Our existence and all that we have is the result of the endeavors of the hunter. All who live, live because our ancestors insured the survival of our species through hunting. Before we were farmers, before we were carpenters or doctors and before we were technicians and philosophers, we were hunters. We gathered from the earth in times of harvest the bounty that nature provided. In non-harvest times our skills as predators enabled us to survive and perpetuate our species.

That we are predators is undeniable. Like raptors and other predators we possess forward looking eyes and the ability to calculate. Each of us is biologically and physically in a class with the wolf and the tiger. Our creator has given every day-care teacher, construction worker, priest and entertainer, the faculties of one who pursues and consumes species of prey.

We are not brothers to the fawn, the dove or the rabbit. We do not possess eyes on the side of our head to help detect predators. We do not have the capability of flight to aid in escaping predators. We do not have enlarged ears or an incredible olfactory ability to assist in detecting predators---we are the predators!

To obey the instinct to hunt is to honor the intent of our creator. To disavow the righteousness of hunting and condemn those who choose to hunt is dishonorable and evidentiary of a lack of knowledge. To hunt without ethics and respect is equally dishonorable and void of knowledge.

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