Experience FAQ

I get a lot of questions about XP. Here's some instant answers for your convience.

How Do I Get Experience Anyway?

You get experience by showing up at the games, getting player votes, or even storyteller votes. You get one point just for telling out Treasurer that you're there (though we'd prefer you pay the $5 entrance fee.) You can get up to two more points from Player votes. You can get a vote for filling a staff position (narrator, costumes, food preperation, etc.) You can also get and extra point from a Storyteller if they feel you have done an outstanding job.

What Are Player Votes?

Every player gets a vote sheet at the end of the night. On it are five slots on which the player should write the names of five people they think deserve an extra experience point. Each player only has two points to give, however each person can only earn two player experience points.The extra slots are in case one of the people listed already has their two player points. ie;  I vote for Player A, Player B, Player C, Player D and Player E. When the votes are being calculated and the secretary reaches my vote Player A already has two player votes. Then the secretary looks at my next choice, Player B. Player B has no player votes yet, so therefore Player B would get my first vote. The secretary then looks at the next person, Player C. Player C only has one vote, so that person would get my second vote. Both of my votes are now used so the rest of my votes will be discarded.

How do some people get 5 points at a game?

There are several reasons for this. It is possible for a person to get 5 points by checking in with the Treasurer (there's one point), getting two player votes (that's two more to make three), being on staff (there's one more for four), and by getting a Storyteller vote (there's one more, making 5). It's even possible for some one to get two Storyteller points, though it is VERY unlikely.

Why do I only have one experience point? I know people voted for me.

Well, this happens sometimes. Did you check in with the Treasurer? He's at the door to the Sanctuary taking entrance fees every game. Second, the people that voted for you probably put you as 4th or 5th on their sheets, which means their points probably went to some one else first. Third, if you're a Staff member did you fill you position this past game? Some positions (such as costume and props) aren't needed every game. If you still feel you earned experience that you didn't get talk to your Storyteller.

What is the difference between Background points and Experience points?

 Background points are awarded at Character creation to build a new character. You recieve background points by creating a background story and giving it to your storyteller. After all no one just apppears in a city, they must have some reason to be there be it world domination or just that the character was born there. Experience points are earned by actually playing your character.

How are Background points determined?

Rules For Character Starting Points

· Without a character history all characters are created as a base character. Vampire generation is subject to approval by your storyteller.

With a character history bonus XP are added to the base character as follows:

Random Bonus

+( 1-6)

Played Before

+ (1-5)

Part of a Group Concept


Has a plot that allows others to get involved


Vampires with a PC Sire

+(points for generation)

History: Ok +5
Good +10
Pretty Good +15
Great +20
Outstanding +30

Vampire Generation

· Generation must still be purchased

Bonus XP


Approx. Vampiric Age



1 year



10 years



30 years



60 years



150 years



300 years



600 years

Any more Questions?
