent hearing and smell, but relatively poor vision, as compared to humans. Keep this in mind when role playing a lupus.
Crinos form characters can take an extra step for reach purposes only. This is to simulate the huge size and long reach of the form. (Thus, a Crinos might be able to attack a smaller opponent without fear of reprisal!)
Useful Skills
Garou Lore
Tyr growled to himself as he stomped about in the woodlands of the bawn.
"I don't get it! What did I do wrong?"
Kelly smiled at her fellow cub as she leaned back against the tree.
"Maybe if you'd been paying attention to Laughing-Tale when he was instructing us on how to conduct ourselves at the moot, you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself...and gotten yourself punished for talking out of turn."
Tyr flopped to the ground and sulked.
"Who ever heard of a speaking bone, anyway?"
This is the knowledge on werewolf society, history and psychology. What motivates them, how they have changed (or not changed) over the eons and so forth. This knowledge includes the basics of the tribes and their politics, most of the terminology, the major events of their history, and a general working knowledge of the Garou Glyph system (for complete fluency in Garou Glyphs, it must be taken as a dot in Linguistics, or Silver Record Lore must be taken as well. Reasoning for this is... every Garou learns basic glyphs. The elder a Garou becomes, the more fluent they become in Glyphs. Garou have a natural aptitude for learning them, but they still have to learn them. In addition, there are certain levels of knowledge in Glyph-reading that only those chosen to be the Keepers of the Silver Records are taught, because some Glyphs are very ancient and unused. See Tribe Novel #3, "Red Talons & Fianna". It not only displays this notion, as one Garou understands a Glyph - but not the other, but in addition, it shows us that certain tribes have certain sets of Glyphs specific to that tribe).
• You know there's these big hairy things living out in the woods.
•• They divide themselves in 13 tribes....or was that 14? Or 12?
••• What the average young werewolf himself knows, a solid working knowledge of Garou society.
•••• The tribal elders are impressed with how much you know.
••••• The Garou now view you as a potential threat (unless you are Garou). Keep your mouth shut.
Possessed by: Any Garou, Kinfolk
Specialties: Garou History, Moot Customs, Sept Structure, Powers and Abilities, Political Views
Tribal Lore
Thirty-Minutes-Or-Its-Free looked down the tunnel as the subway approached. She sat perched with her mentor as a couple other Bone Gnawers in the steel rafters over the tunnel.
"So, we're really gonna jump down and ride this thing?"
"Ayup." grunted Ribbed-For-Her-Pleasure.
"Isn't that, you know, dangerous?" the young cliath asked, raising her voice as the subway arrived beneath them.
"That's the whole point, kid! Subway Surfing is a tribal custom! NOW JUMP!"
Ribbed didn't give the girl a choice, shoving her off just a few seconds before he leapt himself, grinning excitedly as the Bone Gnawer "sport" began.
This knowledge gives you the facts about individual Garou tribes; their origins and history, their outlooks and politics, how they deal with other tribes, their internal divisions and anything else that deals with that particular tribe. Each Tribal Lore must be taken separately (i.e., Black Fury Lore, Bone Gnawer Lore, etc.).
* The Black Furies are from think.
•• The Silver Fangs rule, the Bone Gnawers drool (at least politically)
••• You can hold an intelligent conversation with a member of that tribe.
•••• The Shadow Lords do WHAT at their Moots?
••••• You're a tribal elder.
Possessed by: Specific tribe members, Kinfolk, any Garou
Specialties: Tribal History, Camps, Tribal Customs, Inter-tribal Politics
Cosmology (Umbral Lore)
"Which way now?" growled Paul. The Banes were close on their heels, and getting lost here in the Penumbra didn't help matters.
Horace snarled for silence as he bent down to examine the spiritual spoors. He rubbed a bit of dirt between his fingers and sniffed at the air. Paul grew impatient, watching their surroundings. "Well?"
The Theurge smirked to himself as he stood and pointed westward.
"The Moon Path we seek is this way. Now quit doddling and lets move. Those Banes will be here soon, you know." He chuckled and started off. The Ahroun growled at his packmate's back, but followed.
With this lore, you understand the Umbra, its many Realms and its inhabitants, the spirits. It's a strange place with even stranger creatures, but you've got as good a grip on it all as anyone can. With this knowledge, you know the geography of the spirit world, it's physics, and how to get around safely in it. You know the hierarchies of the spirits, their powers, and their behaviors.
• There's this place called the Umbra, see....
•* You know to avoid the Abyss and can tell a Jaggling from a Gaffling.
••• You can find your way from one Realm to another.
•••• The Incarna would be surprised with how much you know.
••••• You blaze trails for Nuwisha to follow.
Possessed by: Theurges, Uktena, Stargazers, Nuwisha, Corax, any Garou
Specialties: Middle Umbra, Astral Umbra, Dark Umbra, Realms, Gauntlet, Navigation, Umbral Physics, Celestines, Incarna, Totems, Broods, Charms
Wyrm Lore
"Wha...what is that?!" Yolanda stumbled back, blinking in confusion and sheer terror at the huge worm-like creature she saw down in the valley, tearing its way out of the earth. Even from up here in the hills, it looked enormous. Her grip on her labrys tightened.
George Binds-the-Shadows frowned, closed his eyes and sighed.
"It's a Thunderwyrm. Let's go tell the Wyrmfoe so he can pull together the war packs." The Uktena turned to go.
"Packs as in plural?" The young Fury couldn't take her eyes off the distant thing.
"Yeah, we need serious numbers to take on a thing like that. Our pack isn't anywhere near enough. Call for the rest of our pack, Moon Dancer, and lets get a move on."
Some Garou delve into the deep lore of their enemy, the Wyrm. Such a pursuit is dangerous. For every bit of information gained, they risk corruption. For every level in Wyrm Lore, the Garou increasingly becomes more expert in the tactics and ways of his enemy. However, for every level of Wyrm Lore he has in excess of Willpower, he gains a Derangement. For example: Truck Basher's Willpower is 3, but he has just spent his experience points on another level of Wyrm Lore, which brings him up to 4 traits. He now lacks sufficent self-control to resist the foul thoughts that arise in his mind, so he gains a Derangement. For a list of possible Derangements, see Laws of the Wild, revised edition.
Note: Although vampires are considered creatures of the Wyrm, they have their own separate lore, Vampire Lore.
• You are aware of and can name many Wyrm creatures.
•• You know there are many Wyrm manifestations (Triatic Wyrm, Urge Wyrm). You may understand some of the Black Spiral Dancers' picograms.
••• You know a little about the geography and people of Malfeas.
•••• You've read the Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth, and you know the secrets hidden within.
••••• You are a danger to the Wyrm and yourself.
Possessed by: Black Spiral Dancers, Uktena Banetenders, Fomori, Pentex Board Members
Specialties: Triatic Wyrm, Urge Wyrms, Maejin Incarna, Monsters, Banes, Fomori, Black Spiral Mysteries, Malfeas
Wyld Lore
"I'm telling you, I saw a fomor! We need to go kill it!" Tyr roared.
Yolanda sighed, fed up with the Fenrir. "Listen, you dolt! I told you that creature is not a fomor!"
"And how would you know?" sneered the younger Garou. "It was some hideous cross between a cougar and a wolf! It's blasphemy!"
"Not every odd thing you see is Wyrmish, you know." the Fury tried to keep her temper down. Dealing with a Get was not easy for her. "The Pumawolf is known to my tribe. It is of the Wyld."
Tyr blinked. "Huh?"
The Wyld is the faction of the Triat that many Garou fight to protect on earth, seeing it as the best of the three cosmological forces (though they're not necessarily right). However, the Wyld is pure chaos, unlimited possibility and ever-changing potential. Delving into it's very nature can bring madness. The more a person learns about the Wyld, the more "wild" he risks becoming himself. For every level of Wyld Lore he has in excess of his Willpower, he suffers a 1 trait penalty to his Frenzy difficulties as he becomes more and more unhinged.
• You know the Wyld is a force of creation and constant change.
•• You can idnetify different Wyldlings.
••• You know a bit about how the Flux Realm works.
•••• Do you really know the Wyld, or are you going crazy?.
••••• You know enough about the Wyld to rule it...if it was something that could be controlled.
Possessed by: Black Furies, Red Talons, Ratkin, Theurges, Gorgons
Specialties: Wyldlings, Flux Realm, Gorgons, Thresholds, Abscesses, The Nameless
Weaver Lore
Hacks-the-Gauntlet finished the summoning program on his laptop and waited. After a few seconds, the spirit appeared on the table next to him. The spider-like creature, exoskeleton silver with circuitry patterns running all over it, looked about the Penumbral reflection of Hacks' apartment, then focused on the metis
Hacks wiped a bit of sweat off his hairless head and nodded to the spirit. "Greetings, Net-Spider. Do I have a deal for you!"
The Weaver is the enemy the Garou have ignored for too long. They saw the Wyrm as the greater threat, which was indeed a terrible error. Now, some Garou have learned not to brush off the Weaver so easily. The Nation is steadily awakening to the greater threat the Weaver truly poses to Gaia. They study this mad foe and everything it represents. But still, not every Garou sees it as an enemy. The Glass Walkers, in particular, see the Weaver as an ally against the Wyrm.
The more a Garou delves into the lore of the Weaver, the more one risks losing their connection to the Wyld and becoming part of the Weaver's Webs. For every level of Weaver Lore you have over your Willpower score, you suffer a 1 trait penalty to the difficulties of shifting forms and using non-Weaver Gifts.
• You can identify several types of Weaver creatures.
•• You know enough to start resenting technology.....or be more drawn to it.
••• You know a little about the geography and people of the Cyber Realm.
•••• You can understand the Onesong.
••••• You know enough to be a major threat to the Pattern Web.
Possessed by: Glass Walkers, Bone Gnawers, Theurges, Ananasi, Drones
Specialties: Weaver-spirits, Drones, DNA, The Pattern Web, Shinzui Industries, Weavertech, The CyberRealm
Pentex Lore
Tony tried to resist the urge to whistle as he worked. Silence was needed here. Frank and Alisha kept an eye out at the windows of the Magadon motor pool, while Hacks-the-Gauntlet kept watch on the Penumbra, his eyes glowing white as the metis Peeked through.
One by one, each tanker truck was sabotaged. Sugar in the gas tanks, spare tires subtly punctured, CB radios crosswired. Sure, they seemed like small things, but not every mission was about killing fomori guards or raiding online bank accounts. Even something like this would cost "PX" money and time, two things the corporation loved more than anything. They had budgets and timetables to answer to, after all. The more the bastards were slowed up, the more time Tony and his fellow Monkeywrenchers had to do the big stuff.
The Wyrm's most powerful tool on Earth is this corrupt megacorporation, which plunders and poisons Gaia everyday in its endless greed. Many Garou make a point of learning what they can about it to better destroy it. This lore is of particular use to the so-called "Monkeywrenchers," Garou who dedicate themselves to taking Pentex down by any means possible (most of whom are Glass Walkers).
• You know there's an alleged shadow company out there that owns a lot of other companies, and it's not pretty. What was it called again?
•• You can name some of Pentex's subsidiaries and what they generally do. But you still have not been able to nail it down to a singular head corporation yet.
••• You know the name of Pentex, and very basically how it works. Very basically.
•••• Monkeywrenchers know you, and you are in the know of Pentex workings (and known by them, as well).
••••• You have a solid working knowledge of the Pentex infrastructure, as well as the names of most of its 'major' subsidiaries. You are on the 'dangerous' list with Pentex first teams.
•••••• You know the names of most Pentex Board Members...and how to get to them.
Possessed by: Pentex Board Members, First Team Leaders, Monkeywrenchers, Ratkin, other Garou
Specialties: Subsidiaries, Board Members, First Teams, Corporate Strategy, Monkeywrenching Tactics
Silver Record Lore (Esoteric History)
Voices-of-the-Past finished her tale with a flourish, then stood there. The moot was silent. The sept stared at her, firelight gleaming in their eyes. The Fianna quickly wonders what she had done wrong. The tale of Silver-Stag and the Lost Grand Klaive was a classic from the Record, and she knew she hadn't left anything out. Was it her delivery? Had she not been believable?
She needn't have worried. the silence, as it turned out, was in appreciation for a well-told story. One by one, the Galliard's fellow Fianna started to howl, loud and cheerful, the Garou equivalent of applause.
The Silver Record is the greatest deeds of the Garou, inscribed into glyphs and held by the spirits of lore for all time. These are the true legends of the werewolves, and with this Lore you know many of these stories and parables. Aside from the histories themselves, this Knowledge also gives a complete working knowledge of the Garou Glyph system.
• You remember a story or two from Moots.
•• You have several good tales memorized.
••• \You have a common Galliard's knowledge of the Record.
•••• Many of the lesser known tales and glyphs are familiar to you.
••••• You are a Keeper of the Record.
Possessed by: Galliards, Fianna, Keepers of the Record
Specialties: War Stories, Morality Tales, Romances, Songs, Glyphs
(*All dots listed on this page are representative of number of traits in that lore)
Renown by Rank
Ragabash Theurge Philodox Galliard Ahroun
Rank Any
Cliath (1) 3 0/0/3 0/3/0 2/0/1 2/1/0
Fostern (2) 7 1/0/5 0/5/1 4/0/2 4/1/1
Adren (3) 11 2/1/7 2/6/2 4/2/4 6/3/2
Athro (4) 19 4/2/9 3/8/4 7/2/6 9/5/2
Elder (5) 25 4/9/10 4/10/9 9/5/9 10/9/4
Legend (6)-Once a character gets enough renown to achieve Legend status then that character becomes an NPC and may not be played. And yes garou ranks do go up to RANK 9, though in the WoD Universe only two Garou have ever reached this rank, and one of them is alive: Zyzachs 9th rank BSD ( be very afraid)