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People interested in the origins of African history and matters relative to Solomonic Temple treasures taken to Africa may wish to consider the following items:
Early Africa: The nearby habitations of the Edenic Valley (4005-2350 BC) (Zero to 1655 from Creation) existed off-shore from Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia (i.e. beneath the Red Sea today). That is, the Ancient Nuzi Map indicates that some remnants of the ancient Edenic Valley may possibly be found in either or both the Sawakin and Dahlak Archipelagos.
Note that even the Tekeze River appears on the Nuzi Map. That is, the Tekeze begins well to the Southeast of modern Asmera, Eritrea from where it flows Westerly through Ethiopia to become the Atbara River in Sudan. The Atbara then turns Northwest until it enters the Nile River at the city of Atbara, Sudan on the Southeast corner of the great bend of the Nile.
The Tekeze is important as post flood migrations apparently followed South along the Eastern shore of the Red Sea through Arabia to modern Yemen to cross into Africa at the Strait of Bab al Mandab. Then people traversed Northwest to the Tekeze and continued down river to the Nile.
Israel And Africans: Israel's lineage was injected into the black races of Africa as a result of Shishak's invasion of the Holy Lands (867 BC) (3138 from Creation) wherein many Israelites were taken captive to Africa. See:
Now apply GOD'S Marriage Laws and the Israelite lineage was obviously injected into the Egyptians, the Lubims (Libyans and interior Africans), the Sukkims (hut dwellers), and Ethiopians (II Chronicles 12:3-4).
Shishak's Trove: In addition to people (Israelites), treasures taken from the Holy Lands to Africa by Shishak and those with him involved both Solomonic Temple Treasures and treasures from the King's House, the castle of Zion, wherein King Saul, King David, and King Solomon had dwelt (I Kings 14:26; II Chronicles 12:9). Note: The Solomonic Temple's preserved remnants are West of the Valley of Ben Hinnom (Jeremiah 19:2 KJV) (i.e. nearly a mile West of the traditional mount).
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Treasures taken by Shishak to Africa in 867 BC should still be somewhere in Africa. Perhaps treasures on Tana Kirkos Island in Lake Tana, Ethiopia were a part of Shishak's trove. But since there were Libyans, interior Africans, Ethiopians, hut dwellers, and Egyptians with Shishak, Shishak's trove including Israelite captives from 150 towns were apparently well dispersed throughout Africa.
Ancient records may exist in various places. For example, the ancient library in Tombouctou, Mali, may contain legends describing what happened if not more factual data. This is in addition to Shishak's own account in Karnak, Egypt.
GOD'S Holy Arks: Two Holy Arks were assembled and are still in Palestine. Both were taken captive in 1985 AD by the occupation forces (Zechariah 5:4; Genesis 49:1,10) (See Scam 5).
The first Holy Ark originated in Eden, transitted The Flood with Noah (Habakkuk 3:3), and was hidden by Jacob before he sojourned to Egypt to reunite with Joseph.
The second Holy Ark, assembled under Moses, was eventually placed in the Solomonic Temple. Then this second Ark was removed from the Solomonic Temple and hidden by Jeremiah when Nebuchadnezzar (who had seized Jerusalem) returned to Babylon for his coronation when his father died c. 3501 from Creation (504 BC) (Jeremiah 43:8-10; II Maccabees 2:4-8).
Both Holy Arks will be brought out of their imprisonment as The LORD'S Day progresses. Ezekiel and the Song of Solomon speak of these events (Ezekiel 12:3-7 versus 12:8-12; Song of Solomon 2:1 thru 8:14).
More Links To The Distant Past: The ancient city of Axum (Eritrea) once stretched across the Red Sea (as legends state). If this were correct Axum had to do so before The Flood (i.e. before the Edenic Valley sank to form the Red Sea). And if this legend were true, the ancient city of Axum had to be somehow associated with the Edenic Valley.
For more details regarding the Edenic Valley, the city built by Cain (East of Eden), the city of Noah, The Flood, etc. see Page Directory. Note Axum is West of the Edenic Valley.
Prepared By Father - Son Team George & Dana Brown P.O. Box 320932 Cocoa Beach, Florida USA 32932-0932 Email: brianshouse@yahoo.com |