Cherry Merry Muffin Playsets!!!

There are a lot of Cherry playsets out there and I'm not sure what all came with them, but here's a few that I do know about!



Consists of a Character that is a muffin mix box. She converts into a kitchen table.
She is red w/a yellow door, light pink hands & green feet.
Not sure of what play pieces came with her!


Consists of a Character that is a kitchen sink. Take the countertop off and she's a mixing bowl!
The bowl part of her is purple, the countertop is pink, her shoes are red & white & her arms are green.
Also comes with a Spoon Character that is a towel rack. You can use her as a mixing spoon in the bowl!

The spoon is light pink w/yellow feet!
Also included(that I know of!) is a green rack(inserts into countertop. A green spoon that hangs on rack. 1 towel & 1 dishrag(white w/red vertical & horozontal lines), A yellow square bushel of red cherries, a yellow round basket of green apples, a blue jar, a blue can, a red jam jar w/pink fancy lid(can be used as a stool). Not sure what else came with this set.

(3) BAKE-N-????? PLAYSET

Consists of a Character that is an oven timer. She converts into an oven for the dolls.
She is light pink w/a yellow door and top(flips up), purple hands & hot pink feet.
Also included(that I know of!) is a green pot w/lid, cherry red cooling rack, green strainer, cardboard box of cake flour, cardboard box of sugar, hot pink bundt pan, yellow bundt cake(fits in pan), yellow cookies(actually 16 stuck together in one piece), cherry red measuring cup & a yellow pie. I'm sure there's more that comes with this playset, but I have all of my pieces mixed up! If you can help, please write to me!


Consists of a Character that is a carton of milk. She converts into a refridgerator for the dolls.
I think she is light pink.
She comes with a light pink shelf, 2 cherry red cartons of milk, a light pink egg carton.
I'm not sure what else she comes with?


(1) PASTRY CAFE - 18 piece playset!

NOTE: This is the only playset I actually had growing up, so I know of all the pieces for it!
Consists of a Cherry pie character. She turns into a picnic table!

Her body is purple with a white doilie-looking skirt, yellow pie top w/red accents & big cherry on top. Her legs are yellow(actually a seperate piece from the body. And her hands are green.
She has a blue spoon that she holds in her hand when she's a pie that is used for the umbrella post when she is a picnic table. Pie top turns into the umbrella!
She comes with the following: 6 cardboard placemats(oval shaped with blue/purple checkerboard pattern, picture of a plate, fork and spoon, on each plate is either cherries, grapes, gumdrop, chocolate chip, vanilla candy rose or peppermint), blue slice of cake(triangle shaped), 2 hot pink cupcakes w/yellow tops(converts into stools & the tops become bowls), 2 small yellow muffins, & 1 yellow serving platter.

There is also a bake shop and a wedding cake playset that I'll try to get info on!!! Also, I have seen a picture of a playcase. It's pretty big. It's a nice place to store your dolls and also can be used as a house! I hope to own one someday!


Here is a list of my loose accessories. I need to know which playsets they came with! If you know, please E-mail me! Please note that these are NOT FOR SALE!
(1) BLUE: rolling pin
(2) PURPLE: tall cup, teacup, spatula, spoon w/holes
(3) CHERRY RED: spoon w/holes
(4) LIGHT PINK: teapot(2-pieces), teacup
(7) PASTEL GREEN: teapot(2-pieces)
(8) BROWN: small muffin
(9) CARDBOARD: raisin box, cocoa box